UNT Undergraduate Catalog
School of Visual Arts

Main Office
Art Building, 107
P.O. Box 305100
Denton, TX 76203-5100
(940) 565-2855
Fax: (940) 565-4717

Student Services Office
Art Building, 111
(940) 565-2216

Web site: http://www.art.unt.edu

D. Jack Davis, Dean

Don Schol, Interim Associate Dean
Mickey S. McCarter, Director of Undergraduate Programs
Dianne Taylor, Director of Graduate Programs


Professors Butt, J. Davis, R. Davis, Erdle, Falsetta, Fisher, R. McCarter, Scaggs, Schol, Shuemaker, E. Taylor, Youngblood. Associate Professors Austin, Blow, Doherty, Gleeson, Jessup, Nacke, Newton, Pensyl, Phelps, Platt, Sprague, Walker. Assistant Professors Baucom, Berry, Heinlen, Lawrence, Ligon, O'Rourke-Kaplan, Rogal, Sargent, Tedeschi. Lecturers Baden, Giles, Marshall, Mayer, M. McCarter, Morgan, Rice, Stidham, D. Taylor.


The School of Visual Arts is a faculty of artists, designers and scholars engaged in the integrated activities of teaching and research. Faculty in the school believe a high level of professional activity not only enhances teaching, but also provides students with models upon which to pattern their own careers. Building on a traditional arts foundation, the faculty seek innovation in their work and in that of their students. The school's size, numerous programs and location in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex create multiple opportunities for students to grow in their own disciplines. Because the students have varied socio-economic backgrounds, their interactions create an atmosphere of heightened artistic initiative and independence.

Instruction is offered for students seeking a cultural foundation in art, but the curriculum focuses primarily on professional programs for those majoring and minoring in various art fields. The school's goals are to provide students a thorough understanding of a common artistic heritage, to stimulate their imaginations, to foster critical and analytical thinking, to inspire their creativity, to educate them in current technologies and to prepare them for entry into graduate school or a variety of careers.

Professional undergraduate degrees are offered in 12 areas of art:

A general art major also is available for students seeking a liberal arts education.

Departmental studios are open to students in the evenings and on weekends for completion of required class work. Students must provide their own art supplies. In some courses, additional special materials and/or models are provided. Students then pay a materials fee.

Sample Four-year Degree Plans (.pdf)

Sample Four-year Degree Plans

Academic Advising

Faculty serve as advisers for students who have selected a major. Academic advisers for undecided majors, freshmen and transfer students are available in the School of Visual Arts' Student Services Office, Art Building, Room 111. Advisers assist students in the selection of courses and answer questions about selecting a major, degree plans, application of transfer credit and general academic requirements, policies and procedures.

Transfer Credits

New students and continuing art majors who are on probation must have an advising clearance form completed by a faculty adviser in their major prior to registration.

New transfer students should meet with an adviser in the School of Visual Arts prior to registration. The student should provide a transcript of all college work so an adviser may better assist the student with course selection. Transfer students' transcript evaluations are tentative, pending successful completion of a semester's work in art at UNT. To be substituted for a required art course, a transferred course must be submitted for approval. It is the student's responsibility to provide the faculty adviser with a copy of the catalog that describes the content of any course to be transferred. Faculty advisers are available during the academic advising period prior to registration or by appointment when school is in session.

Transfer credits in art from other schools can be substituted for UNT degree requirements only when content of the two courses is the same. Art core courses (Art Appreciation, Design I, Design II, Drawing I, Drawing II, Art History Survey I and Art History Survey II) are transferable from most schools. Transfer courses in the major area of art are carefully scrutinized to be sure that students have acquired necessary competencies.

Students who transfer to UNT as art majors generally need at least 3 years at the university to complete degree requirements in sequence.

Academic Requirements

Art majors and art minors must take courses on the four class levels in sequence and must maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average in all art courses. Only grades of C or better in art courses will count toward a student's degree requirements. The teacher certification program for visual arts studies majors requires a 2.75 GPA.

