Technology and Cognition

Applied Technology, Training and Development, ATTD = 0572
Computer Education and Cognitive Systems, CECS = 0513
Special Education, EDSP = 0597

Applied Technology, Training and Development, ATTD = 0572

1100. Introduction to Keyboarding and Document Formatting. 3 hours. An entry-level course designed for students who have had no more than one semester of typewriting/keyboarding in high school or prior college credit. The course allows students to learn proper keyboard techniques, how to format documents and explore popular word processing programs.

3010. Personal Development. 3 hours. Course provides opportunities for students to develop themselves professionally. Special emphasis is placed on image development for a chosen career and strategy development to launch that career. Time management, money management, business etiquette, selecting mentors and role models are also addressed.

4000. Developing Effective Presentation Skills. 3 hours. Emphasis on basic instructional techniques and media commonly utilized in applied technology, training and development; emphasis on effective introductions, questioning and summary strategies Open to all majors..

4070. Principles of Leadership, Empowerment and Team Building. 3 hours. The nature and scope of leadership and empowerment as it relates to applied technology and industrial training environments; the techniques for leadership, empowerment and team building are emphasized. Prerequisite(s): junior standing or consent of department.

4230. Directed Occupational Internship in Industry or Training. 1-3 hours. (2000 clock hours equals one year of experience or 8 semester credit hours.) Supervised individual work experience in a recognized occupation or field of specialization. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. For those who meet the necessary state-mandated requirements for years of work experience these credits can be granted for successful completion of an occupational competency examination. May be repeated up to 24 hours of credit.

4300. Computer Applications in Education and Training. 3 hours. Two broad areas of applications (occupational and educational) are discussed and demonstrated. Course focuses on an integration of software packages in a project-oriented, real-world environment. Course is primarily hands-on with students working extensively on the computer and related hardware. Prerequisite(s): CECS 1100 or equivalent.

4340. Office Information Processes. 3 hours. Course combines skills of hardware and software use with an introduction to teaching methods needed to teach those skills to students in the K-12 office education classroom. Prerequisite(s): ATTD 4300.

4350. Advanced Computer Applications in Education and Training. 3 hours. Course is designed as an advanced preparation for students preparing to enter organizations in education or training that utilize modern computer-based technologies that include: graphic applications, telecommunications, networking, programming and computer-based training. Prerequisite(s): ATTD 4300.

4360. Desktop Publishing in Education and Training. 3 hours. Course emphasizes the application of desktop publishing theory and practices in education and training. Course utilizes desktop publishing software to create technical brochures, advertisements, newsletters and other publications in the industrial training organization or educational environment. Prerequisite(s): ATTD 4300.

4435. History and Principles of Applied Technology. 3 hours. A study of the historical development, founding principles and objectives of applied technology programs in the United States; focus on the types of programs, general organization and methods of delivery.

4440. Advanced Instructional Strategies. 3 hours. Emphasis on advanced instructional techniques; including questioning, discussion, problem-solving, motivation, and instructional development used in applied technology and industrial training setting. Prerequisite(s): ATTD 4000.

4450. Development, Organization and Use of Instructional Materials. 3 hours. Study and practical application of methods to prepare, select, develop and utilize instructional materials, media and aids for industrial education and industrial training programs.

4460. Organization and Management of the Instructional Environment. 3 hours. The arrangement of equipment for an efficient, safe machine/operations. Includes budgets, maintenance and service contracts. Instructor's role in student selection, placement and follow-up surveys, and public relations.

4470. Human Relations in Business, Education and Industry. 3 hours. A study of the components of human relations and interpersonal communication factors in business, education, trade and industrial education and training programs.

4490. Serving Learners from Special Populations in Applied Technology Programs. 3 hours. Introduction to identification, assessment, instructional and curriculum modifications, support services and evaluation of learners from special populations (e.g. disadvantaged, disabled and limited English-speaking) in applied technology programs. Satisfies the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

4510. Communications in Business, Education and Industry. 3 hours. Important factors in succeeding on the job. Emphasis is placed on communication, strategies for conducting meetings and seminars, conflict management, developing and arranging agendas, itineraries, minutes and business reports, designing and using business graphics, and job-getting communication.

