Department of Teacher Education and Administration

Main Office
Matthews Hall, 206
P.O. Box 310740
Denton, TX 76203-0740
(940) 565-2920
Fax: (940) 565-4952
Web site:

Elementary Education
Reading Education
Matthews Hall, 218
(940) 565-2922

Educational Curriculum and Instruction
Secondary Education
Matthews Hall, 204
(940) 565-2826

Educational Administration
Matthews Hall, 218
(940) 565-2175

John C. Stansell, Chair


Professors Camp, Campbell, Contreras, Greenlaw, Harris, Kemerer, Laney, Luttrell, Patterson, Rodriguez, Simms, Stansell, Teeter, Wilhelm, Williamson. Associate Professors Adkison, Allen, Bane, Cowart, Crocker, Day, Fox, Gallian, Hudson, Huffman, Leavell, Mathis, van Tassell. Assistant Professors Bernshausen, Esprívalo Harrell, Forney, Mohr, Pasternak, Silva, Trevino, Tunks, Wickstrom. Lecturer Horany.


The Department of Teacher Education and Administration offers undergraduate and graduate programs to develop highly competent teachers, school administrators and others who wish to provide educational leadership to organizations. Effective instruction, curriculum development and evaluation are emphasized in all programs. Students use current theory and research to make decisions about effective practice. The department strives to improve practice through generation of new knowledge and through service to educational institutions, governmental agencies and practitioners at all levels.

The teacher education programs at the University of North Texas have a long history of preparing effective teachers. As the needs of children and schools of Texas change, the programs continue to change. In 1992, the teacher education programs began to establish professional development schools, which are field-based educator preparation programs. In professional development school programs, public school teachers and administrators collaborate with faculty from the University of North Texas to prepare teachers for the challenges of the new century. Teacher education students in professional development schools learn and apply their knowledge and skills in clinical settings under the supervision of master teachers. The programs in teacher education are working toward the goal of assuring that all students recommended for certification have had experience in professional development schools.

Programs in teacher education are approved by the State Board for Educator Certification [4616 W. Howard Lane, Suite 120, Austin, TX 78728] and are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) [2010 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036-1023; (202) 466-7496].

The department offers teacher certification programs for both undergraduate and graduate students. Undergraduates seeking teacher certification in early childhood through grade four (EC-4) or grades 4-8 should enroll in the Bachelor of Science program with a major in interdisciplinary studies. Undergraduates seeking certification in all-level or secondary education receive a degree though the major department and add the required courses for teacher certification.

Students who have earned an undergraduate degree from an accredited university may have their undergraduate transcript evaluated in the College of Education Student Advising Office in Matthews Hall, Room 105, to develop a post-baccalaureate certification plan. Post-baccalaureate students must apply for admission and be admitted to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies prior to enrolling in any classes (see the Graduate Catalog for admission requirements).

Programs of Study

The department offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the following areas:

Admission, Review and Retention (ARR) Committee

Any instructor in the College of Education has the right and responsibility to refer any student to the ARR Committee if that instructor has a concern about a student's academic progress, behavioral characteristics or communication skills that indicates potential problems in school settings. The ARR Committee reviews referrals made by faculty and determines a course of action. The ARR Committee also reviews student appeals and determines an appropriate course of action regarding changes in the student's course of study.

Admission to Teacher Education

To enroll in any teacher preparation course, with the exceptions of EDUC 2000 and EDSP 3210, students

1. must have completed the University Core Curriculum and field of study with a 2.75 GPA or have at least 60 hours (junior standing) with a 2.75 GPA. (See "University General Requirements" in the Academics section of this catalog.) Programs in teacher education require specific courses contained in parts of the University Core Curriculum to satisfy particular degree requirements. Students should consult program advisers in Matthews Hall, Room 105, for best choices in the core;

2. must formally apply and be admitted to Teacher Education through the College of Education Student Advising Office in Matthews Hall, Room 105; and

3. must meet all requirements for the specific certification level listed in the following table.

