Criminal Justice Courses

Criminal Justice, CJUS = 0420

2100. Crime and Justice in the United States. 3 hours. This course examines the societal responses to people and organizations that violate criminal codes; discusses the history, development, organization and philosophy of the justice process; and analyzes the complex inter-relationships between the major components of the criminal justice system (police, courts and corrections). (Same as SOCI 2100.)

3201. Criminal Law. 3 hours. This course examines general and statutory bases and theories of criminal law and jurisprudence. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

3210. Judicial and Legal Systems. 3 hours. This course examines the courts, the legal and judicial process and judicial behavior. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

3300. Police Systems. 3 hours. This course focuses on the role and function of police in contemporary society, the problems arising between citizens and police from the enforcement of laws, the limitations of police in a democratic society and the methodologies used by the police to be a more effective component of the justice system. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

3310. Organized and Consensual Crime. 3 hours. The study of the history, structure and governmental responses to organized crime; special emphasis is placed on consensual crimes such as drug abuse and trafficking, prostitution, pornography and gambling. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

3320. Corporate Security and Loss Prevention. 3 hours. Overview of loss prevention problems and the security and management strategies designed to protect the private sector from crime, fire, accident, employee dishonesty and natural disaster. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

3400. Correctional Systems. 3 hours. This course focuses on prisons and jails. It examines the goals and history of punishment; the death penalty; the composition and social organization of jail and prison populations; bail, detention, sentencing and classification; institutional management and the conflicts between rehabilitation and punishment. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent. (Same as SOCI 3460.)

3410. Correctional Case Management. 3 hours. Study of the basic purposes and techniques of correctional case management with consideration given to the supervision and control of offender activities and the development of interpersonal skills required to enhance communication with and to effect lasting behavioral change in offenders. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

3530. Psychology of the Offender. 3 hours. This course examines the psychological processes related to the legal offender; as well as the dynamics involved in such activities as sexual deviancy, drug abuse, murder, assault and non-assaultive crimes. (Same as PSYC 3530.)

3600. Criminology. 3 hours. This course provides an overview of the major criminological perspectives and an examination of the social, political and intellectual milieu within which each developed. The course focuses on the multi-disciplinary nature of criminological thought. Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1510, PSYC 1630 and CJUS 2100 or equivalents.

3610. Juvenile Justice. 3 hours. This course examines juvenile delinquency and the juvenile justice system. Specific attention is devoted to historical and current police, court and correctional policies and practices pertaining to juveniles. (Same as SOCI 3610.)

3700. Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice. 3 hours. A study of ethical issues facing the criminal justice system. Problems confronting police, the courts and the juvenile and correctional systems are addressed. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

4200. Criminal Procedure. 3 hours. An examination of the constitutional and statutory bases and judicial interpretations of the procedures governing the administration of criminal justice. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 and CJUS 3201 or equivalents.

4250. Law and Social Problems. 3 hours. This course examines the role of law in attempts to address and solve social problems. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 and CJUS 3201 or equivalents.

4350. Seminar on Violence. 3 hours. An analysis of the incidence, patterns and causes of criminal violence; the characteristics of particular crimes (e.g., murder, robbery, rape, domestic abuse, terrorism); and society's reaction to such violence. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

4360. Criminal Investigation. 3 hours. The study of methods of obtaining and reporting information from the crime scene, victims, witnesses and suspects. Specific attention is given to investigation of index crimes (homicide, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, arson, motor vehicle theft and larceny). Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100, CJUS 3201 and CJUS 3300 or equivalents.

4460. Community Corrections. 3 hours. This course examines the concept of community corrections from various perspectives. It also examines contemporary practices and trends in probation, parole, and other forms of community corrections. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent. (Same as SOCI 4460.)

4500. Administration of Criminal Justice Agencies. 3 hours. The study of principles and practices of administration and their application to criminal justice agencies. Special focus on the relationship of theoretical administrative concepts and practical criminal justice problems. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 and 9 hours of upper-division criminal justice courses or equivalents.

4650. Victimology. 3 hours. Exploration of the scope of victim issues in American society. Review of the programs and services provided victims of crime. The expanding roles of the courts, police, battered women shelters, victim/witness assistance programs, crisis intervention units and legislation are highlighted. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent.

4660. Offender Behavior. 3 hours. This course examines the variables that correlate with or lead to criminal behavior, such as the family, schools, personality, economic forces and cultural values. It uses psycho-social explanations to illuminate the factors that cause crime and criminality and suggests solutions. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 and 3600, SOCI 4870 or equivalents.

4850. Internship in Criminal Justice. 1-6 hours. Each student is placed as a participant observer in a criminal justice agency for a minimum of 120 hours to provide an opportunity to apply academic training to practical situations. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent and 12 additional hours of criminal justice courses and consent of the director of criminal justice program.

4860. Studies in Criminal Justice. 1-3 hours. Individual investigation of selected issues regarding criminal justice. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent and 12 additional hours of criminal justice courses and consent of the director of the criminal justice program. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4870. Topics in Criminal Justice. 3 hours. Seminar class devoted to an investigation, analysis and discussion of significant problems in contemporary criminal justice. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Prerequisite(s): CJUS 2100 or equivalent and 6 additional hours of criminal justice courses.

4901. Senior Seminar: Criminal Justice and Public Policy. 3 hours. The examination of the problems and issues involved in forming and implementing criminal justice policy in the United States. This course represents the final capstone experience for the student. Prerequisite(s): senior standing and at least 18 hours of criminal justice, with 12 hours from the criminal justice core.

Graduate Catalog Criminal Justice Courses

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