UNT Graduate Catalog Faculty

All personnel listings in this section are based on information available when this bulletin went to press.

A new system for the selection of graduate faculty members was approved by the Graduate Council in October 1992. Under this system, all full-time faculty members of the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor are members of the graduate faculty, but individual faculty members may be classified as Category I, II or III. The qualifications for appointment to a category depend upon the faculty member's record of scholarly, creative and research activities. Category III reflects the highest level of scholarly attainment. Faculty members in any of the three categories may serve on thesis or dissertation committees as a member. Category II faculty members may serve as directors of thesis committees and co-directors of dissertation committees. Graduate faculty members in Category III are the only faculty eligible to serve as chairs of dissertation or doctoral lecture recital committees.

Effective August 22, 1994, each faculty member must be a member of the appropriate graduate faculty category to direct new theses or dissertations. Each faculty member's category status is enclosed in brackets [ ]. A complete listing of graduate faculty members in Category I, II and III is available in the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies and in the main offices of each department, school and college. Students are advised to consult this list regarding the selection of faculty advisers for theses and dissertations.

Graduate faculty of the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (UNTHSC-FW) also are members of the graduate faculty of the University of North Texas and thus can serve as mentors or committee members of UNT graduate students appropriate to their graduate appointment. See the UNTHSC-FW Graduate Catalog for UNTHSC-FW graduate faculty listings.

HURLEY, ALFRED F., Chancellor and President and Professor of History. BA, St. John's University; MA, PhD, Princeton University. [III]

ABERNATHY, LEWIS McLAURINE, Professor of Economics, Director of the Labor and Industrial Relations Institute. BBA, MBA, University of Mississippi; PhD, University of Oklahoma. [II]

ACEVEDO, MIGUEL, Professor of Geography. BSEE, MSEE, University of Texas at Austin; MEng, PhD, University of California at Berkeley. [III]

ACREE, WILLIAM, JR., Professor of Chemistry. BS, MS, PhD, University of Missouri at Rolla. [III]

ADAMS, ROBERT SEXTON, Professor of Management. BBA, MBA, University of North Texas; PhD, Louisiana State University. [I]

ADKINS, CECIL DALE, Regents Professor of Music. BFA, University of Omaha; MM, University of South Dakota; PhD, State University of Iowa. [III]

ADKISON, JUDITH A., Associate Professor of the Department of Teacher Education and Administration, Associate Dean of the College of Education. BA, Smith College; MA, PhD, University of New Mexico. [II]

ALBERS-MILLER, NANCY D., Assistant Professor of Marketing. BS, University of Texas at Austin; MBA, Southwest Texas State University; PhD, University of Houston. [II]

ALBERTSON, ROXANNE M., Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, Ursinus College; MS, University of Colorado; PhD, University of Oregon. [II]

ALBRIGHT, JIM, Associate Professor of Journalism. BJ, University of Missouri; JD, University of Toledo. [II]

ALLEN, DIANE D., Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BA, Memphis State University; MS, EdD, Oklahoma State University. [III]

ALLEN, JEFF M., Assistant Professor of Technology and Cognition. BAAS, MS, University of North Texas; PhD, Pennsylvania State University. [III]

ALLEN, JOHN ED, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Mathematics. BS, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; MS, PhD, Oklahoma State University. [II]

ALLISON, JOHN M., Associate Professor of Communication Studies. BA, University of South Florida; MA, University of North Carolina; PhD, Louisiana State University. [II]

ALORWOYIE, GIDEON FOLI, Assistant Professor of Music. Midawo (High Priest) for the Yeve Cult; Vugafola (Master Drummer) and former Chief Master Drummer of the resident Ghana National Dance Ensemble. [I]

ALTEKRUSE, MICHAEL, Professor and Chair of the Department of Counseling, Development, and Higher Education. BS, MS, EdD, Indiana University. [III]

ANDERSON, GARY WELDON, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BA, MA, Adams State College; EdD, University of Arizona. [II]

ANDRADE, LYDIA, Assistant Professor of Political Science. BA, Southwestern University; MA, PhD, Texas A&M University. [II]

ANGHEL, NICOLAE, Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, MS, University of Bucharest; PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

ARONSON, HARRIET JUNE, Professor of Psychology. BA, Douglas College, Rutgers University; MS, PhD, Purdue University. [III]

ATKINSON, SAMUEL F., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Oklahoma State University; MS, PhD, University of Oklahoma. [III]

AUSBROOKS, CARRIE, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BBA, MEd, PhD, University of North Texas. [II]

AUSTIN, JERRY L., Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, University of Texas at Austin; MS, Texas A&M University­Commerce; MFA, Louisiana State University. [II]

BAEN, JOHN S., Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, MUP, PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

BAHNSEN, KENNETH ANTONE, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, MS, University of North Texas. [I]

BAIER, JOHN L., Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, GMI, Engineering and Management Institute; MEd, State University of New York at Buffalo; PhD, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. [III]

BAILEY, DON CHARLES, Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, MA, State University of Iowa; EdD, University of Oregon. [I]

BAIRD, EDWARD ALLEN, Professor of Music. BA, MA, University of Missouri at Kansas City; DMA, University of Michigan. [III]

BAIRD, JAMES LEE, Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Texas at Austin; MA, Harvard University; PhD, University of Washington. [III]

BAKER, DAVID B., Associate Professor of Psychology. BA, Millersville University; MEd, Southwest Texas State University; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

BANE, ROBERT KING, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration and Director of the Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP). BS, MEd, University of North Texas; EdD, University of Florida. [II]

BANOWETZ, JOSEPH, Professor of Music. Artist Diploma, Vienna State Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts; BM, Southern Methodist University; MM, University of Missouri at Kansas City; study with Carl Friedberg and Gyorgy Sandor. [III]

BARNHART, JOE EDWARD, Professor of Philosophy and Religion Studies. BA, Carson-Newman College; MDiv, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, Boston University. [III]

BARTON, THOMAS R., Associate Professor of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions. BA, MA, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; MSSW, PhD, University of Wisconsin at Madison. [II]

BATOR, ELIZABETH M., Associate Professor of Mathematics. BA, MA, Montclair State College; PhD, Pennsylvania State University. [II]

BAUCOM, ALFRED, Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, MFA, Virginia Commonwealth University. [II]

BAVON, AL, Assistant Professor of Public Administration. BA, University of Ghana; MSP, PhD, Florida State University. [II]

BECK, MARIA L., Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

BECKER, JACK D., Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems and Director of the Information Systems Research Center. AB, MBA, PhD, Washington University. [II]

BECKMAN, PIERINA E., Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, Graceland College; MA, PhD, University of Iowa. [II]

BEITINGER, TOM LEE, Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Hamline University; MS, University of Rhode Island; PhD, University of Wisconsin. [III]

BENJAMIN, ROBERT C., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BA, Johns Hopkins University; PhD, Harvard University. [II]

BERG, ROBERT COLEMAN, Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, MEd, Wisconsin State University; EdD, Northern Illinois University. [III]

BERRY, NANCY W., Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. BS, University of Texas at Austin; MFA, MA, Southern Methodist University. [II]

BEYERLEIN, MICHAEL, Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, University of Oregon; MSEd, PhD, Colorado State University. [III]

BILYEU, RUSSELL GENE, Professor of Mathematics. BS, MS, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Kansas. [II]

BIMMERLE, CHARLES F., Associate Professor of Management. BSIM, MBA, MAIR, PhD, University of Cincinnati. [I]

BLAINE, DIANA, Assistant Professor of English. BA, Cal Poly Pomona; MA, PhD, University of California, Los Angeles. [II]

BLAND, ROBERT L., Professor and Chair of the Department of Public Administration. BS, Pepperdine University; MPA, MBA, University of Tennessee; PhD, University of Pittsburgh. [III]

BLOW, DAVID, Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, Michigan State University; MFA, Syracuse University. [II]

BODENHAMER-DAVIS, EUGENIA MAY, Associate Professor of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addiction. BA, Southern Methodist University; MEd, Texas Christian University; PhD, University of North Texas. [III]

BOGLE, EDRA CHARLOTTE, Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Northern Iowa; MS, Columbia University; PhD, University of Southern California. [II]

BOLEY, RICHARD, Professor of Accounting. BS, MS, University of Kansas; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

BOND, BRUCE, Associate Professor of English. BA, Pomona College; MA Claremont Graduate School; MA, PhD, University of Denver. [III]

BOOKS, JOHN WILLIAM, Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, Wisconsin State University; MA, University of Wisconsin; PhD, Michigan State University. [II]

BOOTH, JOHN A., Regents Professor of Political Science. BA, Rice University; MA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

BORODIN, IGOR, Associate Professor of Music. BM, MM, PhD, Leningrad Conservatory, Leningrad, Russia. [II]

BOWMAN, LARRY GENE, Professor of History and Director of Cooperative Education. AB, MS, Fort Hays Kansas State College; PhD, University of New Mexico. [III]

BOYD, NANCY, Associate Professor of Management. BS, Southwest Texas State University; MBA, Corpus Christi State University; PhD, Memphis State University. [III]

BOYNTON, CHARLES E. IV, Associate Professor of Accounting. AB, Emory University; MBA, Columbia University; PhD, University of Illinois; CPA, Florida. [II]

BRADETICH, JEFFREY DAVID, Associate Professor of Music. BM, MM, Northwestern University. [II]

BRADY, WILLIAM THOMAS, Regents Professor of Chemistry. BA, MS, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

BRAND, NEAL, Professor of Mathematics. BS, Purdue University; MS, PhD, Stanford University. [III]

BRANDON, B. LYNN, Assistant Professor of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BS, Louisiana Tech University; MS, University of Alabama. [II]

BRASWELL, MICHAEL, Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BA, Austin College; JD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

BRATERMAN, PAUL SYDNEY, Regents Professor of Chemistry. BA, MA, PhD, DSc, Oxford University. [III]

BRATTON, SUE, Assistant Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, MEd, PhD, University of North Texas. [III]

BRAZILE, ROBERT P., Associate Professor of Computer Sciences. BA, MS, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas at Dallas. [III]

BRITTENHAM, MARK, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BS, State University of New York at Stony Brook; MS, PhD, Cornell University. [II]

BROOKSHIRE, WILLIAM KIRKLEN, Associate Professor of Technology and Cognition. BBA, University of Texas at Austin; MA, PhD, Colorado State College. [III]

BROSTOW, WITOLD, Professor of Materials Science. MS, Doctor of Mathematico-Physical Sciences, University of Warsaw; Doctor of Science in Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences. [III]

BROTHERS, LESTER DWAYNE, Professor of Music. BA, California State University at Fresno; MA, PhD, University of California at Los Angeles. [III]

BROWNELL, BLAINE A., Professor of History and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. BA, Washington and Lee University; MA, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [III]

BROYLES, SHERI, Assistant Professor of Journalism. BM, MA, University of Missouri­Columbia; MA, PhD, Southern Methodist University. [II]

BROZOVIC, DOUGLAS, Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, MS, PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

BRUNER, MICHAEL STEPHEN, Associate Professor of Communication Studies. BA, West Virginia Wesleyan College; MDiv, Yale University; PhD, University of Pittsburgh. [III]

BRUSILOW, ANSHEL, Regents Professor of Music. Professional Certificate, Philadelphia Musical Academy; Honorary Doctorate, Capital University. [III]

BUCKALEW, MARY JUNE, Assistant Professor of English. BA, MA, Texas Woman's University; PhD, Texas Christian University. [II]

BUHLER, JUNE HARRIS, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, Texas Christian University; MS, EdD, University of Arkansas. [III]

BULLOCK, LYNDAL M., Regents Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, Southwestern College; MRE, Southwestern Seminary; BA, Oklahoma City University; MEd, University of Oklahoma; EdD, University of Kansas. [III]

BUNGUM, TIMOTHY J., Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BA, Luther College; MS, DrPH, University of South Carolina. [III]

BUSBY, ROY KIDDER, Professor of Journalism. BA, MBA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Oklahoma. [II]

BUSH, DEANNA D., Associate Professor of Music. BM, MM, PhD, Eastman School of Music. [II]

BUTT, HARLAN W., Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, Temple University; MFA, Southern Illinois University. [III]

CALDWELL, PATSY SUE, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BA, Ouachita College; MS, Baylor University; EdD, University of Houston. [II]

CALLAHAN, KEVIN J., Assistant Professor of Technology and Cognition. BA, University of West Florida; MEd, Georgia State University; PhD, Utah State University. [III]

CALLICOTT, J. BAIRD, Professor of Philosophy and Religion Studies. BA Rhodes College; MA, PhD, Syracuse University. [III]

CAMP, WILLIAM, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, MS, Texas Tech University; MBA, EdD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. [III]

