Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation

Main Office
Physical Education Building, 209
P.O. Box 311337
Denton, TX 76203-1337
(940) 565-2651

Web site:

James R. Morrow Jr., Chair

Graduate Faculty: Albertson, Bahnsen, Bailey, Bungum, Caldwell, Chng, Collins, Cornelius, Delaney, Goggin, Hill, Hood, Jackson, Keller, Koziris, Martin, Morrow, Patton, Pekara, Perez, Richardson, Valerius, Weiller, Wilhite.

The Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation offers graduate programs leading to the following degree:

The degrees offered and the career opportunities afforded by the degrees are outlined in the program descriptions below.

Admission Requirements

Applicants for admission into the department's graduate programs are expected to have the following qualifications to obtain unconditional admission:

1. a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution;

2. a minimum 2.8 (on a 4.0 scale) grade point average (GPA) overall or at least a 3.0 during the last 60 hours of undergraduate work; and

3. a minimum combined score of at least 800 on the verbal and quantitative sections of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) with a minimum score of 375 on the verbal and 375 on the quantitative sections. Students who do not meet minimum admission standards may be required to complete additional course work.

If the student's GPA falls below these levels, the student may be admitted if the GRE score is high enough. A sliding scale is utilized to determine the specific GRE requirement based on the student's GPA. (Note: A student with a GPA lower than 2.4 will not be considered, regardless of the GRE score. If the GPA is below 2.8 overall or 3.0 for the last 60 hours, a minimum GRE score of 900 is required.) In addition, international students need a TOEFL score of at least 550.

The GRE requirement must be successfully met during the first semester at UNT. Students will not be permitted to take additional graduate classes until they fulfill this requirement. Therefore, it is strongly suggested that students complete this requirement before enrolling at UNT.

Health Promotion Degree Programs

The program in health promotion aims to improve personal and community health through its educational, research and service programs.

The school health promotion program is accredited by the Texas Education Agency at the secondary level.

Graduates of the program are employed in a wide range of school and community health settings: public health departments; voluntary organizations; corporate and other work-site settings; health-care environments; federal, state and local agencies; professional health organizations; hospital-based health programs; commercial health promotion settings; and secondary schools.


Current research of the faculty in the health promotion program includes investigations of the impact of health promotion in the workplace and the impact of corporate fitness programs on the health status of employees. Other research includes investigation of the impact of AIDS on dating and sexual behavior, study of issues of sexuality among college students, epidemiological analysis of the psychosocial determinants of health behavior, youth fitness and wellness, cross-cultural correlates of health promotion and an examination of holistic health issues.

Master of Science

The program offers a Master of Science degree that emphasizes the scientific base of community and school health, and the investigation of community health-related problems. This degree allows pursuit of special academic interests, yet requires a core of study in school and community health-related issues. The program offers two options, thesis or non-thesis, for the Master of Science degree.

Additional Admission Requirements

The program requires that each applicant demonstrates the ability to perform at the B level or better and submit a brief statement of professional goals and objectives.

Students without an undergraduate degree in health promotion may be required to take additional hours of deficiencies.

Degree Requirements

1. 36 semester hours are required.

2. All students must complete an 18-hour core of graduate courses in health promotion.

Graduate Internship can be waived by the program coordinator for students with a minimum of one year of health promotion experience

3. All students must complete 6 hours of studies for a minor from a related field to be selected with the approval of the major professor.

4. Thesis students must complete HLTH 5950 (6 hours).

5. In lieu of a thesis, non-thesis students will complete HLTH 5900 and from it produce a graduate-level project and/or professional paper. Master of Science candidates who select the non-thesis option are required to successfully complete a three-part written and oral comprehensive examination during their last semester of enrollment.

6. Thesis students must complete 6 hours of health electives, whereas non-thesis students must complete 9 hours.

Driver and Traffic Safety Endorsement

Individuals who possess an undergraduate degree in any field may complete 6 hours of DRED courses and be endorsed as a teaching assistant. This endorsement permits them to instruct behind the wheel and in simulators, but it does not permit them to engage in classroom instruction.

Individuals who hold a teaching certificate may complete 9 hours of DRED courses to receive endorsement as a teacher of driver and traffic safety. This endorsement permits them to perform the duties of a teaching assistant and to teach driver and traffic safety in the classroom.

Individuals who have endorsement as a teacher of driver and traffic safety may complete an additional 6 hours of DRED courses and receive certification as a supervising teacher. Persons certified at this level also are permitted to supervise the activities of up to five individuals certified at the teaching assistant level.

