College of Business Administration

Main Office
Business Administration Building, 123
P.O. Box 311160
Denton, TX 76203-1160
(940) 565-2110
Fax: (940) 565-4640
Web site:

Jared E. Hazleton, Dean

James L. McDonald, Executive Associate Dean

Mary Thibodeaux, Associate Dean


The mission of the College of Business Administration is to provide high quality business education leading to baccalaureate, master's and doctoral degrees; to conduct relevant basic and applied research; to engage in instructional development; and to provide professional expertise and service to the college's constituent communities. Our mission is accomplished with a primary focus on the undergraduate and master's degrees, with a small doctoral program in keeping with the mission of the University of North Texas as a metropolitan research and doctoral degree­granting university. This mission reflects our firm belief in the importance of learning, supported by teaching, intellectual contributions and service.

Academic Advising

Information concerning academic matters is available in the Academic Advising Office of the College of Business Administration. For undecided majors, freshmen, transfer students and those who have not completed the pre-business requirements, academic advising is available throughout the year in the Business Administration Building, Room 123.

Advisers in the Academic Advising Office help students select programs and courses, prepare degree plans, obtain advising clearance forms, change majors, and understand policies and procedures. They also apply transfer credit and monitor graduation requirements.

Undergraduate faculty advisers in the departments must be consulted concerning any changes in the professional or supporting fields requirements.

Programs of Study


The college offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) or Bachelor of Science (BS). A minimum of 50 percent of the business credit hours required for any undergraduate business degree must be completed at UNT. BBA and BS degree programs are offered through the following departments:

College of Business Administration

BBA General Business

Department of Accounting

Department of Business Computer Information Systems

Department of Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law

Department of Management

Department of Marketing and Logistics


The college also offers graduate programs leading to the following degrees.


The college is accredited by the AACSB International The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business [600 Emerson Road, Suite 300, St. Louis, MO 63141-6762; (314) 872-8481] at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Degree Requirements and the University Core Curriculum

Occasionally a course required for a degree may also satisfy a requirement of the University Core Curriculum. In addition to taking the required course, a student may elect to take a different course from among those available to fulfill that core requirement; doing so, however, may add to the total number of hours required for the degree. Students who have questions regarding degree requirements and core requirements should consult a degree program adviser.

Bachelor of Business Administration

General Degree Requirements

The following requirements must be satisfied for a Bachelor of Business Administration.

1. Hours Required and General/College Requirements: A minimum of 127 semesters hours, of which 42 must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration degree as specified in the "General University Requirements " in the Academics section of this catalog and the college of Business Administration requirements.

2. Business Foundation Requirements: See "Business Foundation Requirement s" in this section of the catalog.

3. Professional Field Requirements: See individual College of Business departmental sections.

4. Supporting Field: See individual College of Business departmental sections.

5. Electives: See individual College of Business departmental sections. Only free electives may be taken under the pass/no pass option.

6. Other Requirements:

a. the professional field;

b. all courses completed at UNT; and

c. all work attempted, including all transfer, correspondence, extension and residence work.

Pre-Business Requirements

To be admitted to a Bachelor of Business Administration program and enrolled in upper-division courses, the student must have completed at least 45 hours of the pre-business program requirements, including ENGL 1310 and ENGL 1320 or 2700 (and the Student Use of English Examination if required); MATH 1190 or MATH 1400 or MATH 1710; ECON 1100-1110; and ACCT 2020-2030, MSCI 2710 and BCIS 2610; and have a minimum 2.5 overall UNT grade point average.

First-semester transfer students who have completed at least 45 hours of the pre-business program requirements, including the equivalent of ENGL 1310 and ENGL 1320 or 2700; MATH 1190, or MATH 1400 or MATH 1710; ECON 1100-1110; ACCT 2020-2030; MSCI 2710; and BCIS 2610, at another institution must have a minimum 2.5 overall GPA on all transfer work accepted by UNT to be admitted to a Bachelor of Business Administration program and enrolled in upper-division courses.