4520. Management of Cooperative Programs. 3 hours. Concepts related to the establishment of cooperative education programs, selection of training stations, writing training plans, general and specific related curriculum, and labor laws. Prerequisite(s): junior standing or consent of department.

4610. Problems in Industrial Cooperative Education. 3 hours. A review of basic standards, recent changes and the underlying reasons for such standards. Emphasis is placed on identifying, analyzing and reaching logical solutions to real problems encountered in the operation of the cooperative education program. Public relations and promotion of the cooperative program, the development of a course of study for general related material and the operation of adult education classes are included.

4630. Organization and Administration of Applied Technology Programs. 3 hours. A study of the organization and administration of applied technology programs, including techniques for the structure, delivery and evaluation of the educational function, budgeting, operations and staffing.

4730. Occupational Analysis and Course Development. 3 hours. Procedures for analysis of occupations, jobs and tasks for instructional planning and course development in vocational education and training programs.

4740. Instructional Internship in Applied Technology and Training. 3-6 hours. Supervised observation and instructional practice in an approved applied technology program or industrial training environment; discussion and evaluation seminars are scheduled. Prerequisite(s): consent of department.

4800. Studies in Education. 1-3 hours. Organized classes for program and student interests and needs. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. Limited-offering basis. May be repeated for credit.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

Computer Education and Cognitive Systems, CECS = 0513

1100. Computer Applications. 3 hours. Introduction to computer usage. Integrated approach to software tools such as word processing, data-base management, spreadsheet, communications and graphics applications.

2100. Surviving the Information Age. 3 hours. A collegiate guide to Internet resources and information procurement. Topics include: connecting to UNT resources, peripheral selection and use, tips for purchasing and using application software, an overview of graphics software, applications of the Internet, HTML code, methods of establishing an Internet connection, netcasting, voice and video conferencing, PC-based troubleshooting techniques, electronic research, and information processing using Internet. Prerequisite(s): CECS 1100, or equivalent.

3220. Computer Graphics in Education and Training. 3 hours. Application of computer graphics to the preparation of multimedia and web-based materials. Includes principles of graphics communication, concepts in computer graphics, graphics input systems, graphics manipulation software, and graphics output systems. Prerequisite(s): CECS 1100.

3260. Web Authoring. 3 hours. Creation of web-based materials incorporating text, graphics, and multimedia elements. Emphasis on use of standards-based technologies for creating content for web-based delivery. Prerequisite(s): CECS 2510 and 3220.

3440. Technology and the Teacher. 3 hours. Introduction to class presentation and teacher productivity systems, including graphic, audio, video and computer-based materials. Laserdiscs, videotapes, LCD systems and computer software for the classroom. Prerequisite(s): CECS 1100.

3530. Data Communications. 3 hours. Foundational skills in data communications. Covers the basics of computer networking, including terms and concepts, contemporary network services, transmission media, and protocols. Students learn how protocols are used in networking implementations from many vendors, especially those most common in today's LANs and WANs. Prerequisite(s): CECS 2510.

4100. Computers in the Classroom. 3 hours. Computers in education; computer topics covered in introductory and secondary school courses. Motivation and objectives in computer education; some programming language. Instructional uses of the computer, topics in curriculum integration. Prerequisite(s): CECS 1100.

4210. Digital Multimedia in Education and Training. 3 hours. Production of multimedia materials using digital video and audio production techniques. Project management teams, instructional design, editing techniques, digitizing, using a video camera, and production/post-production techniques are covered. Prerequisite(s): CECS 3220.

4550. Network Systems Administration. 3 hours. Study of file and print network services in a directory services environment. Topics include server configuration, user management, resource allocation, risk management, and disaster recovery. Prerequisite(s): CECS 3530.