CAMPBELL, LLOYD PAUL, Regents Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, MEd, University of North Texas; EdD, University of Northern Colorado. [II]

CAMPBELL, RANDOLPH BLUFORD, Regents Professor of History. BS, MA, PhD, University of Virginia. [III]

CAMPBELL, VICKI LYNN, Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, Michigan State University; MEd, PhD, University of Missouri. [III]

CANDELARIA, LEONARD ANTHONY, Professor of Music. BME, MME, University of North Texas; DM, Northwestern University. [III]

CARSTARPHEN, META, Assistant Professor of Journalism. BA, Temple University; MA, PhD, Texas Woman's University. [III]

CASTRO, ALFONSO, Professor of Mathematics. BS, MS, National University of Colombia; PhD, University of Cincinnati. [III]

CAWYER, CAROL, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. BA, MA, PhD, University of Oklahoma. [II]

CHANDLER, CYNTHIA, Associate Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BA, MA, EdD, Texas Tech University. [III]

CHANDLER, YVONNE J., Assistant Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BA, Clark College, Atlanta; MS, Atlanta University; PhD, University of Michigan. [II]

CHANDRASEKARAN, PERINKOLAM, Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, University of Madras, India; MBA, DBA, Texas Tech University. [III]

CHAPMAN, KENT D., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences. BA, Lycoming College; PhD, Arizona State University. [III]

CHELLIAH, SHOBHANA L., Assistant Professor of English. BA, MA, University of Delhi; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

CHIPMAN, DONALD EUGENE, Professor of History. AB, MS, Fort Hays Kansas State College; PhD, University of New Mexico. [III]

CHNG, CHWEE LYE, Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BA, DipED, MEd, University of Malaysia; PhD, University of Wisconsin. [III]

CHO, GENE J., Professor of Music. BS, Chung-Hsing University; MA, Bob Jones University; MCM, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, Northwestern University. [III]

CHOWDHURY, JHINUK, Associate Professor of Marketing. BME, Jadavpur University; PhD, University of Florida. [III]

CHYAN, OLIVER M.R., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, National Chung-Hsing University; MS, National Taiwan University; MS, University of Texas at Arlington; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [III]

CLARDY, MARY K., Professor of Music. BM, MM, Catholic University of America; DMA, University of North Texas. [III]

CLARK, RUSSELL D., III, Professor of Psychology. BA, Tarkio College; MS, PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

CLARK, THOMAS SIDNEY, Professor and Associate Dean of the College of Music. BM, MM, DMA, University of Michigan. [III]

CLARKE, GEORGE WESTON, Assistant Professor of Public Administration. BS, West Georgia College; MPA, University of Georgia; PhD, University of Kentucky. [II]

CLARKE, HAROLD D., Regents Professor of Political Science. BA, MA, University of Western Ontario; PhD, Duke University. [III]

CLAY, JOAN MARIE, Associate Professor of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BsEd, Northern Illinois University; MS, Indiana State University; PhD, University of North Texas. [II]

CLAY, RAYMOND J., JR., Institute of Internal Audit Professorship and Professor of Accounting. BS, MS, Northern Illinois University; DBA, University of Kentucky. [III]

CLAYTON, HOWARD, Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BSc, University of West Indies, Jamaica; MS, PhD, University of Georgia. [III]

CLEVELAND, ANA D., Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BS, University of Texas; MS, PhD, Case Western Reserve University. [II]

CLEVELAND, DONALD B., Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BA, Howard Payne College; MLS, University of Texas at Austin; MS, Texas A&M University; PhD, Case Western Reserve University. [III]

CLOGAN, PAUL MAURICE, Professor of English. BA, MA, Boston College; PhD, University of Illinois. [III]

CLOUSER, JAMES B., Associate Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BA, Goddard College University; MA, MFA, Sam
Houston State. [I]

COBB, JEANNE B., Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, Western Carolina University; MS, EdD, University of Tennessee. [II]

COBB, STEVEN LEE, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Economics and Director of the Center for Economic Education. BA, Southwestern University; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [III]

COE, BARBARA J., Regents Professor of Marketing. BSBA, MS, University of Arizona; MA, PhD, Northwestern University. [III]

COE, TEDDY L., COPAS/PDI Professor of Accounting and Director, Institute of Petroleum Accounting. BBA, MS, Baylor University; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

COLE, C. STEVEN, Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, MBA, Southwest Missouri State University; PhD, University of Arkansas. [III]

COLLINS, JOHN R., JR., Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, MS, University of Tennessee; PhD, University of Illinois. [II]

COLLINS, MICHAEL BRUCE, Professor of Music. BA, MA, PhD, Stanford University. [III]

COMBEST, SANDRA JEAN, Professor and Chair of the Department of Dance and Theatre Arts. BS, Sul Ross State University; MEd, Texas Tech University. [II]

CONLEY, CHARLES, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BS, MIT; MS, Cal Tech; PhD, University of California at Los Angeles. [II]

CONOVER, JAMES A., Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, Cornell University; MS, PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

CONOVER, TERESA, Associate Professor of Accounting. BS, University of California at Davis; MBA, Oregon State University; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

CONRADY, DENIS ANTHONY, Associate Professor of Computer Sciences. BS, U.S. Naval Academy; MSEE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; PhD, Case Institute of Technology. [II]

CONTRERAS, GLORIA, Professor of Teacher Education. BS, MEd, University of Texas at El Paso; EdD, University of Georgia. [III]

COOMES, EDWARD JOHN, JR., Assistant Professor of History. BA, Rockhurst College; MA, University of Kansas. [I]

COPELAND, BENNY RAY, Regents Professor of Accounting. BBA, Southern Methodist University; MBA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

CORBIN, JOHN BOYD, Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BA, University of North Texas; MLS, University of Texas at Austin; PhD, University of Oklahoma. [III]

CORNELIUS, WILLIAM LEROY, Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BA, Arizona State University; MA, University of Wyoming; PhD, Texas Woman's University. [II]

CORPORON, EUGENE, Professor of Music. BA, California State University; MA, Claremont Graduate School. [III]

COWART, MELINDA F., Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, University of Texas; MEd, EdD, Texas A&M University­Commerce. [III]

COX, BARBARA C., Associate Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BA, State University of New York at Albany; MFA, Carnegie­Mellon University. [II]

COX, GLORIA C., Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Academic Core Programs. BA, MA, PhD, University of South Carolina. [II]

COY, DORIS R., Assistant Professor of Counseling, Development, and Higher Education. BS, University of Rio Grande, Ohio; MA, PhD, Ohio State University. [II]

CRAIG, MARGARET THERESA, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BEd, University of British Columbia; MEd, PhD, University of Victoria. [III]

CRAIG, STEVE, Professor and Chair of the Department of Radio, Television and Film. BS, Florida State University; MA, University of Florida; PhD, Florida State University. [III]

CRAWFORD, GLADYS HUDGINS, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, MS, University of North Texas. [I]

CRAWFORD, JOHN C., Professor of Marketing. BComm, University of NSW (Australia); MBA, Macquarie University (Australia); PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

CRITELLI, JOSEPH WILLIAM, Professor of Psychology. BS, Purdue University; MA, PhD, University of Illinois. [III]

CROCKER, BETTY C., Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, University of Texas at Austin; EdD, University of Georgia. [II]

CRUTSINGER, CHRISTY, Assistant Professor Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BS, MS, University of North Texas. [II]

CUKOR-AVILA, PATRICIA, Assistant Professor of English. BA, MA, Texas A&M University; PhD, University of Michigan. [III]

CULP, RALPH BORDEN, Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BA, MA, Southern Methodist University; PhD, Cornell University. [II]

CUNAGIN, WILEY D., Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, Florida State University; MS, University of South Florida; PhD, Texas A&M University. [II]

CUSHMAN, SHELLEY, Associate Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BA, University of California at Fresno; MA, University of California at Los Angeles. [II]

DAMICO, ANTHONY, Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. AB, MA, Xavier University; PhD, University of Cincinnati. [II]

DANILOFF, RAYMOND G., Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences. BSEd, California State College, Pennsylvania; MA, Harvard; PhD, University of Iowa. [III]

DAS, SAJAL K., Associate Professor of Computer Sciences. BS, BTECH, University of Calcutta; MS, Indian Institute of Science; PhD, University of Central Florida. [III]

DAVIS, DONALD JACK, Professor and Dean of the School of Visual Arts. BA, MA, Baylor University; PhD, University of Minnesota. [III]

DAVIS, RICHARD MILLER, Professor of Visual Arts. BS, Lamar University; MA, University of Wyoming. [III]

DAY, KAAREN D., Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, MA, Ball State University; EdD, Texas Woman's University. [II]

DeCARVALHO, ROY JOSE, Associate Professor of History. BA, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin. [III]

DEERING, WILLIAM DOUGLESS, Professor of Physics. BA, Texas Christian University; MS, PhD, New Mexico State University. [III]

DELANEY, GLORIA BROWNING WILLIAMSON, Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, MEd, University of North Texas; PhD, Texas Woman's University. [II]

DeLATTE, DAVID, Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of New Mexico; PhD, California Institute of Technology. [III]

DeLOACH, MARK B., Associate Professor of Communication Studies. BA, University of Texas at Arlington; MA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Southern California. [II]

DENTON, COURTNEY E., Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, MA, West Texas State University; PhD, Indiana University. [II]

DESIDERATO, ROBERT, JR., Associate Professor of Chemistry. AB, Columbia College; PhD, Rice University. [II]

DICKSON, KENNETH L., Regents Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of the Institute of Applied Sciences. BS, MS, University of North Texas; PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. [III]

Di FIORE, LINDA SPICHER, Professor of Music. BA, West Virginia Wesleyan College; MA, University of Iowa; MM, Wichita State University; DMA, University of Minnesota. [III]

DITZENBERGER, ROGER, Professor of Technology and Cognition. BA, MA, University of Northern Iowa; PhD, Iowa State University. [II]

DIXON, PAUL NICHOLS, Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

DOBSON, GERARD RAMSDEN, Regents Professor of Chemistry. BS, Florida Southern College; MEd, Temple University; PhD, Florida State University. [III]

DOHERTY, DORNITH, Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BA, Rice University; MFA, Yale University. [II]

DONAHUE, MANUS J., Professor of Biological Sciences and Associate Director of the Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science. BS, Villanova University; MS, University of North Texas; PhD, Oklahoma State University. [I]

DOSTER, JOSEPH A., Associate Professor of Psychology. BA, MA, PhD, Emory University. [III]

DOUGLASS, MATTHEW, Associate Professor of Mathematics. BA, MS, University of Minnesota; PhD, University of Oregon. [III]

D'SOUZA, NANDIKA, Assistant Professor of Materials Science. BE, University of Poona; MS, Auburn University; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

DSOUZA, DERRICK E., Associate Professor of Management. BTech, MBA, Indian Institute of Technology; PhD, Georgia State University. [III]

DUBAN, JAMES, Professor of English. BA, University of Massachusetts; MA, PhD, Cornell University. [II]

DUBOIS, SUSAN L., Assistant Professor of Music. BM, MM, University of Southern California; DMA, Julliard. [II]

DUGGAN, JEROME LEWIS, Professor of Physics. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, Louisiana State University. [III]

DURODOYE, BETH A., Assistant Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BA, MA, Marshall University; EdD, University of Virginia. [III]

DURST, SAMANTHA LEA, Assistant Professor of Public Administration. BA, Loyola University of Chicago; PhD, The
American University. [II]

DWORAK, PAUL E., Professor and Associate Dean of the College of Music. BFA, MFA, PhD, Carnegie-Mellon University. [III]

EATON, HENRY LAMAR, Associate Professor of History. BA, MA, PhD, University of Illinois. [II]

EDDY, JOHN P., Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, University of Minnesota; MA, Northwestern University; PhD, Southern Illinois University. [III]

ELLIS, JANET K., Associate Professor of Behavior Analysis. BFA, University of Texas at Austin; MA, Southern Methodist University; MA, PhD, University of North Texas. [III]

ENGELS, DENNIS W., Regents Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BA, St. Norbert College; MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin at Madison. [III]

ENGLANDER-GOLDEN, PAULA, Professor of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions. BS, Brooklyn College; MS, New York University; MA, PhD, University of Nebraska. [III]

ENNIS-COLE, DEMETRIA, Assistant Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, MS, Southern University at Baton Rouge; PhD, Kansas State University. [III]

ENOS, RICHARD EDWARD, Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Colorado College; MSW, University of Denver; DSW, University of Utah. [III]

ENYEART, CARTER M., Professor of Music. BM, Eastman School of Music; MFA, Carnegie-Mellon University. [II]

ERDLE, ROBERT LEIGH, Professor of Visual Arts. AA, Reedley College; BA, California State University at Fresno; MFA, Bowling Green State University. [III]

