Anthropology Courses

Anthropology, ANTH = 0480

1010 (2346). General Anthropology. 3 hours. An exploration into the study of humans and culture(s) designed for those desiring to gain some understanding of the nature of anthropology and its unique approach to the problem of understanding the basic unity and the great diversity of human beings and their ways of life. Satisfies the Social Sciences and Philosophy requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2035. Urban Poverty. 3 hours. Poverty is an increasing phenomenon in the modern world. This course surveys the history and development of poverty in the western world with concentration on the problems of poverty in modern urban America. The course emphasizes the research of ethnographers in an attempt to help students understand the genesis and basis for the problem of poverty in U.S. cities. A holistic anthropological analysis is used to help explain this growing problem and its ramifications for the larger society. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or consent of department. Satisfies the Diversity in the United States requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2045. Women in Culture. 3 hours. Women's roles are as diverse as the cultures they live in. Students in this course will look at women's political, economic, religious and social roles in a variety of human cultures. They will analyze the extent to which sex roles are biologically or culturally determined and examine the ways in which the roles of women in American society fit into the pattern of roles that women have held throughout the human existence. Satisfies the Crosscultural and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2100. World Cultures Through Film. 3 hours. Through the use of ethnographic and documentary film, as well as lecture/discussion, this course will illustrate the life ways, values and beliefs of human societies throughout the world. This survey will include examples from native North America, Latin America, Australia, Southeast Asia, Africa, East Asia, Melanesia, Polynesia, modern North America and Europe. Satisfies the Crosscultural and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2150. World Cultures. 3 hours. This team-taught course concentrates on providing students with a better understanding and appreciation of the multicultural and multiracial world in which they live. Both historical (traditional) and modern influences that have resulted in the multicultural world of today will be discussed. Organized on the model of the major culture areas of the world (Europe, Middle East, Latin America, South Asia, Oceania and Pacific Rim, Far East and Southeast Asia), cultural specialists in these areas will be a regular part of the course. Satisfies the Crosscultural and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2250. Introduction to Sociocultural Anthropology. 3 hours. A survey of anthropological attempts to understand and explain the similarities and differences in human behavior, social institutions and total ways of life. Extensive use is made of descriptions of cultures from around the world. Satisfies the Social Sciences and Philosophy or Crosscultural and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2350. Cultural Diversity in U.S. (American) Culture. 3 hours. Culture, cultural diversity and multiculturalism constitute some of the most significant social issues in America today. Oriented around the core concept of culture and cultural groups, the course is designed to introduce the student to the basic concepts of culture and cultural diversity and develop an awareness and appreciation for the full range of diversity in the American (U.S.) culture. Special time and attention will be devoted to the origins, development and consequences of the diversity that plays such a central role in the lives of people in this nation-state culture. Satisfies the Diversity in the United States requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

2500 (2302). Introduction to Archaeology. 3 hours. A survey of the techniques, methods and theories of archaeology. An important focus of the course is on the reconstruction of the culture and ecology of prehistoric societies in both the Old World and the New World. (Same as ARCH 2500.)

2700. Introduction to Physical Anthropology. 4 hours. (3;2) Study of human biological evolution from primate beginnings to the present era. Emphasis is placed upon anatomical and physiological variations and their adaptive significance. (Same as BIOL 2700.)

3100. People and Cultures. 3 hours. Prehistory, history and ethnography of selected major culture areas of the world; social and cultural adaptations and practices. Among culture areas offered are North American Indians, American Southwest, Oceania, Latin America, Mediterranean Europe, Alaska, Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. Satisfies the Crosscultural and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

3350. Anthropology of American Culture and Society. 3 hours. Examination of American culture using the holistic method of anthropology. Focusing on the difference between ideal and real culture, this course offers insight into and conscious understanding of the American way of life. Satisfies the Diversity in the United States requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

3650. Origins of Civilization. 3 hours. The comparative study of the cultural, technological and ecological patterns of change leading to urban civilizations. Surveys the archaeological evidence of the domestication of plants and animals, and the emergence of villages. The art, architecture, economic and sociopolitical characteristics of early civilizations in the Near East and Meso-America are examined. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or 2250 or 2500, or consent of department. (Same as ARCH 3650.)

