UNT Undergraduate Catalog
Institute of Applied Economics

Main Office
Wooten Hall, 366
P.O. Box 310469
Denton, TX 76203-0469
(940) 565-3437

Web site: www.unt.edu/aeco/

Bernard L. Weinstein, Director

Terry L. Clower, Adviser


Professors McKee, Weinstein.

Programs of Study

The institute offers a graduate program in the following area:

Interdisciplinary Minor in Alternative Dispute Resolution

A minor in alternative dispute resolution requires a total of 21 hours, including 9 advanced, and consists of AECO 2120, 4120, 4420 and COMM 2025, plus three courses from the following list chosen in consultation with an adviser in the Institute of Applied Economics and representing at least two different academic departments: AECO 4020, BLAW 3430, CJUS 3210, MGMT 3870 or PSYC 3640.

Graduate Degrees

The Institute of Applied Economics offers a professional program leading to a Master of Science with a major in applied economics.

Faculty from the institute also participate in a program leading to a Master of Science with a major in interdisciplinary studies administered by the School of Graduate Studies.

The goal of these degree programs is to prepare recent graduates and practitioners for careers in business and industry, government, and the nonprofit sector. Interested students should contact the director of the institute for a list of current course offerings.

The institute is affiliated closely with the University Center for Economic Development and Research, which provides economic and public policy research and consulting services to organizations in the private, nonprofit and public sectors. Projects conducted by the center offer students of the Institute of Applied Economics both professional development and career opportunities.

Courses of Instruction

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