ESCHBACH, JESSE E., Associate Professor of Music. BM, MM, Indiana University; DMA, University of Michigan. [III]

ESTERCHILD, ELIZABETH McTAGGART, Regents Professor of Sociology. BS, Kansas State Teachers College; MA, PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

EUBANK, LYNN, Associate Professor of English. BA, MA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

EVE, SUSAN BROWN, Professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology. BA, MA, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [III]

EVENSON, THOMAS L., Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions. PhB, University of North Dakota; MSW, Our Lady of the Lake University; MS, North Dakota State University; PhD, University of Arizona. [II]

FALSETTA, VINCENT MARIO, Professor of Visual Arts. BA, Temple University; MFA, Tyler School of Art, Temple University. [III]

FARINHA, MARK A., Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, PhD, Queen's University. [III]

FEIGERT, FRANK B., Regents Professor of Political Science. BA, Allegheny College; MA, PhD, University of Maryland. [III]

FERRING, C. REID, Professor of Geography. BA, MA, PhD, Southern Methodist University; PhD, University of Texas at Dallas. [III]

FIKE, RAYMOND, Assistant Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BA, MFA, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [I]

FINK, MELVIN RONALD, Professor of Music. BS, MS, University of Illinois. [II]

FISHER, DENNIS W., Associate Professor of Music. BME, Emporia State University; MS, Fort Hays State University. [II]

FISHER, PAUL S., Professor of Computer Sciences. BA, MA, University of Utah; PhD, Arizona State University. [I]

FISHER, VERNON L., Regents Professor of Visual Arts. BA, Hardin-Simmons University; MFA, University of Illinois. [III]

FITZPATRICK, LLOYD CHARLES, Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Mount Union College; MA, University of Miami; PhD, Kent State University. [III]

FLOTTMAN, ELLEN, Associate Professor of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BS, MS, Kansas State University; PhD, Purdue University. [II]

FORD, HOWARD LEE, Associate Professor of English. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, Louisiana State University. [II]

FORDE, STEVEN P., Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science. BA, Yale University; PhD, University of Toronto. [III]

FORE, STEVEN JAMES, Associate Professor of Radio, Television and Film. BA, Indiana University; MA, New York University; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

FORNEY, JUDITH C., Professor and Associate Dean of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BS, Purdue University; MA, Ball State University; PhD, Purdue University. [III]

FOSTER, CHARLES MYRON, JR., Assistant Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BA, Southern Methodist University; MBA, University of North Texas; JD, Southern Methodist University. [I]

FOSTER, PHILLIP R., Associate Professor of Engineering Technology. BA, MA, California State University; PhD, University of Maryland. [II]

FOX, NORRIS DUDLEY, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, MEd, EdD, University of Missouri at Columbia. [II]

FRIEDSON, STEVEN, Associate Professor of Music. BFA, Cornish Institute; PhD, University of Washington. [III]

FRITSCH, ERIC, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BS, MA, PhD, Sam Houston State University. [II]

FROEHLICH, HILDEGARD CHARLOTTE, Professor of Music. Teaching Degree, University of Hamburg; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

FROHLING, THOMAS, Assistant Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BA, Luther College; MFA, Carnegie Mellon University. [I]

FUCHS, JANNON L., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. AB, University of Chicago; MS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; PhD, University of California at San Diego. [II]

GALLIAN, RICHARD DONALD, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, University of Missouri; MA, San Jose State College; EdD, University of Missouri. [I]

GANESH, GOPALAKRISHNAN, Associate Professor of Marketing. BTECH, Indian Institute of Technology; MBA, Indian Institute of Management; PhD, University of Houston. [III]

GARCIA, LORENZO, Assistant Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BA, MA, Austin College; PhD, Arizona State University. [I]

GARNER, CODY, Professor of Music. BME, Baylor University; MME, University of North Texas; DME, University of Oklahoma. [III]

GETTY, JULIET, Assistant Professor of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BBA, Florida Atlantic University; MS, University of Florida; PhD, University of North Texas. [II]

GIBBONS, HENRY, Associate Professor of Music. AB, Stanford University; MA, Harvard University; Artist's Diploma, Frankfurter Musikhochschule. [III]

GIBBS, TYSON, Assistant Professor of Anthropology. BA, Dartmouth College; MA, PhD, University of Florida. [III]

GILLESPIE, JAMES E., JR., Professor of Music. BS, ME, Concord College; MM, DM, Indiana University. [III]

GLASS, JAMES JARRETT, Professor of Public Administration and Director of the Survey Research Center. BA, Denison University; MPA, Kent State University; PhD, University of Tennessee. [III]

GLEESON, LARRY AINSWORTH, Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BA, Dartmouth College; MA, PhD, University of California at Los Angeles. [II]

GLENN, SIGRID S., Professor of Behavior Analysis and Chair of the Department of Behavior Analyis. BFA, University of Texas at Austin; MS, PhD, University of North Texas. [III]

GLOVER, REBECCA JUNE, Assistant Professor of Counseling, Development, and Higher Education. BA, MS, PhD, Texas Tech University. [III]

GODWIN, R. KENNETH, Professor of Political Science and Director of the Institute of Public and International Affairs. BA, Wake Forest; MA, University of New Mexico; PhD, University of North Carolina. [III]

GOGGIN, NOREEN L., Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, Bowling Green State University; MS, Pennsylvania State University; PhD, University of Wisconsin. [III]

GOLDEN, DAVID E., Regents Professor of Physics. BA, PhD, New York University. [III]

GOLDEN, RICHARD M., Professor and Chair of the Department of History. BA, Vanderbilt University; MA, PhD, Johns Hopkins University. [III]

GOLDEN, TERESA, Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, Texas Tech University; PhD, New Mexico State University. [II]

GOLLADAY, ROBERT McREYNOLDS, II, Assistant Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BA, University of North Texas; MCS, Texas A&M University. [I]

GOODWIN, VICKI LYNNE, Associate Professor of Management. BA, Trinity University; MBA, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington. [III]

GOPAL, KAMAKSHI, Assistant Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences. BS, MS, All India Institute of Speech and Hearing; PhD, Michigan State University. [III]

GOSSETT, JOHN S., Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Communication Studies. BS, University of Houston; PhD, University of Southern California. [II]

GOVEN, ARTHUR JAMES, Professor of Biological Sciences and Executive Assistant to the Chancellor. BS, Lynchburg College; MSPH, PhD, University of North Carolina. [III]

GREENLAW, M. JEAN, Regents Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BA, MA, Stetson University; PhD, Michigan State University. [III]

GRIGOLINI, PAOLO, Professor of Physics. PhD, University of Pisa. [III]

GROOM-THORNTON, JOAN CHARLENE, Associate Professor of Music. BM, Oberlin College; MM, PhD, Eastman School of Music. [II]

GROSE, B. DONALD, Associate Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts, and Director of Libraries. BA, Southwest Missouri State; MA, MSLS, University of Kentucky; PhD, University of Missouri at Columbia. [III]

GROSS, GUENTER W., Regents Professor of Biological Sciences and Director of the Center for Network Neuroscience. BS,
Stevens Institute of Technology; PhD, Florida State University. [III]

GROSS, HAROLD, Associate Professor of Applied Economics and Associate Director of the University Center for Economic Development and Research. BA, MS, PhD, University of Texas at Dallas. [III]

GRUBBS, ALBERT B., JR., Professor and Chair of the Department of Engineering Technology. BS, University of Houston; MS, Texas A&M University­Commerce; PhD, Texas A&M University. [II]

GUARNACCIA, CHARLES A., Assistant Professor of Psychology. BS, MA, PhD, Arizona State University. [III]

GUNTER, ADDISION YANCEY, Regents Professor of Philosophy and Religion Studies. BA, University of Texas at Austin; BA, Cambridge University; PhD, Yale University. [III]

GUTTERY, RANDALL S., Assistant Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BBA, University of Texas at Austin; MS, Louisiana State University; PhD, University of Connecticut. [I]

GUYNES, CARL STEPHEN, Regents Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BBA, MBA, DBA, Texas Tech University. [III]

HAERLE, DAN, Regents Professor of Music. BM, Coe College; MM, University of North Texas. [II]

HAGAN, MELVIN ROY, Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, Northwestern State College in Oklahoma; MS, PhD, Oklahoma State University. [II]

HAGGH, BARBARA H., Associate Professor of Music. AB, University of Nebraska at Lincoln; BM, MM, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana.

HAGLER, D. HARLAND, Assistant Professor of History. BA, University of Mississippi; MA, PhD, University of Missouri. [II]

HALSTEAD, FRANCIS E., Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, Northern Illinois State Teachers College; MA, University of Colorado; EdD, University of Denver. [II]

HAMILTON, FREDERICK E., Associate Professor of Music. BM, MM, University of Northern Colorado. [II]

HARDY, CLIFFORD ARNOLD, JR., Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, University of Kansas; MEd, Eastern New Mexico University; EdD, Texas Tech University. [II]

HARGROVE, EUGENE C., Professor and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion Studies. BA, MA, PhD, University of Missouri. [III]

HARLOS, STEVEN C., Associate Professor of Music. BM, Indiana University; MM, University of Western Ontario; DMA, University of Southern California. [III]

HARRELL, ERNEST HARVEY, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology. BA, MA, PhD, Texas Christian University. [III]

HARRIS, HENRY, Assistant Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BA, MEd, University of North Carolina; PhD, University of Virginia. [I]

HARRISON, THOMAS GLEICH, Associate Professor of Physics. BSc, MSc, PhD, University of Missouri at Columbia. [II]

HARTMAN, DAVID W., Associate Professor of Anthropology and Interim Dean of the School of Community Service. BA, MA, Wichita State University; PhD, Wayne State University. [II]

HASTINGS, SAMANTHA K., Assistant Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BA, University of Arizona; MLS, University of South Florida; PhD, Florida State University. [II]

HASTY, RONALD W., Professor and Chair of the Department of Marketing. BBA, MBA, Eastern New Mexico University; DBA, University of Colorado. [III]

HAYES, MARJORIE, Assistant Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BFA, California Institute of the Arts; MFA, Carnegie Mellon University. [I]

HAYNES, JACK READ, Professor of Psychology. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, Texas Christian University. [II]

HAYS, HENRY HOWARD, Professor of Management and Dean of the College of Business Administration. BBA, MBA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Oklahoma. [I]

HAYSLIP, BERT, JR., Regents Professor of Psychology. BA, MA, PhD, University of Akron. [III]

HEIBERG, HAROLD WILLARD, Professor of Music. BM, St. Olaf College; MA, Teachers College, Columbia University. [III]

HEINLEN, J. MICHAEL, Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. BA, Denison University; MA, University of Cincinnati; PhD, Northwestern University. [II]

HENOCH, MIRIAM A., Associate Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, Wayne State University. [II]

HENRY, WARREN, Assistant Professor of Music. BM, MM, Crane School of Music; PhD, Michigan State University. [II]

HILDRETH, BERTINA, Associate Professor of Technology and Cognition and Associate Dean of the College of Education. BA, Oral Roberts University; MS, Southern University; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

HILL, DAVID W., Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BA, BS, Southern Illinois University; MA, University of Florida; PhD, University of Georgia. [III]

HILLIARD, CONSTANCE, Assistant Professor of History. BA, Radcliffe College; MA, PhD, Harvard University. [II]

HINELY, REGINALD TERRY, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, Texas Christian University; MEd,
University of North Texas; EdD, University of Florida. [II]

HOERSCHELMANN, OLAF, Assistant Professor of Radio, Television and Film. BA, Eberhard-Karls Universitadt; MA, University of Missouri; PhD, Indiana University at Bloomington. [I]

HOLCOMB, TERRY LYNN, Associate Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, MS, EdD, Indiana University. [II]

HOLDEMAN, DAVID, Assistant Professor of English. BA, Indiana University; MA, PhD, University of Michigan. [III]

HOLDEN, JANICE MINER, Associate Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, University of Illinois; MSEd, EdD, Northern Illinois University. [III]

HOLDER, ADOLPHUS DOYLE, Associate Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, Lamar University; MEd, PhD, Colorado State University. [I]

HOLMAN, JOHN EDWARD, Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Youngstown State University; MA, Louisiana State University; PhD, University of Denver. [III]

HOMER, PAULA, Associate Professor of Music. BM, St. Mary's College; MM, Indiana University. [II]

HOOD, NANCYE EARL, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, MS, University of Tennessee. [I]

HU, ZHIBING, Associate Professor of Physics. BS, Tsinghua University; MS, PhD, McMaster University. [III]

HUDAK, PAUL F., Associate Professor of Geography. BS, Allegheny College; MS, Wright State University; PhD, University of California at Santa Barbara. [III]

HUDDLESTON, LEE ELDRIDGE, Associate Professor of History. BA, Texas Tech University; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