If space is available and the instructor approves, students who are not majoring or minoring in art may take the following courses without prerequisites: ART 1330, 1440, 1500, 2350, 2360, 3140, 3150, 4070, 4130, 4140, 4320, 4330, 4340, 4350, 4360, 4370, 4380, 4390 and 4710.

Portfolio and Senior Exit Reviews

Each major has a review system. Some majors require a mid-point portfolio review, which the student must pass to continue in the major. All majors require that seniors pass an exit review for graduation. Upon request, faculty advisers will provide students with a curriculum sheet that specifies degree requirements and outlines the procedure for the required review(s) in their major. It is the students' responsibility to familiarize themselves with all requirements for their major.

Advanced Placement

Students who have completed Advanced Placement art courses in high school, earning scores of 3, 4 or 5, may receive the following credit toward UNT degrees in art:

AP Art Examination / UNT Equivalent / Credit

Art History / ART 2350, 2360 / 6 hours

Art: Studio Art, Drawing Portfolio / ART 1500 / 3 hours

Art: Studio Art, General Portfolio (lower level, 1000 or 2000 level) / ART Elective / 3 hours

International Baccalaureate

Students who have completed the International Baccalaureate ART/DESIGN higher level examinations with a score of 5 or higher should consult the School of Visual Arts Director of Undergraduate Programs, Art Building, Room 111, regarding the application of IB credit toward degree programs in the School of Visual Arts. Students who wish to petition to substitute IB work for credit other than an art elective should be prepared to show a portfolio of work.

Programs of Study

The School of Visual Arts offers undergraduate and graduate programs in the following areas:

Approved Courses for University Core Curriculum 1997-98

BA and BFA Degrees

English, 12 Hours:

History, 6 Hours:

Political Science, 6 Hours:

Mathematics, 3 Hours:

Economics, 3 Hours:

Laboratory Science, 6 - 8 Hours:

Visual and Performing Arts, 3 Hours:

Wellness, 2 Hours:

Understanding of Ideas and Values (Distribution Requirements), 6 Hours:

From the following three groups, students will choose two courses; each course must be from a different group.

**Group I. Social Sciences and Philosophy:

**Group II. Crosscultural and Global Studies:

Group III. Diversity in the United States:


Computer Competency:

Proficiency Exam or 3 hours from:

Oral Communication Competency:

Proficiency Exam or 3 hours from:

* Required for all majors in the School of Visual Arts.

** Visual Arts Studies majors should choose from Group I or Group II to meet College of Education requirements.

*** Required for Visual Arts Studies majors.

DRED (Traffic Safety) courses may not be used to satisfy any portion of a degree in the School of Visual Arts.

Consult a faculty adviser for additional course options.

Degree Programs

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Degree Requirements

Candidates for the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree will meet the following requirements:

1. Completion of a minimum of 138 semester hours; 42 hours must be advanced; 24 advanced hours must be completed at UNT.

2. Major of at least 63 hours of art in a prescribed field; 36 hours must be completed at UNT.

3. Minor of a minimum of 18 hours (including at least 6 advanced) from a field outside the School of Visual Arts. Minors are chosen with faculty advisers for selected majors. For some majors, the minor is specified.

4. Completion of the requirements for the bachelor's degree listed in the Academics section of this catalog, including University Core Curriculum requirements outlined in this section. Two hours (maximum) of wellness courses will count toward the degree.

5. A 2.5 grade point average must be maintained in all art courses; only a grade of C or better in art courses will count toward degree requirements; teacher certification program for visual arts studies majors requires a 2.75 GPA.

6. Transfer course work substituted for required UNT art courses must be approved by a student's faculty adviser during the degree plan process.

