Behavior Analysis

Behavior Analysis, BEHV = 0435

5000. Observation and Measurement of Behavior and Environment. 3 hours. An examination of the factors to be considered in observing and measuring behavior and environment; methods of recording data with emphasis on the conditions under which each method is most appropriate.

5010. Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 3 hours. Reviews classical experimental literature in behavior analysis. Compares methodology to that in natural and social sciences. Special emphasis on experimental analysis of human behavior.

5020. Theory and Philosophy in Behavior Analysis. 3 hours. Study of the conceptual framework of behavior analysis; studies epistemological issues and nature of scientific explanation; examines common misconceptions and provides theoretical foundations for applications and basic research.

5030. Applied Behavior Analysis and Autism III: Supervision and Training. 4 hours. Describes behavioral intervention literatures as they relate to the change agents responsible for treatment implementation. Students design and implement change agent data collection systems, training packages, and complete extensive practical training. Students also explore issues in the funding and systems involved in the provision of treatment. Prerequisite(s): BEHV 4000.

5100. Introduction to Behavior Analysis. 3 hours. Defines and delimits the subject matter of behavior analysis. Examines the principles that describe behavioral processes and distinguishes the learned and unlearned components of operant and respondent behavior. Relates behavior change procedures to the processes accounting for learned behavior.

5140. Research Methods in Behavior Analysis. 3 hours. An overview of strategies and tactics of experimental design in behavior analysis. Includes strengths and weaknesses of single organism methodology in basic and applied research. Topics include issues of experimental logic, experimental control, variability, data analysis and display, and interpretation of experimental findings.

5150. Techniques in Applied Behavior Analysis. 3 hours. Analysis of problems in behavioral terms. Selection of management strategy and behavior change techniques, including behavioral contracting, contingency management, programmed instruction, removal or reduction of environmental stressors. Consideration of ethical issues, including informed consent, need for non-coercive or at least restrictive intervention. Supervised practical experience.

5250. Topics in Behavior Analysis. 3 hours. In-depth analysis and discussion of significant topics in behavior analysis. Topics include but are not limited to the following: philosophy of measurement of behavioral phenomena; rule-governed vs. contingency-governed behavior; the creation of settings and interpersonal dynamics; legal, ethical and professional issues in behavior analysis.

5330. Verbal Behavior and the Analysis of Human Behavior. 3 hours. Use of behavior analysis in understanding the nature and development of human communication. Explores how and why communication fails; develops guidelines for enhancing communication through understanding of the underlying behavioral processes.

5540. Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in Behavior Analysis. 3 hours. Addresses and reviews the effects of court decisions in development and implementation of behavioral interventions, ethical requirements of the Behavior Analysis Certification Board, and professional conduct in treatment, intervention, and consultation settings. Topics include accountability, confidentiality, quality of services, quality of life, emergency management, research, professional collaborations, and ethical safeguards.

5560. Development of Behavior Intervention Programs. 3 hours. Focus is on the integrated components of behavioral programming. Includes developing behavioral objectives, functional analysis, design of intervention procedures, evaluative criteria and the integration of these components into a readable document.

5570. Training and Supervision of Staff in Human Service Settings. 3 hours. Includes analysis of political and social contingencies existing in most institutional settings. Describes training considerations and ways to establish a positive work environment for staff and clients. Principles underlying effective supervisory practices are described.

5810. Practicum. 2 hours. (0;0;2) Students work in a small group in a field setting under the immediate supervision of a faculty member in the department. The purpose of this practicum is to provide experience in applying behavioral principles in a setting where faculty feedback is continuously available.

5815. Practicum. 1 hour. (0;0;1) Students work individually or in pairs on a project in any of a variety of applied settings. They are supervised by faculty through weekly meetings and occasional on-site observation. Project must be pre-approved, in writing, by faculty supervisor before registration. Practicum projects typically require about 100 clock hours (including time in the field and time meeting with supervisor). The purpose of this practicum is to provide the student with experience in planning and implementing behavior change. This course may be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): BEHV 5810.

5820. Internship. 3 hours. (0;0;3) Students work in the field, under the supervision of a qualified behavior analyst, in a setting of their choice for a period of 6 weeks. Internship settings include (but are not limited to) agencies serving persons with developmental disabilities, business and industry, consulting firms, research facilities, schools, and offices of physicians, psychologists and other private practitioners. Prerequisite(s): BEHV 5810 and 5815.

5900-5910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each. Open to graduate students who are capable of independent work in a specific area of interest. Outline of problem and proposed activities must be submitted in writing to faculty and approved in advance of registration.

5950. Master's Thesis. 3 or 6 hours. To be scheduled only with consent of department. 6 hours credit required. No credit given until thesis has been completed and filed with the graduate dean. Continuous enrollment required once work on thesis has begun. May be repeated for credit.

6400. Behavioral Interventions in Health and Medicine. 3 hours. Course is constructed around a series of cases in which behavioral interventions are planned to improve health, prevent disease, or mitigate the effects of chronic health problems of individuals. A behavioral analysis of the problem in the context of individuals' overall repertoire and life circumstances is followed by design of an intervention plan based on behavioral principles. Problems likely to need resolution for successful intervention are identified and addressed.

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