HUDNALL, IDA MARGARET, Assistant Professor of Music. BS, Texas Woman's University; MEd, Texas Christian University. [II]

HUFFMAN, JANIE, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BA, MS, EdD, University of Oklahoma. [II]

HUMMELL, AUSTIN, Assistant Professor of English. BA, Principia College; MA, University of Maine; PhD, University of Missouri, Columbia. [II]

HYDE, JEANNINE ELIZABETH, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, Midwestern University; MA, National University of Mexico; PhD, University of Oklahoma. [I]

HYTEN, CLOYD, Associate Professor of Behavior Analysis. BA, MA, University of Florida; MA, PhD, West Virginia University. [III]

IAIA, JOSEPH, Associate Professor of Mathematics. AB, MA, Holy Cross; PhD, University of Pennsylvania. [III]

IMPSON, MICHAEL, Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; MBA, DBA, Louisiana Tech University. [III]

INGMAN, STANLEY R., Professor of Applied Gerontology and Sociology, and Director of the Center for Public Service. BA, Miami University of Ohio; MA, Ohio State University; PhD, University of Pittsburgh. [III]

INSLEY, ROBERT, Associate Professor of Management. BA, MA, Bowling Green State University; EdD, Northern Illinois University. [I]

IRBY, THOMAS CARL, Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences. BS, Texas A&M University­Commerce; MS, PhD, Southern Methodist University. [II]

IVEY, MEL, Professor of Music. BM, MM, University of North Texas. [III]

JACKSON, ALLEN W., Regents Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, University of Houston; MS, Lamar University; EdD, University of Houston. [III]

JACKSON, STEPHEN C., Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, California Institute of Technology; PhD, University of California at Los Angeles. [III]

JACOB, ROY THOMAS, JR., Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Sciences. BA, MA, University of Texas at Austin; MS, University of Texas at Dallas; PhD, Emory University. [II]

JACOBSON, ARMINTA, Associate Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, Texas Tech University; MS, PhD, Texas Woman's University. [II]

JAMES, GEORGE A., Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion Studies. BCE, Canadian Nazarene College; MA, Eastern Nazarene College; MPhil, Union Theological Seminary; PhD, Columbia University. [III]

JAYAKUMAR, MALIYAKAL D., Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BTech, Indian Institute of Technology; MS, University of California; PhD, Pennsylvania State University. [III]

JENKINS, SHARON, Associate Professor of Psychology. BA, Bucknell University; MA, PhD, Boston University. [III]

JESSUP, ROBERT, Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, University of Washington; MFA, University of Iowa. [III]

JEWELL, TODD, Assistant Professor of Economics. BA, Pepperdine University; MA, PhD, University of California at Santa Barbara. [II]

JI, MINHE, Assistant Professor of Geography. BS, Wuhan Tech University; MS, PhD, Northern Illinois University. [II]

JOHANSEN, KJELL M., Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, MA, University of Texas.

JOHN, ROBERT K., Associate Professor of Applied Gerontology and Director of the Minority Aging Research Institute. BA, Vanderbilt University; MAT, University of Florida; MPhil, PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

JOHNSON, DOUGLAS ALAN, Associate Professor of Psychology. AB, San Diego State College; PhD, University of California at Berkeley. [III]

JOHNSON, JOE LYNN, Associate Professor of Management. BBA, Texas A&M University­Commerce; MBA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Arkansas. [III]

JOHNSON, JOHN KEITH, Regents Professor of Music. BA, University of North Texas; MM, University of Illinois. [III]

JOHNSON, RAY WENDELL, Associate Professor of Psychology. BME, Central Missouri State College; MM, Northwestern University; MA, PhD, University of Missouri. [III]

JOHNSON, THOMAS M., Assistant Professor of Music. BM, MM, Southern Methodist University. [III]

JOHNSTONE, PATTYE, Associate Professor of Music. BM, University of North Texas; ME, Hardin-Simmons University; PhD, University of Oklahoma. [II]

JONES, PAUL R., Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Organometallic Research and Education. BS, Pennsylvania State University; PhD, Purdue University. [II]

JORDAN, ANN T., Associate Professor of Anthropology and Acting Director of the Institute of Anthropology. BA, Duke University; MA, PhD, University of Oklahoma. [III]

JOYNER, DAVID L., Associate Professor of Music. BM, Memphis State University; MM, University of Cincinnati; PhD, Memphis State University. [II]

KAGARICE, VERN L., Professor of Music. BM, Bethany College; MM, DM, Indiana University. [III]

KALLMAN, ROBERT R., Distinguished Research Professor of Mathematics and Professor of Computer Sciences. BS, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [III]

KAMMAN, WILLIAM, Professor of History and Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. AB, MA, Indiana University; MA, Yale University; PhD, Indiana University. [III]

KAPPELMAN, LEON ALLAN, Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BA, Ohio State; MBIS, PhD, Georgia State. [III]

KARAFIATH, IMRE, Professor and Chair of the Department of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, Syracuse University; MA, Clemson University; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

KELBER, JEFFRY ALAN, Professor of Chemistry. BS, California Institute of Technology; PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [III]

KELLER, M. JEAN, Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation and Dean of the College of Education. BS, MS, Florida State University; EdD, University of Georgia. [III]

KELLY, KIMBERLY S., Assistant Professor of Psychology. BS, MS, PhD, University of Kentucky. [III]

KELLY, LAWRENCE CHARLES, Professor of History. BS, MA, Marquette University; PhD, University of New Mexico. [II]

KEMERER, FRANK R., Regents Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. AB, MA, PhD, Stanford University. [III]

KENNEDY, JAMES, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Mansfield State College; MS, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. [III]

KENNELLY, KEVIN JOSEPH, Professor of Psychology. BA, LeMoyne College; MA, University of North Texas; PhD, Syracuse University. [III]

KENSINGER, JOHN W., Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BA, Miami University; MBA, University of Utah; PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

KERN, CAROLYN, Assistant Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, University of Kansas; MS, Emporia State University; PhD, Oklahoma State University. [III]

KERN, ROBERT F., Professor of Music. BS, Illinois State University; MM, Illinois Wesleyan University; MM, Northwestern University; DA, University of Northern Colorado. [II]

KESTERSON, DAVID BERT, Professor of English and Vice Provost and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs. BSE, Southwest Missouri State College; MA, PhD, University of Arkansas. [III]

KILLAM, ROSEMARY N., Associate Professor of Music. BM, Eastman School of Music; MA, George Washington University; DMA, Stanford University. [III]

KIM, TAE GUK, Associate Professor of Journalism. BA, International Christian University in Tokyo; MA, PhD, Southern Illinois University. [II]

KIM, YOUN-KYUNG, Assistant Professor of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BA, Seoul National University; MS, Ohio State University; PhD, University of North Carolina. [II]

KING, KIMI L., Assistant Professor of Political Science. MPA, Northeastern University; JD, PhD, State University of New York at Buffalo. [II]

KITCHENS, JAMES ARTHUR, Professor of Sociology. BA, Southeastern Louisiana University; BD, ThD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary; PhD, Louisiana State University. [III]

KLAMMER, THOMAS P., Regents Professor of Accounting. BBA, MBA, Western Michigan University; PhD, University of Wisconsin. [III]

KLEIN, JOSEPH P., Assistant Professor of Music. BA, California State Polytechnic University; MA, University of California at San Diego; DMA, Indiana University. [III]

KNEZEK, GERALD A., Associate Professor of Technology and Cognition. AB, Dartmouth College; MEd, PhD, University of Hawaii. [III]

KOBE, DONALD HOLM, Professor of Physics. BS, University of Texas at Austin; MS, PhD, University of Minnesota. [III]

KOCH, BRUCE STUART, Professor of Accounting. BSBA, MA, University of Florida; PhD, Ohio State University. [II]

KOELLN, KENNETH A., Associate Professor of Economics. BS, Clarkson College of Technology; MA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; MBA, San Diego State University; PhD, University of Florida. [III]

KOONCE, TOMMY RAY, Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, ME, University of North Texas; EdD, University of Missouri. [I]

KOOP, MARIE-CHRISTINE, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. CAPEGC, Aix-en-Provence; MA, State University of New York; PhD, Michigan State. [III]

KOWALSKI, JACEK, Associate Professor of Physics. MSc, PhD, University of Wroclaw, Poland. [III]

KOZAK, MICHAEL R., Associate Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, MEd, California State College; EdD, Texas A&M University. [III]

KOZIRIS, PERRY, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BEd, MA, McGill University; PhD, Pennsylvania State University. [II]

KUMAR, RATAN, Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology. BE, Jadavpur University; ME, PhD, University of Florida. [II]

KUNG, JOSEPH P., Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of New South Wales; PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [III]

KUNZ, DANIEL A., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, MA, Southwest Texas State University; PhD, University of Minnesota. [II]

KUSS, MALENA, Professor of Music. MM, Southern Methodist University; PhD, University of California at Los Angeles. [III]

KVANLI, ALAN H., Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BA, Macalester College; MA, University of Kansas; PhD, Southern Methodist University. [II]

LaBRECQUE, SUZANNE VOLIN, Professor and Dean of the School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BS, South Dakota State University; MS, Kansas State University; PhD, Florida State University. [III]

LaFORTE, ROBERT SHERMAN, Professor of History. BSE, Kansas State Teachers College; MS, Kansas State College at Pittsburg; MLS, University of Texas at Austin; PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

LAHNDT-HEARNEY, LESLIE, Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, MS, University of Alaska; PhD, University of Missouri. [III]

LAND, F. MITCHELL, Associate Professor of Journalism. BA, Midwestern State University; MA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

LANDMAN, JAMES, Assistant Professor of English. BA, Northwestern University; JD, University of Michigan. [II]

LANDRETH, GARRY LEE, Regents Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education and Director of the Center for Play Therapy. BA, Southeastern State College, Oklahoma; MA, EdD, University of New Mexico. [III]

LANEY, JAMES D., Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, MEd, University of North Texas; EdD, University of California at Los Angeles. [III]

LARSON, GEORGE WAYNE, Associate Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences. BA, MA, Baylor University; PhD, Northwestern University. [III]

LAWHON, TOMMIE MONTGOMERY, Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, Baylor University; MHEEd, PhD, Texas Woman's University. [III]

LAWRENCE, ANNETTE, Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, University of Hartford; MFA, The Maryland Institute College of Art. [II]

LAWSON, ERMA J., Assistant Professor of Sociology. BSN, Howard University; MA, Atlanta University; PhD, University of Kentucky. [III]

LEATH, HELEN LANG, Assistant Professor of English. BA, MA, PhD, University of North Texas. [II]

LEAVELL, ALEXANDRA G., Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BSEd, MSEd, PhD, University of Miami. [III]

LEBLANG, DAVID A., Assistant Professor of Political Science. BA, Florida State University; PhD, Vanderbilt University. [III]

LEDGERWOOD, DONNA E., Associate Professor of Management. BA, MS, MBA, PhD, University of Oklahoma. [I]

LEE, JAMES WARD, Professor of English. BS, Middle Tennessee State College; MA, Alabama Polytechnic College; PhD, Auburn University. [III]

LEVIN, BEN, Associate Professor of Radio, Television and Film. BM, Eastman School of Music; MFA, Temple University. [II]

LEVIN, C. MELINDA, Assistant Professor of Radio, Television and Film. BS, Montana State University; MS, University of North Texas; MFA, University of Oklahoma. [II]

LEWIS, ADRIAN R., Assistant Professor of History. BA, University of California at Berkeley; MBA, Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville; MA, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. [II]

LEWIS, PAUL WELDON, Professor of Mathematics. BA, MS, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Utah. [III]

LEWIS, PHILIP J., Professor of Music. BM, MM, Peabody Conservatory of Music. [II]

LIGON, JOHN ERIC, Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, Pratt Institute. [II]

LITTLE, DONALD C., Professor of Music. BM, Peabody Institute; MM, Northwestern University. [III]

LITTLER, CHRISTOPHER, Associate Professor of Physics. BS, Lamar University; MS, PhD, University of North Texas. [III]

LIU, JIANGUO, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. PhD, Cornell University. [II]

LONGHOFER, JEFFREY L., Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Anthropology. BA, Washburn University; MA, PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

LOTT, JAMES ROBERT, Professor of Biological Sciences. BA, MA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

LOWE, RICHARD GRADY, Regents Professor of History. BA, University of Southwestern Louisiana; AM, Harvard University; PhD, University of Virginia. [III]

LOWRY, FRANCIS BULLITT, Professor of History. AB, Transylvania College; MA, PhD, Duke University. [III]

LU, F. LING, Assistant Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences. MSp, University of South Carolina, PhD, University of Memphis. [II]

LUMPKIN, ROYCE EDGAR, Professor of Music. BM, MME, University of North Texas; DMA, University of Oklahoma. [III]

