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Managing special holiday meals for the first time can be intimidating. Jodi Lee Duryea, lecturer and chef instructor for UNT's School of Merchandising and Hospitality Management, has some tips for newcomers to cooking holiday meals.
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The holidays are coming and it's easy to get caught up in all the excitement of the season by letting your best intentions get the better of your bank account. Paul Goebel, director of the Student Money Management Center at the UNT, says that the holidays are a time of year when you need to demonstrate greater control of our finances.

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Consumers spent more than $1 billion on Cyber Monday. Kiseol Yang, assistant professor of merchandising at UNT, is available to discuss Cyber Monday, and online retailer and consumer trends.
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Amy Baxter

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Art Education and Art History
College: College of Visual Arts
Email: baxter@unt.edu

Expertise: Expert in Art History including: 18th and 19th century European Art, French art and culture, feminism and art history

Education: PhD with a Women's Studies doctoral emphasis, University of California at Santa Barbara; MA, Art History, University of California at Santa Barbara; AB, Art History and French Literature, Vassar College

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Art Education and Art History

College of Visual Arts