Teacher Certification

Program changes consistent with State Board for Educator Certification requirements are pending approval by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Contact the Student Advising Office, Matthews Hall, Room 105, for current status.

Teacher certification is a function of the State Board for Educator Certification. Completion of the bachelor's degree and the required education courses does not necessarily result in certification by the agency. All undergraduate students seeking recommendation for initial teacher certification through the University of North Texas must (1) successfully complete an approved teacher education program for the preparation of early childhood, middle grades, secondary or all-level teachers; (2) successfully complete student teaching, which includes attending appropriate seminars and passing a comprehensive teacher preparation examination; and (3) pass appropriate sections of the Examination for the Certification of Educators in Texas (ExCET) or the Texas Examinations of Educator Standards (TExES), as applicable. The ExCET/TExES is offered at least once each long semester and once in the summer. Contact the TExES Advising Office in Matthews Hall, Room 103, for further information [(940) 369-8601].

Those seeking early childhood or middle grades generalist certification must present acceptable

scores on the Elementary Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) and the EC-4 Generalist or 4-8 Generalist portions of the TExES (Elementary Professional Development and Elementary Comprehensive portions of the ExCET, if applicable). Those seeking basic secondary certification must present acceptable scores on the Secondary Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities (PPR) and content area portions of the TExES (Secondary Professional Development and content area portions of the ExCET, if applicable). Additional certifications may require satisfactory scores on portions related to those areas. Students should contact the ExCET/TExES Coordinator, Matthews Hall, Room 206S, to determine which exams apply to them and for other pertinent information. Students working on a teacher certification plan must meet all requirements stated on their certification (deficiency) plan.

Elementary Education

Bachelor of Science with a Major in Interdisciplinary Studies (EC-4 and 4-8 Teacher Certification)

Students completing the requirements for the undergraduate degree will receive the Bachelor of Science with a major in interdisciplinary studies and a minor in grades early childhood through 4 (EC-4) or grades 4 through 8 (4-8) education.

The undergraduate program typically requires a minimum of 127-139 semester hours. The specific number of hours required is determined by one's choice of grades EC-4 or grades 4-8 options as described below.

Degree Requirements

Students are encouraged to visit the College of Education web site ( for ExCET/TExES information. Students are encouraged to see their advisers each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

1. Hours Required and General/College Requirements: A minimum of 127-139 semester hours, (depending upon teacher certification and course options selected), of which 42 must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree as specified in the " General University Requirements" in the Academics section of this catalog and the College of Education requirements.

The department recommends specific courses (best choices) in some categories. Students may elect to take other courses listed under the University Core Curriculum to fulfill these requirements; however, doing so may add hours to the degree.

The natural sciences (8 hours) core requirements must include BIOL 1080-1081 and PHYS 1210 in order to meet teacher certification program requirements.

Students should consult with their advisers to determine best choices in the core, as well as best choices to meet the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies core requirement (including EDUC 2000). Content of the following recommended (best choices) courses correlates with the ExCET/TExES competency requirements: ANTH 1010*+; ART 1300; COMM 2020, 2040; DANC 2800; ECON 1110*+; ENGL 2210, 2220; GEOG 1170+; MATH 1100, 3150 (EC-4 only); MUMH 2040; PHED 1000; SMHM 1450; THEA 2340.

* May be used to satisfy more than one requirement.

+ May add extra hours to the major.

2. Major Requirements: Early Childhood Through Grade Four Generalist Teacher Certification Option

a. Field of Study (12 hours): DFEC 1013 (also may satisfy the Social and Behavioral Sciences requirement of the University Core Curriculum), DFEC 2033 (also may satisfy the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum), DFEC 3613; HLTH 1900; MATH 1350, MATH 1680.

b. Interdisciplinary Academic Major (50 hours):

c. Technology (3 hours): CECS 4100.

d. Fine and Performing Arts (3 hours): choose one from ART 3800, MUED 1130, MUED 1140, THEA 3400.

e. Pedagogy (24 hours): EDEE 3320, 3380 (must be taken prior to the PDS internship year); EDEE 4330, 4340, 4350 (all taken during the first semester of the PDS internship year) (requires two days/week course work and two days/week internship at the PDS site); EDEE 4101-4102 (requires 15 weeks of student teaching internship plus attendance at a one hour per week seminar and EDSP 4680; all must be taken during the second semester of the PDS internship year).