4010. Language and Culture. 3 hours. Course focuses on language and all other forms of human communication within the context of culture and society, human thought and behavior. Special attention is paid to the relationship between culture and language, the social uses of language, language as a model for interpreting culture, language and all other forms of non-verbal communication within speech interactions. Extralinguistic communication (e.g. proxemics, kinesics), usually meaning out-of-awareness
communication for most speakers, will be addressed as cultural communication. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or consent of department.

4020. Applied Anthropology. 3 hours. Course is concerned with the development, theory, methods and approaches of applied anthropology. Through case materials, the course will examine both the current and historical roles and contributions of the various subfields in the application of anthropology to the problems of culture. Special attention will be directed at developing some understanding and appreciation of the problems and ethics involved in applied or practical activities and to developing the necessary skills and methods for assuming such a role as an applied anthropologist.

4050. Contemporary Ethnic Groups. 3 hours. Course examines the complexities and intricacies involved in the definition of 'ethnic group' in the contemporary world. Different case studies are used to gain understanding and data for the definition of the term. Socioeconomic organization, political systems and ideological creations are taken into account in order to analyze ethnic groups and the role they perform within national and international contexts. The role and performance of the anthropologists in both the analysis and the creation of images regarding the ethnic groups existing today is emphasized. Satisfies the Crosscultural and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

4250. Development of Anthropological Thought. 3 hours. An overview of the history of anthropological thought from its origins to the contemporary schools of anthropology, with emphasis on the scientific, intellectual and sociopolitical causes and consequences of changes in major conceptual orientations to man and culture. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or 2250, or consent of department.

4600. Topics in Physical Anthropology. 3 hours. Selected topics of interest and significance in physical anthropology, such as human osteology and primate behavior, are covered during different semesters. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or BIOL 1110/1115 or equivalent, or consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. (Same as BIOL 4600 when offered as Forensic Anthropology.)

4610. Topics in Sociocultural Anthropology. 3 hours. Selected topics of interest and significance in sociocultural anthropology, offered at different times, include education and anthropology, urban anthropology, anthropology of art, anthropology of warfare and conflict, and cultural ecology. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or 2250, or consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

4620. Topics in Archaeology. 3 hours. Selected topics of interest and significance in archaeology, such as historic archaeology, Texas archaeology, New World archaeology, Old World archaeology and Meso-American archaeology, are covered during different semesters. Prerequisite(s): ANTH/ARCH 2500 or consent of department. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. (Same as ARCH 4620.)

4700. Magic, Witchcraft and Religion. 3 hours. Anthropological approaches to the study of cultural beliefs in the supernatural, including religions, myth, ritual, totemism, magic and shamanism. Examination of the role of the supernatural in culture. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or consent of department.

4750. Culture Change. 3 hours. Examines cultural change on the broad level of human evolution and the more specific level of directed change. Emphasis is placed on gaining an understanding of the interactional and multicultural aspects of directed culture change in all human groups. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or consent of department.

4800. Anthropological Fieldmethods. 3 hours. Course concentrates on the fieldmethods of anthropology, in particular, the various data gathering techniques, methods of analysis and field techniques of "participant observation." In addition to acquiring the skills of the participant observation method, the student also will gain an increased awareness, understanding and appreciation of the problems associated with conducting research in cultures other than their own. Special attention is devoted to the interactional aspects of dealing with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Prerequisite(s): ANTH 1010 or 2250 or consent of department.

4810. Archaeological Field School. 6 hours. Comprehensive training in site survey, excavation techniques, laboratory processing, restoration and analysis of archaeological materials through direct participation in an archaeological field project. Prerequisite(s): ANTH/ARCH 2500 or consent of department. Held off campus; room and board fees may be required. Usually offered only during the summer months and based on the availability of field projects. This course is taught in cooperation with the Institute of Applied Sciences. (Same as ARCH 4810.)

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

4920. Cooperative Education in Anthropology. 1-3 hours. Supervised work in a job directly related to the student's major, professional field of study or career objectives. Prerequisite(s): 12 hours credit in anthropology; student must meet the employer's requirements and have consent of the institute director. May be repeated for credit.

Graduate Catalog Anthropology Courses

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