Engineering Technology

Electronics Engineering Technology, ELET = 0182
Engineering Technology, Master's Courses, MSET = 0187
Mechanical Engineering Technology, MEET = 0184
Manufacturing Engineering Technology, MFET = 0186

Electronics Engineering Technology, ELET = 0182

5300. Embedded Controllers. 3 hours. (2;2) The study of the technical aspects of real-time software systems: software development methodologies, operating system and real-time kernel concepts.

5310. Industrial Process Controls. 3 hours. (2;2) Use of programmable controllers and microcomputers as controllers in industrial processes; topics include sensors and transducers, data acquisition, control devices, and the nature of digital control.

5320. Introduction to Telecommunications. 3 hours. An introduction to the technology, standards, systems, and practices of the telecommunications industry to include equipment, switched and dedicated communications lines, and voice and data communications.

5330. Instrumentation System Design. 3 hours. (2;2) The major objectives of this course are instrumentation design techniques, transducer selection, and interfacing control and measurement signals to the system. The use of graphical and structured programming techniques in the design of virtual instrument systems will constitute a significant portion of the course. Prerequisite(s): BS degree in Engineering Technology, Engineering, Physics or permission of the instructor.

5340. Digital Logic Design Techniques. 3 hours. (2;2) Study of the design, simulation and implementation of digital logic circuits including combinational and sequential logic, algorithmic state machines, hardware test techniques, software used in design, simulation, and an introduction to the use of VHDL programming language. Oral and written documentation required.

Engineering Technology ­ see Undergraduate Catalog

Engineering Technology, Master's Courses, MSET = 0187

5010. Seminar in Engineering Technology. 3 hours. In-depth examination of current theories, research, trends and processes of industry. Readings, individual study and research, information exchange, and guest lectures provide an understanding of selected industrial topics. May be repeated for credit.

5020. Industrial Research. 3 hours. A study of industrial analytical techniques used to develop new products and new technologies, including the use of engineering software for design purposes.

5030. Product Design and Development. 3 hours. A formal development of the process of designing a product, including ideas generation, engineering development, modeling and analysis, and project planning and management.

5060. Applied Project Analysis. 3 hours. This course uses technical tools to analyze project life cycles. Factors looked at include scheduling, budgeting, resource benefiting, and risk analysis. Applications to a technical team project. (Same as MGMT 5240.)

5130. Product Reliability and Quality. 3 hours. Processes and techniques of assuring the quality of industrial products; reliability and maintainability, sampling probability and statistical process control; quality control management.

5800-5810. Studies in Engineering Technology. 1-3 hours each. Organized classes specifically designed to accommodate the needs of students and the demands of program development that are not met by regular offerings. Short courses and workshops on specific topics, organized on a limited-offering basis, to be repeated only upon demand. May be repeated for credit.

5900-5910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each. Open to graduate students who are capable of developing a program independently.

5950. Master's Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit assigned until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

General Technology ­ see Undergraduate Catalog

Manufacturing Engineering Technology, MFET = 0186

5100. Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes. 3 hours. Analysis of selected contemporary and emerging manufacturing/production processes utilizing high-level automation, productivity-enhancing technologies and/or specialty technologies; emphasis on process structure, organization, economics and application within the industrial environment.

5110. Contemporary Manufacturing Materials. 3 hours. (2;2) Comprehensive overview of polymeric and inorganic composite materials with emphasis on characterization in terms of mechanical properties, material composition and configuration. Also addressed are existing and potential industrial applications and criteria for systematic selection.

5120. Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. 3 hours. Computerization in manufacturing/production from an integrated systems perspective; emphasis on selected contemporary and emerging applications such as design/documentation, engineering analysis, process planning, machine tool programming, automated material handling and inspection, and factory networking.

Mechanical Engineering Technology, MEET = 0184

5200. Advanced Concepts of Metallurgical Science. 3 hours. Chemical and physical properties of metals and alloys. Emphasis on the relationship of structures and thermodynamics to behavior. Topics include crystal structure, thermodynamics, phase diagrams, phase transformations, oxidation, mechanical, electrical and magnetic properties. (Same as MTSC 5200.)

5210. Mechanical Properties of Materials. 3 hours. Stress, strain and the basics of concepts in deformation and fracture for metals, polymers and ceramics. Analysis of important mechanical properties such as plastic flow creep, fatigue, fracture toughness and rupture. Application of these principles to the design of improved materials and engineering structures. (Same as MTSC 6100.)

5220. Applied Fracture Mechanics. 3 hours. Linear elastic fracture mechanics, elastic-plastic fracture mechanics, time dependent failure, creep and fatigue, experimental analysis of fracture, fracture and failure of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites failure analysis related to material, product design, manufacturing and product application. (Same as MTSC 6110.)

5230. Composite Material. 3 hours. Fibers; matrix materials; interfaces; polymer matrix composites; metal matrix composites; ceramic matrix composites; carbon fiber composites; micromechanics, laminate theory and application, design, failure analysis. (Same as MTSC 6120.)

5240. Materials and Mechanics for MEMS Devices. 3 hours. Methods, techniques and philosophies used to characterize MEMS structures for engineering applications. Topics include fundamentals of elastic and plastic deformation in microscale, anisotropic material properties, crystalline and non-crystalline materials, and mechanical behavior such as strength, fracture, creep, and fatigue, as they relate to the microscale design. Materials characterization, mechanical testing and mechanical characterization are discussed. Emphasis is on emerging techniques to assess design-relevant mechanical properties. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 3260 or equivalent, MFET 2450 or equivalent. (Same as MTSC 5550.)

5250. Deformation Mechanisms in Solid Materials. 3 hours. Discussions on microelasticity and microplasticity of materials. Application of dislocation theory to understand deformation mechanisms related to strengthening. Interactions of dislocations with solutes precipitates, dispersoid, grain boundary, and barriers are presented. Deformation mechanisms in amorphous and polymeric materials. Advanced topics are in emerging areas of materials science such as thin films, nanoscale materials and structures, and materials for MEMS. Micro mechanisms of deformation in fatigue, creep, creep-fatigue, and strain-rate loading are described. Fibers; matrix materials; interfaces; polymer matrix composites; metal matrix composites; ceramic matrix composites; carbon fiber composites; micromechanics, macromechanics, laminate theory and application, design, and failure analysis. (Same as MTSC 6210.)

5280. Contemporary Design Methods. 3 hours. (2;2) Relationship of computer to applied engineering design; emphasis on computer systems and software, including existing and potential applications with reference to CAD, CAM and CIM.

Microsystems Engineering Technology ­ seeUndergraduate Catalog
Nuclear Engineering Technology ­ see Undergraduate Catalog

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