Catalogs  >  2005-06 Undergraduate Catalog  >  Courses  >  Applied Economics
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Applied Economics

Applied Economics, AECO

4000. Mediation. 3 hours. Develops mediator competence. Defines and examines the process of mediation. Covers the history and development of mediation and introduces theories of conflict management. Reviews diverse settings of mediation, such as domestic, commercial, non-profit, employment and institutional environments. Significant legal, ethical, professional, cultural and gender considerations are explored. Students participate in mediation exercises and simulations. Required for interdisciplinary minor in alternative dispute resolution.

4020. Dispute Resolution in the Workplace. 3 hours. Review of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) to address sources of conflict in the workplace. Examines procedures and benefits of arbitration, mediation, ombudspersons, minitrials, neutral fact-finding and other alternatives to litigation-based conflict resolution. Trends in use and ethical/professional considerations are considered.

4080. Principles of Economic and Community Development. 3 hours. Presents a broad, interdisciplinary perspective on the local and regional economic development process. Topics include economic base analysis, industrial targeting and recruitment, tax incentives and economic impact analysis.

4090. The Political Economy of Texas. 3 hours. Interdisciplinary survey of the demographic, political and economic forces influencing Texas’ emergence as a modern industrial state. Topics include Texas’ fiscal and regulatory environments, human capital needs, and relationship with the federal government.

4120. Negotiation and Dispute Resolution. 3 hours. Introduces the fundamentals of nonlitigation strategies for a variety of business, professional and personal settings. Learning and skills are developed through lecture, role playing, out-of-class assignments, case studies and negotiation simulations. Required for interdisciplinary minor in alternative dispute resolution.

4420. Practicum in Mediation and Dispute Resolution. 3 hours. Provides opportunity for students to round out their education in dispute resolution through participation in numerous exercises, simulations and actual mediations and/or other forms of alternative dispute resolution. Prerequisite(s): AECO 4000. Required for interdisciplinary minor in alternative dispute resolution.

4900-4910. Special Problems. 1-3 hours each. Special problems and research in economic development or regional/sectoral analysis. Registration permitted only upon approval of instructor.

4920. Cooperative Education in Economic Development or Regional/Sectoral Analysis. 1-3 hours. Supervised work in a job directly related to the student’s major, professional field of study or career objective. Prerequisite(s): at least 6 hours of credit in economic development or regional/sectoral analysis courses; student must meet employer’s requirements and have consent of the institute director. May be repeated for credit.