LUMSDEN, DAN BARRY, Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BA, MS, EdD, North Carolina State University at Raleigh. [III]

LUNDSTEEN, SARA W., Regents Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BA, MA, Southern Methodist University; PhD, University of California at Berkeley. [III]

LUPO, KAREN, Assistant Professor of Geography. BA, PhD, University of Utah. [II]

LUSKY, RICHARD A., Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Applied Gerontology. BA, Oakland University; MA, PhD, University of Connecticut. [III]

LUTTRELL, HOMER DALE, Regents Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, MEd, University of North Texas; PhD, Florida State University. [II]

LYONS, DONALD, Associate Professor of Geography. BA, University College, Cork, Ireland; MA, University of South Carolina; PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder. [III]

MacDONALD, DON N., Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, University of North Texas; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

MACKEY, HENRY JAMES, Professor of Physics. BS, MS, PhD, Louisiana State University. [II]

MAGRILL, ROSE MARY, Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BS, MA, Texas A&M University­Commerce; MSLS, PhD, University of Illinois. [III]

MAHER, LAURENCE PAUL, JR., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BA, College of Wooster; MBA, MA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

MAHONEY, MICHAEL J., Professor of Psychology. BA, Arizona State University; AA, Joliet Junior College; PhD, Stanford University. [III]

MAILMAN, MARTIN S., Regents Professor of Music and Composer in Residence. BM, MM, PhD, Eastman School of Music. [III]

MALONE, DAVID HALE, Professor of Sociology. BA, MA, PhD, Tulane University. [II]

MARCELLO, RONALD ELY, Professor of History. BS, Millersville State College, Pennsylvania; MA, PhD, Duke University. [III]

MARCHAND, ALAN P., Regents Professor of Chemistry. BS, Case Institute of Technology; PhD, University of Chicago. [III]

MARRERO, TERESA, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, California State University, Long Beach; MA, PhD, University of California, Irvine. [I]

MARSHALL, JAMES L., Professor of Chemistry. BS, Indiana University; PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

MARSHALL, LINDA L., Professor of Psychology. BS, University of Illinois; MA, PhD, Boston University. [III]

MARSHALL, PAUL, Associate Professor of Chemistry. BA, PhD, University of Cambridge. [III]

MARTIN, CHARLES BASIL, Professor of English. BA, University of New Mexico; MA, University of Florida; PhD, University of Missouri. [III]

MARTIN, LEE, Assistant Professor of English. BA, MA, Eastern Illinois University; MFA, University of Arkansas; PhD, University of Nebraska­Lincoln. [III]

MARTIN, SANDER, Associate Professor of Psychology. BA, University of British Columbia; PhD, University of Oregon. [II]

MARTIN, SCOTT, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, University of Kansas; MS, Illinois State University; PhD, University of Tennessee. [III]

MASARACCHIA, RUTHANN A., Professor of Biological Sciences. BA, Park College; MS, PhD, University of Massachusetts. [III]

MASON, ZACK E., Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, Texas Christian University; JD, Baylor University.

MATHIS, JANELLE B., Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BA, Carson-Newman College; MA, PhD, University of Arizona. [III]

MATTESON, SAMUEL E., Professor and Chair of the Department of Physics, Acting Chair of the Department of Materials Science. BS, PhD, Baylor University. [III]

MAULDIN, RICHARD DANIEL, Regents Professor of Mathematics. BA, MA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

MAY, BRIAN, Associate Professor of English. BA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; MA, PhD, University of Virginia. [II]

MAY, WILLIAM V., Professor and Associate Dean of the College of Music. BME, Baylor University; MME, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

MAYPER, ALAN G., Professor of Accounting. BS, BA, Drake University; MBA, University of Denver; PhD, University of Florida. [III]

McALISTER, EDGAR RAY, Regents Professor of Marketing. BS, Harding College; MBA, University of North Texas; PhD, Ohio State University. [II]

McALLISTER, MICHAEL A., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, MS, PhD, University of Toronto. [III]

McCALLON, EARL L., Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, Lamar University; MEd, Stephen F. Austin State University; EdD, University of Arkansas. [I]

McCARTER, R. WILLIAM, JR., Regents Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, MA, University of Georgia; DEd, Pennsylvania State University. [III]

McCROSKEY, LENORA E., Associate Professor of Music. BA, BM, Stetson University; AM, Harvard University; DMA, Eastman School of Music. [III]

McDANIEL, FLOYD DELBERT, Professor of Physics. BS, Memphis State University; MS, PhD, University of Georgia. [III]

McDONALD, JAMES LEE, Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, Texas Tech University; MS, MBA, PhD, Oklahoma State University. [I]

McGREGOR, KENT M., Associate Professor of Geography. BA, MA, PhD, University of Kansas. [II]

McGUIRE, MICHAEL, Assistant Professor of Public Administration. BA, University of California at Irvine; PhD, Indiana University. [II]

McKEE, WILLIAM L., Professor of Applied Economics. BS, Southwest Missouri State College; MA, PhD, University of Missouri at Columbia. [I]

McLEOD, PAT NEFF, Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BS, MS, University of North Texas; PhD, Michigan State University. [III]

McNEILL, PERRY REESE, Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, MS, EdD, Oklahoma State University. [III]

McPHERSON, MICHAEL A., Assistant Professor of Economics. BA, University of Virginia; MA, PhD, Michigan State University. [II]

McTEE, CINDY K., Professor of Music. BA, Pacific Lutheran University; MM, Yale University; PhD, University of Iowa. [III]

MEEKS, E. BRUCE, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BSE, MSE, Henderson State University; MA, Western Illinois University; PhD, Iowa State University. [II]

MEERNIK, JAMES DAVID, Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, Grand Valley State University; MA, PhD, Michigan State University. [III]

MELTZER, HOWARD, Assistant Professor of Music. BM, Manhattan School of Music; MA, MPhil, PhD, Columbia University. [II]

MERINO, BARBARA DUBIS, Regents Professor and Horace Brock Professor of Accounting. BA, University of Massachusetts; MBA, Murray State University; PhD, University of Alabama. [III]

MICHAELSEN, ROBERT H., Professor of Accounting. BA, University of Northern Iowa; MS, PhD, University of Illinois. [III]

MICHLER, RUTH INGRID, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BA, University of Oxford UK; MA, PhD, University of California at Berkeley. [II]

MIKLER, ARMIN R., Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences. BS, Fachlochschule, MS, PhD, Iowa State University. [III]

MILES, GRANT E., Assistant Professor of Management. BA, University of California at Davis; PhD, Pennsylvania State University. [II]

MILLER, LAUREL, Associate Professor of Music. BS, MS, Juilliard School of Music. [II]

MITCHELL, GILES RAYMOND, Professor of English. BS, East Central State College of Oklahoma; MA, PhD, University of
Oklahoma. [III]

MOEN, WILLIAM E., Assistant Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BA, University of Montana; MLS Louisiana State University; PhD, Syracuse University. [II]

MOLINA, DAVID JUDE, Associate Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Inter-American Studies and Research. BBA, St. Mary's University; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

MONTICINO, MICHAEL, Associate Professor of Mathematics. BS, University of Florida; PhD, University of Miami. [III]

MONTLER, TIMOTHY R., Professor of English. BA, Ohio State University; MA, PhD, University of Hawaii. [III]

MORRIS, MARILYN, Associate Professor of History. BA, Hampshire College; PhD, University of London, England. [II]

MORRIS, WILLIAM J., JR., Associate Professor of Accounting. BBA, Hardin-Simmons University; MPA, University of Texas at Austin; PhD, Michigan State University. [II]

MORRISON, GEORGE, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration and Velma Schmidt Chair. BA, Washington and Jefferson College; MEd, California State University; EdD, University of Pittsburgh. [III]

MORROW, JAMES R., Professor and Chair of the Department of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, University of West Florida at Pensacola; MS, PhD, University of Colorado. [III]

MOSELEY, PATRICIA ANNE, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, MA, EdS, PhD, George Peabody College. [III]

MUELLER, DENNIS W., Associate Professor of Physics. BS, MS, PhD, University of Nebraska. [III]

MURPHY, CATHERINE, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BS, Fordham University; MLS, City University of New York; DLS, Columbia University. [II]

NACKE, BRUCE, Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BED, MArch, Texas A&M University. [II]

NAHRGANG, WILBUR LEE, Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, Texas Christian University; MA, PhD, University of Kansas. [II]

NASH, JERRY C., Professor and Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, Texas Tech University; MPhil and PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

NAYLOR, LARRY L., Professor of Anthropology. BS, MS, State University of New York at Genesco; PhD, Southern Illinois University. [III]

NEAL, DAVID, Associate Professor of Public Administration and Sociology. BS, MS, Bowling Green State University; PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

NEELEY, LUTHER PADEN, Professor of Accounting and President of the Professional Development Institute. BS, Arkansas State College; MBA, PhD, University of Arkansas. [II]

NELSON, JON CHRISTOPHER, Associate Professor of Music. BA, Bethel College; MFA, PhD, Brandeis University. [II]

NESTLER, ERIC M., Assistant Professor of Music. BM, Susquehanna University; MM, Indiana University. [II]

NEUBERGER, JOHN W., Regents Professor of Mathematics. BA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

NEUMANN, CRAIG S., Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, University of Wisconsin; MA, PhD, University of Kansas. [II]

NEW, JEANNE ELIZABETH, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, MA, PhD, Vanderbilt University. [II]

NEWCOMER, HALE ALDEN, Professor of Marketing. BS, University of Illinois; MBA, University of Texas at Austin; PhD, University of Illinois. [I]

NEWELL, CHARLDEAN, Regents Professor of Public Administration. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

NEWSOM, RONALD W., Associate Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. BA, MA, Valdosta State College; PhD, Florida State University. [III]

NEWTON, CONNIE L., Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BS, BFA, Southwest Missouri State University; MEd, PhD, University of Missouri at Columbia. [III]

NIESWIADOMY, MICHAEL, Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Environmental Economic Studies and Research. BA, University of Dallas; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

NORRIS, CATHLEEN A., Professor of Technology and Cognition. BA, Central State College (Oklahoma); MS, Texas Woman's University; PhD, University of North Texas. [II]

NORTON, EARL DOUGLAS, JR., Associate Professor of Counseling, Development and Higher Education. AB, Duke University; MS, PhD, Purdue University. [II]

NORTON, SCOTTY JIM, Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Abilene Christian College; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

NYE, MARY ALICE, Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, MPA, Mississippi State University; PhD, University of Georgia. [III]

ODOM, EDWIN DALE, Associate Professor of History. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, Tulane University. [III]

O' DONOVAN, GERARD A., Professor and Chair of the Department of Biological Sciences. BS, University College, Cork; MS,
University of Ireland; PhD, University of California at Davis. [III]

OELSCHLAEGER, MAX FREDERICK, II, Professor of Philosophy and Religion Studies. BA, MA, PhD, Southern Illinois University. [III]

OLSEN, SOLVEIG, Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Cand. Mag., Cand. Philol., University of Oslo, Norway; PhD, Rice University. [II]

OPPONG, JOSEPH R., Assistant Professor of Geography. BA, University of Ghana; MA, PhD, University of Alberta. [II]

ORDONEZ, CARLOS A., Assistant Professor of Physics. BS, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

O' ROURKE-KAPLAN, MARIAN, Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, Stephens College; MBA, National University. [II]

OWENS, BRAD, Assistant Professor of Journalism. BA, Baylor University; MA, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

OXFORD, JEFFREY THOMAS, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, Austin Peay State University; MA, PhD, Texas Tech University. [III]

PALAKURTHI, RADESH RAO, Assistant Professor of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BS, Florida International University; MS, Purdue University; PhD, Pennsylvania State University. [II]

PALMER, LESLIE HOWARD, Associate Professor of English. BA, Memphis State University; MA, PhD, University of Tennessee. [II]

PAPICH, GEORGE, Regents Professor of Music. BM, MM, DMA, University of Michigan. [III]

PARBERRY, IAN, Professor of Computer Sciences. BSc, University of Queensland, Australia; PhD, Warwick University, England. [III]

PARRISH, TIMOTHY L., Assistant Professor of English. BA, Trinity University; MA, University of Chicago; PhD, University of Washington at Seattle. [III]

PATTON, ROBERT W., Regents Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, MA, University of Florida; PhD, Florida State University. [II]

PAUL, PAMELA M., Professor of Music. BM, MM, DMA, Juilliard School of Music. [III]

PAVUR, ROBERT JAMES, Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BS, University of New Orleans; MS, PhD, Texas Tech University. [III]

PAZ, DENIS GEORGE, Professor of History. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Michigan. [III]

PEKARA, JEAN HELEN, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, Brooklyn College; MS, University of Illinois. [I]