4560. Internet Services Administration. 3 hours. Design and implementation of Internet information services including FTP, NNTP, World Wide Web, and streaming media. Conferencing using H.323 and T.120 standards-based systems. Students both design and build various information services using representative software tools and hardware platforms.

4800-4810. Studies in Education. 1-3 hours each. Organized classes for program needs. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. Limited-offering basis. May be repeated for credit.

4830. Practicum, Field Problem, or Internship. 3 hours. (1;0;6) Supervised professional activities in computer education. May be repeated for credit.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each. Prerequisite(s): consent of department. May be repeated for credit.

Educational Research - see Graduate Catalog

Special Education, EDSP = 0597

The following special education courses are included in the generic special education service delivery endorsement for the elementary and secondary teaching certificates (EDSP 3210, 3220, 3300, 3410, 3420, 3500, 4330 and 4340).

2500. Human Exceptionality. 3 hours. An examination of intellectual, physical and social-behavioral exceptionalities across the life span. Students explore educational, cultural, economic, and political perspectives of exceptionalities. Attention is also given to viewing exceptionalities from various disciplines. Satisfies the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

3210. Educational Aspects of Exceptional Learners. 3 hours. Overview of the unique physical, cognitive and behavioral needs of exceptional learners. The teacher's role in identification and referral procedures and implementation of effective educational practices as required by federal and state law are examined.

3220. Learning Disabilities: Characteristics, Identification and Intervention. 3 hours. An examination is made of the typical characteristics associated with learning disabilities and identification procedures utilized. Emphasis is on the development of appropriate intervention programs. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210 and 3300 or consent of department.

3300. Special Education Practicum I. 3 hours. (1;6) Practical experience in field sites (90 hours: 70 hours field experience and 20 hours classroom). Cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives for observing behaviors, assisting in planning for instruction and participating in diagnostic processes. Professional development is emphasized. Prerequisite(s): 60 hours of undergraduate credit, overall GPA 2.75, all sections of TASP must be passed.

3410. Mental Retardation: Characteristics, Identification and Intervention. 3 hours. An examination is made of the typical characteristics associated with mental retardation and identification procedures utilized. Emphasis is on the development of appropriate intervention programs. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210 and 3300 or consent of department.

3420. Behavioral Disorders: Characteristics, Identification and Intervention. 3 hours. An examination is made of the typical characteristics associated with severe behavior problems and procedures for identification. Emphasis is on the development of appropriate intervention programs. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210 and 3300 or consent of department.

3500. Educational Assessment of Exceptional Learners. 3 hours. Knowledge of basic testing procedures and terminology as related to the exceptional learner. Interpretation and utilization of test data in developing individual education plans. Introduction to curriculum-based assessment. Field experiences include administration of academic and teacher-made assessments. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210, 3220, 3300, 3410 and 3420, or consent of department.

4110. Student Teaching in Special Education. 3 hours. Teaching under supervision. See "Student Teaching Program" under College of Education section in the Undergraduate Catalog for details. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210, 3220, 3300, 3410, 3420, 3500, 4330 and 4340; or consent of department. Pass/no pass only.

4330. Advanced Educational Strategies for Exceptional Learners. 3 hours. Synthesis of techniques for individualizing specialized learning environments to include instruction procedures, behavioral management and communication systems. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210, 3220, 3300, 3410 and 3420 or consent of department.

4340. Educational Strategies for Behavioral Change in Exceptional Learners. 3 hours. Focus is upon a variety of strategies designed to affect behavioral change in students with unique problems, which include management techniques, parent communication and utilization of ancillary professional personnel. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210, 3220, 3300, 3410 and 3420 or consent of department.

4680. Learning and Behavioral Strategies for Exceptional Learners. 3 hours. Focus on a variety of assessment and teaching strategies designed to enhance the learning and social/emotional growth of students with disabilities served within the general education classroom. Examination of the teacher's role in collaborating with parents and other professionals in the design of a classroom learning community that promotes student success. Prerequisite(s): EDSP 3210, or equivalent.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each.

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