Grades Four Through Eight Generalist Teacher Certification Option

a. Field of Study (15 hours): DFEC 4133, MATH 1350, 1680 (MATH courses may also count toward the academic major requirements); EDUC 2000 (may also satisfy the university general requirement for Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies); EDSP 3210.

b. Academic Major (51 hours):

c. Technology (3 hours): CECS 4100.

d. Fine and Performing Arts (3 hours): choose one from ART 3800, MUED 1130, MUED 1140, THEA 3400.

e. Pedagogy (24 hours): EDEE 3320, 3380 (must be taken prior to the PDS internship year); EDEE 4330, 4340, 4350, EDRE 4860 (also counts toward academic major). (Requires two days/week course work and two days/week internship at the PDS site.) All must be taken during the first semester of the PDS internship year; EDEE 4103-4104 (requires 15 weeks of student teaching internship plus attendance at a one hour per week seminar) and EDSP 4680 (both must be taken during the second semester of the PDS internship year).

3. Minor Requirements: A minor is not required for this degree.

4. Other Course Requirements:

5. Electives: See individual degree plan.

6. Other Requirements:

a. Admission to Teacher Education: Prior to enrolling in any teacher preparation course (except EDUC 2000 or EDSP 3210), students must have:
b. Eligibility for Teacher Certification: Teacher certification is a function of the State Board for Educator Certification. Completion of the bachelor's degree and the required education courses does not necessarily result in certification by the agency. In order to receive recommendation for teacher certification through the University of North Texas, students must have:

State Requirements

The degree requirements for the BS with a major in interdisciplinary studies meet or exceed those mandated by the state of Texas in the 2000 certification standards.


The University of North Texas is committed to excellence in all academic programs. In keeping with this commitment the university offers a variety of scholarships and awards to continuing students and to exceptional entering freshmen and transfer students. The university has two categories of competitive academic scholarships: general and departmental. Information on general scholarships may be obtained from Student Financial Aid and Scholarships.

The programs in elementary and reading education have eight scholarships available to undergraduate students.

The Rena Mae Matthews, Mary Carlisle Webb, Bessie Cowan, Violet and Eunice Garrish, Mina Stroup and Mary Wells scholarship funds provide for grants each year to junior and senior students seeking elementary certification who have been admitted to teacher education.

The Phillip and Margaret Walker Memorial Scholarship and Reva Sykes Friedsam Scholarship are available each year to a senior student seeking certification in teacher education.

Information on these scholarships may be obtained in the Elementary Education Office in Matthews Hall, Room 218.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The "Course and Subject Guide," found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Secondary Education

Secondary Education, in cooperation with other schools and departments, offers a complete curriculum of teacher preparation. A Standard Secondary Teacher's Certificate for teaching grades 8-12 is available with the completion of a major in an approved teaching field and a minor in secondary education.

Undergraduate professional development courses in secondary education constitute a minor for bachelor's degree programs in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Business Administration or the School of Community Service. The program of studies offered through Secondary Education meets all current professional development requirements for Texas teacher certification.

Requirements for Secondary Teacher Certification

Secondary certification levels are under revision by the Texas State Board for Educator Certification. Students should consult the Student Advising Office, Matthews Hall, Room 105, for current information.

The State of Texas Teacher's Certificate requires completion of an approved four-year degree program. Completion of the bachelor's degree in the content area (see explanation of options below) and the professional development sequence meets the requirements of the State Board for Educator Certification for the Standard Secondary Teachers Certificate for grades 8-12.