PELTON, LOUIS ERIC, Assistant Professor of Marketing. BA, University of Baltimore; MBA, Texas Tech University; PhD, University of Mississippi. [III]

PENSYL, WILLIAM R., Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, MFA, Western Michigan University. [III]

PEREZ, JOSE M., Associate Professor of Physics. AB, Princeton University; PhD, University of California. [III]

PEREZ, MIGUEL ANGEL, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BA, California State University; MS, PhD, Pennsylvania State University. [III]

PEREZ, RAMONA L., Assistant Professor of Anthropology. BA, San Diego State University; MA, PhD, University of California at Riverside. [II]

PETERS, DALE HUGH, Professor of Music. BM, BA, University of North Texas; Fellowship and Choirmaster certificates, American Guild of Organists; MA, Columbia University; University of Copenhagen. [II]

PETRIE, TRENT, Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, MA, PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

PETTIT, ALEXANDER, Associate Professor of English. BA, MA, PhD, University of Washington. [III]

PHELPS, BRENT W., Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BS, Southern Illinois University; MFA, Arizona State University. [II]

PHIPPS, GRAHAM H., Professor of Music. AB, MA, Stanford University; PhD, University of Cincinnati. [III]

PICKENS, DONALD KENNETH, Professor of History. BA, MA, University of Oklahoma; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

PILLAI, VIJAYAN K., Associate Professor of Sociology. BS, University of Kerala; MS, University of Indore; PhD, University of Iowa. [III]

PINIZZOTTO, RUSSELL F., Professor of Materials Science. BS, California Institute of Technology; Engineer's Degree, UCLA; PhD, University of California. [III]

PIRTLE, ROBERT, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Georgia Institute of Technology; PhD, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Health Science Center. [III]

PLUMMER, MITTY C., Associate Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, MS, PhD, Texas A&M University. [II]

POE, STEPHEN L., Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BA, JD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

POE, STEVEN C., Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, William Penn College; MA, PhD, University of Iowa. [III]

POIROT, JAMES L., Professor of Technology and Cognition and Associate Dean of the College of Education. BS, MS, PhD,
Texas Tech University. [III]

PONTHIEU, LOUIS, Associate Professor of Management and Director of the Small Business Institute. BBA, MBA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Arkansas. [III]

POWELL, JAMES DON, Professor of Management. BBA, University of North Texas; MBA, Ohio State University; PhD, Louisiana State University. [I]

PRESTON, THOMAS, Professor of English. BA, University of Detroit; MA, PhD, Rice University. [III]

PRICE, JOHN ELLIS, Professor and Chair of the Department of Accounting. BBA, MS, University of Southern Mississippi; PhD, University of North Texas. [II]

PRYBUTOK, VICTOR, Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BS, MS in Biomathematics, MS in Environmental Science, PhD, Drexel University. [III]

QUINN, JAMES F., Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Florida International University; MA, University of Miami; PhD, Louisiana State University. [III]

QUINTANILLA, JOHN A., Assistant Professor of Mathematics. BS, MS, Stanford University. [II]

RACHEL, FRANK MILLER, Regents Professor of Management. BSC, Oklahoma State University; MC, DBA, University of Illinois. [I]

RADEMACHER, JOYCE ANN, Assistant Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, University of Houston; MS, University of Nebraska; PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

RAIGN, KATHRYN ROSSER, Associate Professor of English. BA, MA, Texas Tech University; PhD, Texas Christian University. [III]

RAMAN, KRISHNAMURTHY K., O.J. Curry Professor of Accounting. BA, University of Calcutta; MBA, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta; DBA, Indiana University. [III]

RAMOS, VINCENT, Assistant Professor of Psychology. BS, MS, PhD, Texas A&M University. [II]

RAMSEY, DARHYL S., Associate Professor of Music. BM, Carson-Newman College; MA, PhD, University of Iowa. [III]

REBAN, MILAN JAN, Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, University of Miami; MA, Vanderbilt University; PhD, Michigan State University. [II]

ReCRUZ, ALICIA, Assistant Professor of Anthropology. BA, MA, PhD, University of Albany. [III]

REDDY, SWAROOP, Assistant Professor of Public Administration. PhD, Texas A&M University. [II]

REDFEARN, MICHAEL, Assistant Professor of Economics. BA, University of New Hampshire; MA, PhD, Michigan State University. [I]

REED, SHEILA, Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, PhD, State University of New York, Buffalo. [II]

REED, WILSON EDWARD, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, MA, University of Washington; MA, State University of New York, Albany; PhD, Northern Arizona University. [II]

REIDY, RICHARD F., III, Assistant Professor of Materials Science. BA, Rice University; MS, PhD, Pennsylvania State University. [III]

RENKA, ROBERT J., Associate Professor of Computer Sciences. BA, BS, MA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

REYNOLDS, JOHNNY SUE, Associate Professor of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BS, Mary Hardin-Baylor; MS, University of North Texas; PhD, Texas Woman's University. [II]

REYNOLDS, KATHLEEN L., Assistant Professor of Music. BM, Eastman School of Music. [II]

RHEA, JILL, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. BA, University of North Texas; MA, PhD, Ohio University. [II]

RICHARDS, ROY MARTIN, Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. AB, MBIS, Georgia State University; PhD, University of Georgia. [III]

RICHARDS, THOMAS C., Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BA, MA, San Jose State College; PhD, University of Massachusetts. [III]

RICHARDSON, BILL K., Professor of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions. BA, Berea College; MEd, University of Illinois; EdS, University of Missouri; PhD, University of Iowa. [III]

RICHARDSON, PEGGY ANN, Regents Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, University of North Carolina; MA, Ohio State University; PhD, Texas Woman's University. [III]

RICHARDSON, PETER K., Associate Professor of English. BA, University of California at Santa Barbara; PhD, University of California at Berkeley. [III]

RICHMOND, MICHAEL G., Associate Professor of Chemistry. BS, State University of New York; PhD, University of Alabama. [III]

RIGGS, JAMES GARLAND, Professor of Music. BE, University of Toledo; MM, University of North Texas. [II]

RITSCHER, ELLEN J., Associate Professor of Music. MM, BM, Boston University; HS Diploma, North Carolina School of the Arts. [II]

ROBERTS, JACK LUNDAY, Professor of Music. BM, MA, University of North Texas; DMA, University of Michigan; postgraduate study at Vienna Academy of Music; student of Silvio Scionti, Richard Hauser and Gyorgy Sandor. [III]

ROBERTS, JAMES ANDREW, Professor of Physics. BS, MS, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; PhD, University of Oklahoma. [III]

RODEHEAVER, DANIEL G., Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, University of Texas at Austin; MA, PhD, University of Georgia. [III]

RODEN, PEYTON FOSTER, Regents Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BA, Baylor University; MA, PhD, University of North Texas. [II]

RODMAN, BARBARA, Associate Professor of English. BA, University of Colorado; MA, Colorado State University; MA, PhD, University of Denver. [III]

ROGERS, RICHARD, Professor of Psychology. BS, Worcester State College; MA, Assumption College; PhD, Utah State University. [III]

ROHWER, DEBBIE ANN, Assistant Professor of Music. BM, Northwestern University; MME, Eastman School of Music; PhD, Ohio State University. [II]

ROLLINS, CAROLYN W., Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions. BA, Monmouth College; MS, Sangamon State University; RhD, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. [II]

ROLLINS-THREATS, LINDA, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions. BS, University of Missouri; MSW, St. Louis University; PhD, University of Texas at Arlington. [II]

ROOT, DOUGLAS, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, University of California, Irvine; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles. [II]

RORVIG, MARK E., Associate Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BA, Seattle University; MS, Columbia University; PhD, University of California at Berkeley. [III]

ROSALES-RUIZ, JESUS, Assistant Professor of Behavior Analysis. BA, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosí; MA, PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

ROSS, JOHN R., Professor of English. AB, Yale University; AM, University of Pennsylvania; PhD, Massachusetts, Institute of Technology. [III]

ROUS, JEFFREY, Assistant Professor of Economics. BA, Knox College; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [I]

RUDERMAN, RICHARD S., Assistant Professor of Political Science. BA, University of Toronto. PhD, University of Chicago. [II]

RUSHER, ANNE SPIDELL, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, Abilene Christian University; MEd, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [III]

RUTHERFORD, PARIS M., III, Professor of Music. BM, MM, Southern Methodist University. [II]

SAGER, JEFFREY KENNETH, Associate Professor of Marketing. BBA, MBA, Baylor University; PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

SAHLIYEH, EMILE, Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, MA, American University of Beirut; PhD, Georgetown University. [III]

SALEH, FARIDA Y., Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt; MS, Alexandria University in Alexandria, Egypt; MS, PhD, University of Texas at Dallas. [III]

SANDEFUR, WALTER, Scott, III, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, ME, Northwestern Louisiana State College; EdD, University of Arkansas. [II]

SARGENT, JENNIFER, Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. BA, Hornsey College of Art, London; MFA, Arizona State University. [II]

SARKEES-WIRCENSKI, MICHELLE, Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, State University College of Buffalo; MS, EdD, State University of New York. [III]

SAULS, SAMUEL JOSEPH, Assistant Professor of Radio, Television and Film. BA, MA, PhD, University of North Texas. [II]

SAYLER, MICHAEL F., Associate Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, St. John's University; MA, PhD, Purdue University. [III]

SCAGGS, DONALD JERRY, Professor of Visual Arts. BS, Indiana University; MA, Purdue University.

SCHAFER, ROLLIE RANDOLPH, JR., Professor of Biological Sciences and Vice Provost for Research. AB, MA, PhD, University of Colorado. [III]

SCHAMBER, LINDA, Associate Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BS, MA, Ohio State University; PhD, Syracuse University. [III]

SCHARNBERG, WILLIAM M., Professor of Music. BM, MA, MFA, DMA, University of Iowa. [III]

SCHIETROMA, ROBERT JOHN, JR., Regents Professor of Music. BS, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; MA, Morehead State University; DMA, University of Iowa. [III]

SCHLIEVE, PAUL L., Associate Professor of Technology and Cognition BSEd, MEd, University of Wisconsin; PhD, Southern Illinois University. [III]

SCHNEIDER, LAWRENCE JOSEPH, Professor of Psychology. AB, Saint Louis University; MA, PhD, Southern Illinois University. [III]

SCHOL, DON RAYMOND, Professor of Visual Arts and Associate Dean of the School of Visual Arts. BA, University of Dallas;
MFA, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

SCHOOLMASTER, F. ANDREW, III, Professor and Chair of the Department of Geography. BS, MA, PhD, Kent State University. [III]

SCHUMACKER, RANDALL E., Associate Professor of Technology and Cognition. AS, William Rainey Harper Jr. College; BS, Western Illinois University; MS, PhD, Southern Illinois University. [III]

SCHWARK, HARRIS, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, University of Wisconsin at Madison; AM, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [III]

SCHWARTZ, MARTIN, Regents Professor of Chemistry. BS, Case Institute of Technology; PhD, University of Wisconsin. [III]

SCOTT, JOHN C., Professor of Music. BS, Frostburg State College; MM, DM, Indiana University. [III]

SEARS, RAYMOND ERIC JOHN, Associate Professor of Physics. BSc, MSc, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand; PhD, University of California at Berkeley. [II]

SELIGMANN, GUSTAV LEONARD, JR., Professor of History. BA, MA, New Mexico State University; PhD, University of Arizona. [II]

SEWARD, RUDY RAY, Professor of Sociology. BS, Northeast Missouri State University; MA, PhD, Southern Illinois University. [III]

SEWELL, KENNETH W., Associate Professor of Psychology. BS, Kansas State University; MA, PhD, University of Kansas. [III]

SHAHROKHI, FARHAD M., Associate Professor of Computer Sciences. BS, Aryamehr University of Technology, Iran; MS in Operations Research, MS in Computer Sciences, PhD, Western Michigan University. [III]

SHANLEY, MARK STEPHEN, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

SHI, WEIPING, Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences. BS, MS, Xian Jiotang University; PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [III]

SHINER, DAVID C., Assistant Professor of Physics. BA, University of California at Berkeley; PhD, University of Michigan. [III]

SHIRK, HENRIETTA N., Associate Professor of English. BA, Williamette University; MA, Tulane University; PhD, Bryn Mawr College. [III]

SHRADER, DAVID, Professor and Dean of the College of Music. BM, MA, University of Iowa; DMA, University of Oregon. [III]

SHUEMAKER, IRA LLOYD, II, Professor of Visual Arts. BA, MS, Southern Illinois University. [II]

SIDDIQI, MAZHAR, Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BS, Loughbrough University, United Kingdom; MBA, Brigham Young University; PhD, University of Washington. [III]

SILVERTHORN, PERSEPHANIE, Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, University of Nevada at Las Vegas; MA, PhD, University of Alabama. [II]