Business Foundation Requirements

In addition to BCIS 2610, ACCT 2020-2030, and MSCI 2710, each BBA degree plan requires the following 24 semester hours of basic foundation courses in business administration.

Note: BUSI 4940. (All business administration foundation courses must be completed with a grade of C or better prior to taking this course [see list above]; senior standing required; must be taken during the last semester of course work.)

Business Foundations Minor

The business foundations minor is designed to provide a foundation in business concepts, operations and practice. The program consists of six courses (18 hours) that may be taken by non-business students in good academic standing.

Required courses include ACCT 2020, 2030, MKTG 3650, MGMT 3720 or MGMT 3820, FINA 3770 and 3 hours chosen from:






Prerequisites: Completion of the university core mathematics and economics requirements. ACCT 2020 and 2030 are prerequisites for all upper-division (3000- and 4000-level) business courses. ECON 1110 is strongly recommended.

Professional Fields for the BBA Degree

The terms professional field (BBA degree programs) and major (BS degree programs) are used to designate the primary area of study.

For specific course and professional field/major requirements, see the respective departmental sections that follow.

Course Listings

Individual courses of instruction are subject to change or withdrawal at any time and may not be offered each semester or every year. Any course may be withdrawn from current offerings if the number of registrants is too small to justify conducting it.

Enrollment in advanced courses requires successful completion of the pre-business requirements.

WARNING: It is the student's responsibility to meet all course prerequisites listed in the current catalog prior to enrollment in any course.

Graduate course descriptions are found in the Graduate Catalog.

Courses numbered 4900-4910 are offered under limited circumstances to advanced undergraduate students who are capable of developing a problem independently. These courses require approval by the department chair. A project is chosen by the student and instructor, developed through conferences and approved activities under the direction of the instructor, and may require a term paper. These courses are not open to graduate students.

Courses are offered on an availability basis as service courses to non-business majors who meet the individual course prerequisites.

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

International Certificate Program

Students seeking specialized knowledge and training in international business should contact the Academic Advising Office of the College of Business Administration (Room 123, Business Administration Building). The college awards a certificate in international business upon the successful completion of the 30-hour concentration in international studies.

The course work includes a 12-hour international business core, 9 hours of alternatives from a specialized group of world studies courses, 6 hours of foreign language and 3 hours of internship in an organization involved in international operations. With careful planning, some of these courses may be incorporated into the course work requirements for the BBA degree.

Beta Gamma Sigma

This national honorary society of business administration students was founded in 1913. The UNT chapter was established in 1962. Membership is a signal honor and is limited to outstanding students who show promise of success in the field of business and who rank in the upper 10 percent of their junior, senior or graduate class. More information may be obtained from the dean's office in the College of Business Administration.

College of Business Administration Computing Center

Cengiz Capan, Director, COBA Information and Learning Technologies

The Computing Center of the College of Business Administration is housed in the Business Administration Building and comprises a full-time director, a computer systems manager, three computer support specialists, and an administrative services officer. More than 500 Pentium systems in the Business Administration Building and Curry Hall are networked together with a two-node (two servers) high availability cluster using P3-1400 Compaq servers each with 2.256 gigabytes of memory for a total of 360 gigabytes of external shared - SCSI disk array under a Novell 6.0 operating system. All of these systems are configured as follows: 2 GHz, 80 gigabyte hard drive, 512 meg memory, 17-inch flat screen (LCD), CD-ROM, ZIP drives, and 100-Mbit network interface cards. As the number of computers being used in the college and the number of faculty requesting different types of software for their classes has grown, the need for more support has arisen. The seven student labs are staffed by 50 student monitors, and a technical support team of four upper-division and graduate business students has been established to aid the full-time staff in installations, troubleshooting, and working the with faculty and staff when problems or questions arise concerning software or hardware.