Major in Art History

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Art History (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Art History (HTML)

Major in Ceramics

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Ceramics (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Ceramics (HTML)

Major in Communication Design

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Communication Design (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Communication Design (HTML)

Major in Drawing and Painting

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Drawing and Painting (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Drawing and Painting (HTML)

Major in Fashion Design

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Fashion Design (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Fashion Design (HTML)

Major in Fibers

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Fibers (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Fibers (HTML)

Major in Interior Design

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Interior Design (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Interior Design (HTML)

Major in Metalsmithing and Jewelry

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Metalsmithing and Jewelry (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Metalsmithing and Jewelry (HTML)

Major in Photography

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Photography (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Photography (HTML)

Major in Printmaking

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Printmaking (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Printmaking (HTML)

Major in Sculpture

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Sculpture (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Sculpture (HTML)

Major in Visual Arts Studies

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BFA with a Major in Visual Arts Studies (.pdf)

BFA with a Major in Visual Arts Studies (HTML)

Major in Art

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BA with a Major in Art (.pdf)

BA with a Major in Art (HTML)

Major in Art History

Following is one suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see an adviser each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment.

BA with a Major in Art History (.pdf)

BA with a Major in Art History (HTML)

Minor in Art

A minor in art consists of at least 18 hours, including at least 6 advanced hours. At least 9 hours must be completed at UNT. Approved minor course sequences are listed below. Any other course sequences should be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Programs in the School of Visual Arts.

Minor in Art History

ART 1200, 2350 and 2360; 9 hours of 3000- or 4000-level art history.

Minor in Ceramics

ART 1440, 1450, 2700, 3700 and 4803 (6 hours).

Minor in Communication Design

ART 1440, 1500, 2080, 2082, 2084 (must pass mid-point portfolio review before proceeding); 6 hours from ART 3080, 3082 or 3170.

Minor in Drawing

ART 1200, 1500, 1510, 2100, 3100 (must pass mid-point review before proceeding) and 4804. Additional prerequisites do not apply to drawing minors.

Minor in Fibers

ART 1440, 1450, 2950 or 2440, 3240 or 3960, and 4811 or 4812 (6 hours).

Minor in Interior Design

ART 1330, 1340, 1440, 1500, 2430, 2440 (must pass portfolio review before proceeding), 3310, 3320, GNET 1270 and CVET 2300.

Minor in Metalsmithing and Jewelry

ART 1440, 1450, 2820, 3910 and 4810 (6 hours).

Minor in Photography

ART 1440, 1450, 2650, 2655, 3600 and 4070 (when offered as History of Photography).

Minor in Printmaking

ART 1440, 1450, 1500 and 1510; 6 hours from ART 3900, 3920, 3950, or 3970.

Minor in Sculpture

ART 1440, 1450, 1500 , 2750, 3750 and 4801. Additional prerequisites do not apply to sculpture minors.

Graduate Degrees

The school offers degree programs leading to the Master of Arts, Master of Fine Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. For information on graduate study, consult the Graduate Catalog.

School of Visual Arts Galleries

The University of North Texas Art Gallery, located in the Art Building, presents a broadly based exhibition program with emphasis on contemporary art. It functions as the communications intersection and training ground for future artists, designers and educators, and stimulates lively discourse on current issues in art.

The Cora Stafford Gallery, a 900-square-foot space located in Oak Street Hall, provides an experimental laboratory for student- and faculty-generated exhibitions as well as an alternative forum for installation work, small shows and other spontaneous programming.


The following art scholarships are awarded to continuing undergraduate students in the School of Visual Arts.

Scholarships have been established through gifts from faculty, students, alumni and friends of the School of Visual Arts.

Applicants for all scholarships in art must be enrolled as full-time undergraduates at UNT; they must have completed at least 45 semester hours (24 hours at UNT) with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA. Additional criteria for each scholarship are available through the Student Services Office, School of Visual Arts. The annual application deadline is March 1.

Courses of Instruction

UNT School of Visual Arts Folding Key (Footnotes for School of Visual Arts)

UNT Graduate Catalog School of Visual Arts

UNT Undergraduate Catalog Table of Contents

UNT Graduate Catalog Table of Contents

UNT Undergraduate Catalog Course and Subject Guide

UNT Graduate Catalog Course and Subject Guide

UNT Program Options

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