Kinesiology Degree Programs

The primary purposes of the program in kinesiology are to provide students with an understanding of basic research methodology; to acquaint students with the professional literature, trends and research being conducted in kinesiology; and to enable students to take electives in an area of interest, such as sport psychology, exercise physiology, health/fitness management, motor behavior, teacher behavior and administration.

Career opportunities for graduates are generally found in the private sector with health clubs, wellness centers, corporations, rehabilitation centers, athletic groups and other private groups; or within the teaching profession as teachers, coaches, athletic trainers and administrators.


Current research in kinesiology includes overtraining and burnout, mental health benefits of physical activity, and studies of exercise and fitness in special populations. Other projects include anxiety and motor performance,
mental preparation strategies and maximum performance, central versus peripheral cardiovascular adjustments to exercise, measurement and evaluation of physical fitness, age and physical activity and fitness, sociological profiles of sport consumers, regional commercial sport development, gender-sport issues in the twentieth century, job characteristics and work production of sport/fitness personnel and professional preparation of high school and college administrators.

Financial support for the research programs comes from internal faculty research grants and instructional grants, as well as external funding agencies at the local, regional and national levels.

Master of Science

The Master of Science 36-hour degree includes a 15-hour core curriculum of courses in kinesiology. The student takes 21 hours of additional course work (which may include thesis) that allow development of an interest area such as sport psychology, exercise physiology, health/fitness management, motor behavior, sport sociology, teacher behavior and administration.

Degree Requirements

1. 36 semester hours are required.

2. All students will complete a 15-hour core of graduate courses in kinesiology.

3. Thesis students will complete KINE 5950 (6 hours).

4. Non-thesis students will take a designated capstone course (KINE 5940, 3 hours) which may be taken only after completing a minimum of 24 hours including all KINE core courses. Master of Science candidates who select the non-thesis option are required to successfully complete a final comprehensive examination during the designated capstone course (KINE 5940). A student who fails the comprehensive examination must wait until the next long semester to repeat the exam.

5. The remaining 15-18 hours will be electives with no more than 6 hours outside of KINE.

Recreation and Leisure Studies Degree Program

The Master of Science degree program with a major in recreation and leisure studies is designed to prepare students for management-level positions within the leisure service field or the therapeutic recreation area, or for further graduate work in recreation and leisure studies.

Career opportunities include leadership and management positions in various agencies such as voluntary leisure organizations, private and commercial enterprises, military bases, schools, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, nursing homes, and psychiatric programs.


Continuing research activities in recreation and leisure studies are focused on examining the antecedents to leisure, the experiencing of leisure and the consequences of leisure participation. Research also is conducted on various methods and techniques of professional practice. Specific research studies focus on therapeutic recreation intervention techniques, community attitude and interest studies, recreation experiences in fitness programs, program administration procedures and the development of evaluation procedures for leisure services. In addition, research is ongoing in the assessment of leisure functioning, barriers to leisure and the future of leisure in society.

Financial support for research programs is generated by the faculty from internal university resources and external grants and contracts.

Master of Science Degree Program

The graduate program in recreation and leisure studies provides a 36-hour Master of Science degree, with opportunities for students to take course work in program management and therapeutic recreation.

Students must satisfy the requirements for admission to the School of Graduate Studies and the Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation as described in this catalog.

Additional Admission Requirements

Students without an undergraduate degree in recreation, parks or leisure studies will be required to take up to 9 hours of deficiency work before being admitted to the master's degree program.

Every student is required to take 15 hours of core courses:

Students with a career interest in program management take the following 9 hours of elective courses: RECR 5060, 5080 and 5850. Students with a career interest in therapeutic recreation take the following 9 hours of elective courses: RECR 4760, 5130 and 5870.

Both thesis and non-thesis options are available. Students selecting the thesis option will register for 6 hours of thesis credit and will complete a 6-hour minor. Students selecting the non-thesis option will register for RECR 5110 and will complete a 9-hour minor. Non-thesis students will complete a written comprehensive examination appropriate to the selected interest area.

Students with no work experience in recreation and leisure services and those preparing for certification in therapeutic recreation with no prior therapeutic recreation internship will be required to complete RECR 5860 as a deficiency (does not count on the degree plan).

A minor (6-9 hours) to complete the 36-hour program is selected in consultation with the graduate adviser. Recommended minors include public administration, sociology, computer sciences, education, business, psychology, rehabilitation studies, gerontology, kinesiology and health promotion.

Courses of Instruction

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