Bachelor of Arts; Bachelor of Science

Minor in Secondary Education (Secondary Teacher Certification)

At the time this catalog went to press, UNT was authorized to recommend secondary and all-level teacher certification for students who have completed a baccalaureate degree in the following content areas:

Although teacher certification programs share many commonalities, each certificate has unique requirements. What applies to one certificate or grade level is not necessarily applicable to another. Also, additions, deletions and revisions to existing teacher standards, content areas and certificate levels continue to be made by the State board for Educator Certification. Many certificates previously available have been or are scheduled to be replaced or deleted. Although overlap provisions exist for some certificates, they are not broadly applicable to all content areas. Special conditions apply to students pursuing certification within the student services content area, vocational education, or educational administration; to those who already are licensed to teach in Texas; and to teachers seeking transfer of their certification from another state or country. Therefore, it is impractical to list requirements for individual content areas in this catalog.

Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with an adviser in the Student Advising Office, Matthews Hall, Room 105, or visit for the current information regarding specific certificate requirements and any pending changes. The SAO sees students by appointment only, except during the regular registration period each semester when they accept drop-in visitors. Appointment times fill quickly and students are encouraged to schedule at least two weeks in advance to ensure availability of an adviser.

Programs are in the developmental stages for the following teacher certificates, pending approval of the UNT Board of Regents, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, and the State Board for Educator Certification. Consult the Student Advising Office in Matthews Hall, Room 105, for current information.

Degree Requirements

1. Hours Required and General/College Requirements: A minimum of 127 semester hours, of which 42 hours must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree as specified in the " General University Requirements" in the Academics section of this catalog and the College of Education requirements. Students seeking teacher certification in secondary or all-level education must also meet all requirements of the college responsible for awarding the degree program for their selected major.

2. Major Requirements: See individual degree plan.

3. Other Course Requirements: See individual degree plan.

4. Minor Requirements:

5. Electives: See individual degree plan.

6. Other Requirements:

a. Admission to Teacher Education: Prior to enrolling in the first education course, students must have:
b. Eligibility for Teacher Certification and Endorsements: Teacher certification is a function of the State Board for Educator Certification. Completion of the bachelor's degree and the required education courses does not necessarily result in certification by the agency. In order to receive recommendation for teacher certification through the University of North Texas, students must have:

Access to Texas teacher licensure testing (ExCET/TExES bar codes) is available only to those students who have successfully completed an initial teacher certification program or who are passing their final education courses and have passed the departmental competency exams. Some content areas also require that the competency exam be passed as part of the requirements for a passing grade in specific courses. (Students should consult the Courses of Instruction section of this catalog for identification of those courses.)

The ExCET/TExES is offered at least once each long semester and once in the summer. Contact the TExES Advising Office in Matthews Hall, Room 103 for further information [(940)369-8601].

Degree/Certification Plan

The degree/certification plan is the official document outlining the student's course of study. The student is responsible for initiating the degree/certification plan process and should do so as soon as possible after being formally enrolled at the university and prior to the first semester in teacher education.

Advising should be sought in the Student Advising Office. The student, with advisement, makes decisions relating to the program of study. The degree/certification plan is subsequently prepared in the College of Education Student Advising Office in Matthews Hall, Room 105. Degree/certification plan processing takes four to six weeks. Students must make an appointment to review completed degree/certification plans in Matthews Hall, Room 105. Any changes in degree/certification plans must be approved by the academic departments and the teacher education departmental office.

Graduate Degrees

The department offers master's and doctoral degrees. For further information on graduate degrees and certificates available in the graduate programs, consult the Graduate Catalog.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The "Course and Subject Guide," found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Educational Foundations

Educational Foundations courses are provided primarily as support courses. Although some courses are offered at the undergraduate level, most are available at the graduate level.

Detailed information may be found in the Graduate Catalog.

Educational Administration

See Graduate Catalog.

Educational Curriculum and Instruction

See Graduate Catalog.

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