SIMMS, RICHARD LEWIS, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BA, MEd, University of North Texas; EdD, University of Missouri. [II]

SIMPKINS, SCOTT K., Associate Professor of English. BA, MA, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee; PhD, University of Tulsa. [III]

SIMS, BRENDA R., Associate Professor of English. BS, Baylor University; MA, PhD, Texas A&M University. [III]

SIRVENT, MICHEL BERNARD, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures. BA, MA, PhD, Université de Provence. [III]

SLATER, K. NEIL, Professor of Music. BS, Mansfield State College; MA, Duquesne University. [II]

SMALLWOOD, J.B., Associate Professor of History. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of North Carolina. [II]

SMITH, DON WILEY, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Texas Tech University; MS, PhD, University of Wisconsin. [II]

SMITH, F. TODD, Assistant Professor of History. BA, University of Missouri, MA, University of South Dakota, PhD, Tulane University. [III]

SMITH, MARY LYNN, Assistant Professor of Dance and Theatre Arts. BA, MA, University of North Texas; CMA, Laban/Bartenieff Institute; MFA, PhD, Case Western Reserve University. [I]

SMITH, RICHARD G., Assistant Professor of Behavior Analysis. BA, Illinois State University; MS, PhD, University of Florida. [III]

SOPH, EDWARD B., Associate Professor of Music. BA, University of North Texas. [II]

SOVIK, THOMAS P., Associate Professor of Music. BA, Ashland College; MA, PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

SPALDING, JOHN BARNEY, JR., Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BA, Fort Lewis College; MBA, PhD, Texas Tech University. [II]

SPENCE, J. WAYNE, Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BBA, MBA, DBA, Texas Tech University. [III]

SPILLER, ELIZABETH A., Assistant Professor in English. BA, Amherst College; MA, Harvard University. [II]

SPINK, AMANDA, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BA, Australian National University; MBA,
Fordham University; PhD, Rutgers University. [III]

SPRAGUE, DOUGLAS J., Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BS, University of West Florida; MS, Florida State University. [III]

STAFF, MARCIA JANE, Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law and Associate Dean of the College of Business Administration. BJ, University of Texas at Austin; JD, University of Houston. [II]

STAFFORD, MARLA R., Assistant Professor of Marketing. BA, University of Arizona; MBA, Rollins College; PhD, University of Georgia. [III]

STANSELL, JOHN C., Professor and Chair of the Department of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, Texas A&M at Kingsville; MEd, University of Houston at Victoria; EdD, Indiana University at Bloomington. [III]

STAPLES, DONALD E., Professor of Radio, Television and Film. BS, Northwestern University; MA, University of Southern California; PhD, Northwestern University. [II]

STEIN, BARBARA LYNN, Professor of Library and Information Sciences. BA, MA, University of Northern Colorado; PhD, University of North Texas. [III]

STEINEL, MICHAEL L., Associate Professor of Music. BME, Emporia Kansas State College; MME, University of North Texas. [II]

STEPHENS, A. RAY, Professor of History. BA, MA, University of Oklahoma; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

STEPHENS, ELVIS CLAY, Professor of Management. BBA, MBA, University of North Texas; DBA, Indiana University. [II]

STERN, LAURA IKINS, Assistant Professor of History. BA, University of California at Berkeley; PhD, University of Michigan. [III]

*STEVENS, LEWEL ROBERT, Regents Professor and Chair of the Department of English. BA, Oklahoma Baptist University; MA, PhD, University of Oklahoma. [II]

STEWART, KENNETH WILSON, Regents Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, MS, PhD, Oklahoma State University. [III]

STIDHAM, JANIE, Assistant Professor of Visual Arts. BS, University of Texas, Austin. [II]

STREAM, RICHARD W., Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences. BS, University of Illinois; MS, Vanderbilt University; PhD, Northwestern University. [II]

SUMMERS, PATRICIA ANN, Assistant Professor and Interim Chair of the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences. BA, Southern Methodist University; MCD, University of Oklahoma Medical Center. [II]

SUNDBERG, TERRI RAE, Assistant Professor of Music. BM, Lawrence University; MM, Yale University. [II]

SUNDQUIST, DAVID, Associate Professor of Music. BM, Roosevelt University. [II]

SWANSON, CARL L., Associate Professor of Management. BA, JD, Case Western Reserve University; MBA, Southern Methodist University; PhD, University of Texas at Dallas. [I]

SWIGGER, KATHLEEN M., Professor of Computer Sciences. BA, MAT, PhD, University of Iowa. [III]

SYBERT, JAMES RAY, Professor of Physics. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, Louisiana State University. [II]

TAM, DAVID C., Associate Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, PhD, University of Minnesota. [III]

TANNER, HAROLD M., Assistant Professor of History. BA, New England College; MA, University of London; PhD, Columbia University. [III]

TANNER, JAMES T.F., Professor of English. BA, Texas Wesleyan College; MA, PhD, Texas Tech University. [III]

TAS, RICHARD F., Associate Professor of Merchandising and Hospitality Management. BS, Oklahoma State University; MPS, Cornell University; PhD, Oklahoma State University. [II]

*TATE, CHESTER NEAL, Regents Professor of Political Science and Dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. BA, Wake Forest University; MA, PhD, Tulane University. [III]

TATE, STEPHEN R., Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences. BE, Vanderbilt University; PhD, Duke University. [III]

TAYLOR, ELMER, Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, MFA, Arizona State University. [III]

TAYLOR, KELLY, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies. BFA, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; MA, University of North Carolina; PhD, Louisiana State University. [II]

TAYLOR, LEWIS A., III, Professor and Chair of the Department of Management. AB, Drury College; MBA, Pepperdine University; DBA, Indiana University. [III]

TAYLOR, ROBERT, Professor and Chair of the Department of Criminal Justice. BS, PhD, Portland State University; MS, Michigan State University. [III]

TEETER, CHARLES RUSKIN, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BSE, MEd, EdD, University of Arkansas. [III]

TERRELL, FRANCIS, Professor of Psychology. BS, Wilmington College; MS, PhD, University of Pittsburgh. [III]

TERRELL, SANDRA L., Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences and Associate Dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. BA, MA, PhD, University of Pittsburgh. [III]

THERIOT, LEROY JAMES, Professor of Chemistry. BS, University of Southwestern Louisiana; PhD, Tulane University. [II]

THIBODEAUX, MARY SHEPHERD, Professor of Management and Associate Dean of the College of Business
BS, Grambling State University; MBEd, Eastern New Mexico University; PhD, University of North Texas. [III]

THOMAS, LAWRENCE FRED, Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, Nebraska State Teachers College; MEd, PhD, University of Arizona. [II]

THOMAS, RUTHANNE D., Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry. BS, Denison University; PhD, Wayne State University. [III]

THOMPSON, KENNETH NEIL, Associate Professor of Marketing. BA, University of Colorado; MBA, Southern Illinois University; PhD, University of Colorado. [III]

THORNTON, JOHN HUGH, Regents Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BA, University of the South; MBA, PhD, Georgia State University. [II]

TIESLAU, MARGIE A., Assistant Professor of Economics. BS, MA, University of Delaware; PhD, Michigan State University. [II]

TIPPS, RANDOLPH STEVEN, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, University of Texas at Arlington; MAT, East Tennessee State University; PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

TOBOLOWSKY, PEGGY, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. BA, Washington University; JD, George Washington University. [III]

TODD, JOHN RICHARD, Associate Professor of Political Science and Special Assistant to the Provost. BA, University of Southwestern Louisiana; MA, PhD, University of Florida. [III]

TOLEDO, J. RAFAEL, Assistant Professor of Psychology. BA, Colegio Cristobal Colon; MD, Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara. [III]

TORREZ, DIANA JEAN, Associate Professor of Sociology. BA, PhD, University of New Mexico. [III]

*TOTTEN, HERMAN LAVON, Regents Professor and Associate Dean of the School of Library and Information Sciences. BA, Wiley College; MLS, PhD, University of Oklahoma. [III]

TRIPATHY, NIRANJAN, Associate Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BA, Utkal University; MBA, University of New Orleans; PhD, Texas Tech. [III]

TURNER, JAMES WILLIAM, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, MEd, University of North Texas; EdD, University of Missouri. [II]

TURNER, KEITH W., Associate Professor of Applied Gerontology. BS, Xavier University; MA, PhD, University of Cincinnati. [III]

TURNER, PHILIP M., Professor and Dean of the School of Library and Information Sciences and Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs for Distance Education. BS, Boston State College; MS, University of Wisconsin, Lacrosse; MSLS, EdD, Texas A&M University­Commerce. [III]

TYLER-WOOD, TANDRA, Assistant Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, North Carolina State; MEd, PhD, University of North Carolina. [III]

URBANSKI, MARIUSZ, Associate Professor of Mathematics. BSc, MSc, Warsaw University; PhD, Nicholas Copernicus University. [III]

VALERIUS, LAURA, Assistant Professor of Kinesiologoy, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, University of Missouri, Columbia; MR, North Carolina State University; PhD, University of Illinois. [III]

VAN EATON, R., DOUGLAS, Assistant Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BA, MA, PhD, University of Washington. [II]

VANECEK, MICHAEL THOMAS, Regents Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BSEE, MEE, North Carolina State University; MBA, University of Houston; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

VANN, JERRY DON, Regents Professor of English. BA, MA, Texas Christian University; PhD, Texas Tech University. [III]

VAN TASSELL, FRANCES, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BS, William Carey College; MEd, East Central University; EdD, Texas A&M University­Commerce. [III]

VEAZEY, CHARLES ORLANDO, Regents Professor of Music. BME, MM, University of Texas at Austin; DMA, University of Michigan. [III]

VEDDER, RICHARD G., Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BA, University of California at San Diego; MA, MS, PhD, University of Arizona. [III]

VEEDER, GERRY, Associate Professor of Radio, Television and Film. BA, Bluffton College; MA, PhD, Wayne State University. [II]

VELA, GERARD ROLAND, Professor of Biological Sciences. BA, MA, PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

VEST, FLOYD RUSSELL, Professor of Mathematics. BS in Ed, East Central State College of Oklahoma; MA, University of Oklahoma; EdD, University of North Texas. [II]

VIARDO, VLADIMIR, Professor of Music and Artist in Residence. Gnesin College of Moscow; Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory. [III]

VIENS, FREDERI, Assistant Professor of Mathematics. MS, PhD, University of California, Irvine. [II]

WALKER, J. MICHELLE, Assistant Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, Texas Woman's University; MEd, PhD, University of North Texas. [III]

WALKER, MYRA, Associate Professor of Visual Arts. BFA, Louisiana State University; MFA, Southern Illinois University. [II]

WALLER, WILLIAM T., Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, MS, Pittsburg State University; PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. [III]

WARCHALL, HENRY A., Associate Professor of Mathematics. BA, Northwestern University; MA, PhD, University of California. [III]

WARD, SANDRA, Associate Professor of Physics. BSc, PhD, Royal Holloway College, University of London, England. [III]

WARDE, WILLIAM BOOTH, JR., Associate Professor of English. BA, Bemidji State College; MA, PhD, University of Arkansas. [II]

WARNER, ROGER W., Associate Professor of Music. BS, Minot State Teachers College; MS, University of Illinois; EdD, Washington University. [II]

WATKINS, C. EDWARD, JR., Professor of Psychology. BA, Carson-Newman College; MA, Western Carolina University; PhD, University of Tennessee. [III]

WATSON, WARREN E., Professor of Management. BA, Texas Tech University; MS, Texas A&M University­Commerce; MS, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Oklahoma at Norman. [III]

WATT, GEORGE WILLIAM, Assistant Professor of Engineering Technology. BS, University of Wyoming; MS, Air Force Institute of Technology; PhD, Ohio State University. [II]

WEATHERS, DUNCAN LEE, Associate Professor of Physics. BS, University of Missouri at Columbia; PhD, California Institute of Technology. [III]

WEILLER, KAREN H., Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, University of Texas at Austin; MA, PhD, Texas Woman's University. [II]

WEINSTEIN, BERNARD, Professor of Applied Economics, Director of the Institute of Applied Economics and Director of the University Center for Economic Development and Research. AB, Dartmouth College; MA, PhD, Columbia University. [III]

WELLS, BRENDA, Assistant Professor of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law. BBA, PhD, University of Georgia. [II]

WELLS, RICHARD H., Professor and Chair of the Department of Journalism. BSEd, MJ, University of North Texas; PhD, Texas A&M University. [II]

WENGER, JENNIE, Assistant Professor of Economics. BA, Rice University; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. [I]

WEST, BRUCE J., Professor of Physics. BA, State University of New York; MA, PhD, University of Rochester. [III]

WESTMORELAND, REGINALD CONWAY, Professor of Journalism. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Missouri. [II]

