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UNT Catalogs

1999-2000 Undergraduate Catalog College of Arts and Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences Introduction | Arts and Sciences Four-Year Degree Plans | Arts and Sciences Notes for use with Four-year Degree Plans | Biological Sciences | Chemistry | Communication Studies | Computer Sciences | Dance and Theatre Arts | Economics | Engineering Technology | English | Foreign Languages and Literatures | Geography | History | Journalism | Materials Science | Mathematics | Music | Philosophy and Religion Studies | Physics | Political Science | Psychology | Radio, Television and Film | Speech and Hearing Sciences | Special Programs | University Courses | Additional Undergraduate Literature | Undergraduate Catalog Shortcuts | Catalogs home | Graduate Catalogs Shortcuts | Graduate Catalog College of Arts and Sciences
UNT offers hands-on experience in your field before graduation. Internships provide invaluable training and a head start on your career.

UNT Graduate Catalog | Catalog order information | Academic program options | Distance learning | Libraries | Prospective students | Schedule of Classes | UNT Home

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This site was last updated July 1, 1999.

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UNT catalogs on the web are maintained by Academic Publications. Send technical comments or inquiries, other than catalog order requests, to: catalog@unt.edu

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