Six College of Business Administration students labs are used exclusively by business majors with three other labs, also designated as general access labs for all UNT students. They house 250 networked computers (same hardware configuration as listed above) and are open 100 hours per week. The labs can be divided into two major areas. The General Access Labs consist of 90 systems and are designed for the general business students who are required to use the computers. The COBA Labs consist of 160 systems and are designed for students taking College of Business Administration courses. These workstations are connected to the IBM mainframe and the DEC VAX systems on campus via the Fiber Backbone. The Special Lab comprises 24 systems and is designed exclusively for students taking senior- or graduate-level classes such as Introduction to Database Applications; Distributed Systems and Teleprocessing; Data Communications and Networking; Information Resource Management; Decision Support Systems; and Data Mining. There are also 20 team cubicles for team projects. The cubicles, consisting of two computers and six chairs, are located on the third floor of Curry Hall. All team labs are only for students enrolled in business courses.

Professional Development Institute

Ken Robertson, President

Since 1973, the Professional Development Institute Inc. (PDI) has provided education, information and training. By attending PDI programs, more than 500,000 professionals, managers and salespeople have gained tools and ideas that increase individual and company performance. PDI works with a diverse network of leading experts from around the world to provide solution and results-oriented programs.

Working closely with experts in a variety of industries, PDI understands the critical issues and defines the educational needs of professionals within an organization. PDI works directly with clients to further specify and define the needs particular to the customer's organization. Once needs have been determined, PDI develops and designs educational tools and training and works in conjunction with leading industry, academic andgovernmental experts globally to provide targeted results.

PDI assists employees in being more efficient and effective. Instructors and staff are in constant contact to ensure that programs address issues and help create solutions. Programs enable employees to immediately utilize the information and positively impact the bottom line. Instructors help participants recognize the issues, take effective action and create results.

Many programs are delivered onsite or in-house at locations determined by clients. There are no broadcast schedules, outside interferences or pre-determined training dates. Materials are focused on company, industry and marketplace need. This creates a positive learning environment.

The organization is a not-for-profit entity that returns to the University of North Texas all income beyond its expenses. This money provides scholarships, endowments and contributions that directly benefit the University. None of PDI's programs are offered for university credits; however, many courses qualify and are approved for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit that fulfills appropriate professional requirements.

General Business

The College of Business Administration offers a Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a professional field in general business. A student may choose one of two tracks.

One track has a required supporting field in education. This program is designed to prepare students for careers as teachers in the secondary school system. Students interested in this degree program should contact the associate dean for student affairs in the College of Business Administration.

A second track has a required supporting field in business administration. This degree is designed to prepare students for a variety of generalist positions in business and industry. Some flexibility is allowed to accommodate the student's career objectives.

Education Track

In addition to the University Core Curriculum, Pre-business and Business Foundation requirements, students must complete the professional and supporting field courses listed below, plus any additional courses to meet the Texas State Certification Requirements.

Professional Field, 18 Hours

Approved Supporting Courses, 18 Hours

Note: Degree program information and advising are provided by the Academic Advising Office in the College of Business Administration (Room 123, Business Administration Building). Admission to teacher education and certification information and advising are provided by the Office of Student Services in the College of Education (Room 105, Matthews Hall). All supporting courses are taught in the College of Education.

Business Administration Track

In addition to the University Core Curriculum Pre-business and Business Foundation requirements, students must complete the following professional and supporting field courses. A grade of C or better must be earned in each professional field and supporting course completed in residence or transferred to UNT.

Professional Field, 18 Hours

Approved Supporting Courses, 12 Hours

Courses selected from the following suggested tracks, with no more than 9 hours from one track.* Courses in the tracks will be determined by the departments to accommodate the student's career objectives.

*Not all tracks/courses will be available at all locations.

Business Interdepartmental (BUSI)

The area offers courses that support the College of Business Administration and is under the administration of the associate dean of the College of Business Administration.

Courses of Instruction

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The "Course and Subject Guide," found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

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