WHEELESS, LAWRENCE B., Professor of Communication Studies. BA, Texas Christian University; MA, University of Houston; PhD, Wayne State University. [III]

WHITE, RICHARD E., Associate Professor of Management. BS, MS, University of Wisconsin; PhD, Arizona State University. [II]

WIEDENFELD, DAVID J., Assistant Professor of Chemistry. BS, University of Texas at Austin; MS, MPhil, PhD, Columbia University. [II]

WILHELM, RONALD W., Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BA, Southern Methodist University; MEd, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [III]

WILHITE, BARBARA, Associate Professor of Kinesiology, Health Promotion and Recreation. BS, West Georgia College; MEd, Valdosta State University; EdD, University of Georgia. [III]

WILLIAMS, FREDRIK PORTER, Professor of Management. BBA, MBA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

WILLIAMS, HARRY F.L., Associate Professor of Geography. BSc, Plymouth Polytechnic University; MSc, University of British Columbia; PhD, Simon Fraser University. [III]

WILLIAMSON, CELIA, Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions and Director of the Social Work Program. BS, Abilene Christian University; MSSW, PhD, University of Texas at Arlington. [II]

WILLIAMSON, DAVID ALLEN, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions. BBA, Abilene Christian University; MA, PhD, Vanderbilt University. [III]

WILLIAMSON, JOHN ANDERSON, Professor of Teacher Education and Administration. BBA, University of Texas at Austin; MEd, Stephen F. Austin State University; EdD, University of Arkansas. [I]

WILNER, NEIL, Associate Professor of Accounting. BA, Queens College; MA, PhD, Ohio State University. [II]

WILSON, WILLIAM HENRY, Regents Professor of History. BJ, MA, PhD, University of Missouri. [III]

WINDSOR, JOHN C., Professor and Chair of the Department of Business Computer Information Systems. BBA, MDS, PhD, Georgia State University. [III]

WINSOR, PHILIP G., Professor of Music. BM, Illinois Wesleyan University; MA, San Francisco State University. [III]

WIRCENSKI, JERRY L., Professor of Technology and Cognition. BS, MA, PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

WODNICKI, ADAM J., Professor of Music. Teacher Certificate, State Higher School of Music; MA, State Academy of Music,
Krakow, Poland; DIPL, Indiana University School of Music. [III]

WOOD, SANDRA L., Assistant Professor of Political Science. BS, University of Oregon; PhD, University of Minnesota. [III]

WRIGHT, EUGENE PATRICK, Professor of English. BA, MA, University of North Texas; PhD, University of Texas at Austin. [II]

WU, FREDERICK H., Professor of Accounting. BA, National Taiwan University; MBA, University of California at Berkeley; PhD, Texas Tech University. [III]

WYATT, JUSTIN, Associate Professor of Radio, Television and Film. BA, University of British Columbia; MA, PhD, University of California at Los Angeles. [III]

YAFFE, MARTIN DAVID, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Religion Studies. BA, University of Toronto; PhD, Claremont Graduate School. [III]

YANG, CHAO-CHIH, Professor of Computer Sciences. BS, Chinese Naval College of Technology; MS, National Chiao Tung University; MS, PhD, Northwestern University. [III]

YEATTS, DALE E., Associate Professor of Applied Gerontology and Sociology. BA, MA, Old Dominion University; MA, College of William and Mary; PhD, University of Virginia. [III]

YELLEN, RICHARD, Associate Professor of Business Computer Information Systems. BS, San Jose State; MBA, University of California at Los Angeles; PhD, University of Arizona. [III]

YERIC, JERRY LEE, Associate Professor of Political Science. BA, Western Michigan University; MA, PhD, Ohio State University. [III]

YOUNG, JON I., Professor and Chair of the Department of Technology and Cognition. BS, MS, PhD, Brigham Young University. [III]

ZAMBONI, LUCA, Associate Professor of Mathematics. BA, University of California at Los Angeles; MS, PhD, Brown University. [III]

ZAVOINA, SUSAN C., Assistant Professor of Journalism. BS, MFA, University of North Texas. [II]

ZIMMERMAN, EARL GRAVES, Professor of Biological Sciences. BS, Indiana State University; MS, PhD, University of Illinois. [III]

* Currently on administrative appointment; designation of Regents Professor is suspended for the duration of the administrative appointment.

Emeritus Faculty

Alton, Louise, Music (1958-1980).

Amos, William, Community Service (1981-1995).

Anderson, Hershel, Business Administration (1962-1988).

Anderson, Miles, Arts and Sciences (1950-1992).

Austin, Larry, Music (1978-1996).

Ayer, Hugh, Arts and Sciences (1958-1986).

Bardas, Stefan, Music (1954-1980).

Barton, Sam, Arts and Sciences (1938-1973).

Belcher, William F., Arts and Sciences (1950-1985).

Benson, Leonard, Arts and Sciences (1953-1985).

Berger, Lorraine, Visual Arts (1964-1995).

Berkeley, Marvin, Business Administration (1973-1998); Dean.

Betti, Claudia, Arts and Sciences (1967-1989).

Black, Watt L., Education (1963-1994).

Bonk, Edward C., Education (1955-1980).

Bonney, Merl E., Arts and Sciences (1937-1973).

Botkin, Virginia, Music (1958-1995).

Breeden, Leon, Music (1959-1981).

Brock, Horace, Business Administration (1959-1992).

Brown, Leon, Music (1946-1983).

Brown, Newel Kay, Music (1970-1991).

Carter, Fairchild, Business Administration (1967-1987).

Caton, Irma, Education (1962-1988).

Christy, George A., Business Administration (1965-1986).

Clarke, Charles M., Education (1955-1980).

Cobb, Elsie J., Education (1964-1989).

Cochran, Kendall, Arts and Sciences (1957-1984).

Coda, Bernard, Business Administration (1965-1997).

Colson, Ted, Arts and Sciences (1956-1993).

Connell, L.F., Arts and Sciences (1937-1975).

Cooke, J.V., Arts and Sciences (1937-1974).

Copp, George, Arts and Sciences (1950-1977).

Crader, Jeannine, Music (1970-1997).

Cross, C. Jack, Education (1955-1992).

Cummings, Nettie Jo, Arts and Sciences (1948-1968).

Curry, John, Education (1956-1984).

Cveljo, Katherine, Library and Information Sciences (1977-1988).

Dameron, Joseph, Education (1968-1995).

Davidson, James, Arts and Sciences (1954-1981).

Davidson, Martin, Arts and Sciences (1967-1984).

Davis, Addie Nell, Human Resource Management (1951-1981).

DeFoor, Ira T., Education (1949-1984).

DeMaris, Joe E., Business Administration (1975-1989).

Detrick, Robert, Arts and Sciences (1969-1996).

DuChemin, Roderic C., Education (1956-1982).

Duncan, David W., Education (1950-1984).

Eady, Vernon, Education (1951-1979).

Escue, R.B., Arts and Sciences (1945-1985).

Evans, Mary, Human Resource Management (1958-1981).

Foster, Bruce, Arts and Sciences (1953-1990).

Friedsam, Hiram J., Community Service (1948-1983); Dean.

Gaupp, Fannie Belle, Arts and Sciences (1965-1986).

Gibson, O. Lee, Music (1945-1981).

Giese, James William, Business Administration (1966-1985).

Gionet, Arthur, Arts and Sciences (1961-1995).

Glick, Edwin, Arts and Sciences (1970-1995).

Gough, Clarence Ray, Arts and Sciences (1950-1980).

Gough, Georgia Leach, Arts and Sciences (1952-1975).

Griggs, Silas, Arts and Sciences (1967-1987).

Hamilton, Sidney, Arts and Sciences (1936-1973).

Hardin, Robert, Arts and Sciences (1956-1994).

Harrison, Norman, Business Administration (1949-1993).

Haynie, John J., Music (1950-1985).

Healey, Gordon D., Arts and Sciences (1964-1977).

Henderson, Sam, Arts and Sciences (1953-1985).

Hendricks, George D., Arts and Sciences (1951-1978).

Higgins, Wilfred, Arts and Sciences (1962-1982).

Hill, Virginia Calloway, Arts and Sciences (1926-1956).

Huffstutler, E.V., Education (1968-1981).

Hughes, Robert, Arts and Sciences (1962-1994).

Jeffrey, Lloyd N., Arts and Sciences (1955-1983).

Jetton, Johnnie, Arts and Sciences (1960-1996).

Johnson, Charles, Education (1957-1994).

Johnson, James, Jr., Visual Arts (1968-1995).

Johnston, Richard, Arts and Sciences (1968-1984).

Jones, Donald, Business Administration (1961-1983).

Jones, Lois Swan, Arts and Sciences (1972-1992).

Kamp, H. W., Arts and Sciences (1950-1984).

Kennerly, Sarah Law, Library and Information Sciences (1951-1977).

Kester, Stephen A., Arts and Sciences (1967-1994).

King, Barry, Business Administration (1970-1995).

Kirkpatrick, Hugh, Arts and Sciences (1961-1992).

Kobler, Jasper, Arts and Sciences (1964-1997).

Kooker, Earl Winton, Arts and Sciences (1951-1982).

Latham, William P., Music (1965-1984).

Lerch, James, Music (1966-1990).

Linebarger, James Morris, Arts and Sciences (1963-1996).

Littlefield, C.L., Business Administration (1948-1981).

Lomax, Elizabeth, Arts and Sciences (1947-1974).

Lowe, Gale B., Business Administration (1965-1995).

Lucker, William, Community Service (1962-1996); Dean.

Mahoney, James H., Education (1956-1982).

Mainous, Frank, Music (1947-1983).

Martin, Cora, Community Service (1967-1992).

Mattil, Edward L., Arts and Sciences (1971-1985).

McAdow, Maurice, Music (1945-1975).

McCain, Jerry, Education (1947-1981).

McGuire, David Charles, Music (1962-1987).

McKinley, Frank, Music (1940-1980).

Meador, Rowe, Business Administration (1955-1980).

Miller, Clyde, Music (1955-1983).

Miller, Donald, Music (1979-1989).

Miller, James R., Education (1977-1996); Dean.

Miller, Lee W., Arts and Sciences (1948-1983).

Miller, William, Education (1964-1996).

Mohat, Imogene Dickey, Arts and Sciences (1944-1978).

Newsom, Herman A., Education (1962-1977).

Nichols, Irby C., Arts and Sciences (1956-1991).

Nichols, Margaret I., Library and Information Sciences (1956-1995).

deOnis, Carlos, Arts and Sciences (1968-1995).

Ottman, Robert, Music (1946-1980).

Painter, William, Arts and Sciences (1967-1996).

Pilkey, Rita, Education (1946-1974).

Plunkett, John, Education (1956-1984).

Rainbow, Edward, Music (1967-1994).

Redden, David, Arts and Sciences (1958-1985).

Rich, Carroll Y., Arts and Sciences (1959-1995).

Richards, John V., Arts and Sciences (1965-1993).

Richardson, Alan W., Music (1945-1976).

Riddlesperger, James W., Arts and Sciences (1950-1978).

Riney, Bobye J., Merchandising and Hospitality Management (1973-1991).

Roach, Archie W., Arts and Sciences (1950-1978).

Robb, George, Education (1967-1989).

Rogers, James L., Arts and Sciences (1953-1996).

Rogers, Robert J., Music (1948-1984).

Sale, Richard B., Arts and Sciences (1965-1995).

Schoep, Arthur, Music (1967-1986).

Sherman, Robert C., Arts and Sciences (1946-1978).

Shockley, Martin, Arts and Sciences (1950-1974).

Skinner, Gordon, Arts and Sciences (1964-1992).

Smith, Howard, Education (1969-1997); Dean.

Sullivan, Nelson, Business Administration (1947-1982).

Tanner, Fred, Education (1968-1987).

Thompson, John, Arts and Sciences (1967-1995).

Toulouse, Robert B., Education (1948-1985); Provost.

Truitt, B. Price, Arts and Sciences (1945-1977).

Vaughan, Mack, Arts and Sciences (1965-1984).

Wainwright, Clinton, Community Service (1972-1990).

Walz, Larry Gene, Music (1956-1987).

Watson, Jack, Education (1956-1995).

Wenrich, Wesley, Arts and Sciences (1970-1993).

Whiddon, Henry, Visual Arts (1964-1995).

Wilborn, Bobbie, Education (1971-1995).

Williams, Grant, Music (1966-1994).

Williams, Ronald, Arts and Sciences (1934-1972).

Williamson, Merrill Delwin, Arts and Sciences (1962-1984).

Winslow, Robert A., Music (1975-1993).

Youngblood, Judy, Visual Arts (1976-1997).

Director Emeritus

Greene, A.C., Center for Texas Studies (1986-1991).

Dates indicate years at UNT.

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