
Student Load

Graduate students may schedule as many as 16 hours during any semester of the regular session, or 7 hours in any summer term, if in the latter case the 7-hour load includes a 1-hour course in applied music or a 4-hour laboratory course in a science. A student may schedule a maximum of 4 hours in the mini-mester. For purposes of fulfilling the graduate residence requirement, a load of 9 semester hours is considered to be a full load. Students enrolled only in undergraduate courses, for undergraduate credit, may request special consideration by the graduate dean.

Special restrictions apply to the load permitted to graduate teaching fellows and teaching assistants. The total load of course enrollment and teaching assignment may not exceed 16 semester hours in any long semester. Approval of the graduate dean is required for loads in excess of this amount, but approval will not be granted for a combined load in excess of 18 semester hours.

Enrollment Certification

Enrollment verification and loan deferments are completed in the Registrar's Office based upon the student's having registered and paid tuition and fees according to the following criteria. See "Special Conditions for Financial Aid Recipients" in the Financial Information section of this catalog for loan deferment requirements.


Full Time: long semester, 12 or more hours; summer session, 4 to 6 hours per term; mini-mester, 3 to 4 hours.

Three-Quarter Time: long semester, 9 to 11 hours; summer session, 3 hours per term; mini-mester, 2 hours.

Half Time: long semester, 6 to 8 hours; summer session, 2 hours per term; mini-mester, 1 hour.


Full Time: long semester, 9 or more hours; summer session, 3 hours per term; mini-mester, 3 to 4 hours.

Three-Quarter Time: long semester, 6 to 8 hours; summer session, 2 hours per term; mini-mester, 2 hours.

Half Time: long semester, 4 to 5 hours; summer session, 1 hour per term; mini-mester, 1 hour.

Extension courses are considered non-traditional credit and are excluded for certification purposes.

International students also may request International Advising (Kendall Hall, Room 171) to issue letters of enrollment for the use of foreign governments, embassies, scholarship agencies and banks.


With the written permission of the department chair and the dean of the college or school in which the course is taught, an individual fully eligible to enroll in the university may sit in a class as an auditor without receiving college credit. The auditor's name will not be entered on the class roll, and the instructor will not accept any papers, tests or examinations from the auditor.

Attendance as an auditor may not be made the basis of a claim for credit in the course. Auditors pay a fee, which is published in the 2003-2004 Tuition, Fees and Other Charges brochure (available at Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services). Only one audit fee is required per semester regardless of the number of courses audited.

Permission cards for auditors are not available during the official registration period, but may be requested in the offices of the academic deans after classes begin.

A person 65 years of age or older may enroll as an auditor and observer without credit and without payment of a fee, if space is available and if approved by the department chair and the appropriate dean. Such enrollment entitles the person to library privileges, but not to instruction in applied music or physical education, the use of laboratory equipment and supplies, or admission to university-sponsored fine arts events.


ASSIST, Access Student Service Information Systems by Technology [Touch-Tone phone (940) 565-3701 or www.unt.edu/assist], is a unique system of menu-driven information available Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. During registration and schedule revision, ASSIST is available from 7 a.m. until 10 p.m.

Several general information areas are available on ASSIST 23 hours a day, seven days a week, including:

For complete information regarding ASSIST, see the Schedule of Classes for the semester of enrollment. Wallet guides for teleregistration, ASSIST and FAVORS (Financial Aid Voice Response System) are available in the Registrar's Office.


All registration and student requested schedule changes are conducted via teleregistration and WebReg. Specific information and instructions as well as dates are found in the Schedule of Classes.

Late Registration

Students who are unable to enroll during the official registration periods must pay an additional fee to enroll late. See the Schedule of Classes for deadline dates.

Concurrent Enrollment at Another Institution

Graduate students must secure written permission from the graduate dean before registering for any course or courses at another institution while registered for any courses at UNT. (Exception: Enrollment at UNT for courses offered by Texas A&M­Commerce or Texas Woman's University under the cooperative enrollment program of the Federation of North Texas Area Universities is not considered to be concurrent enrollment.)

Failure to secure the required permission for concurrent enrollment prior to registration at the second institution may cause UNT to refuse degree credit for the work taken elsewhere. In no case may the combined total of semester hours enrolled for at the two institutions exceed the maximum load permitted to graduate students.

Federation of North Texas Area Universities Enrollment

Under arrangements agreed upon by the members of the Federation of North Texas Area Universities (University of North Texas, Texas A&M University­Commerce [TAMU­C] and Texas Woman's University [TWU]), graduate students in specified degree programs offered jointly by the members of the federation may enroll at their home institution for graduate courses offered by the other two universities. To be eligible for cross-registration at either of the other two universities, students must be admitted to a degree program or be working on a certification plan at the home institution. A list of jointly offered degree programs appears in The University section of this publication.

UNT graduate students who have been admitted to a jointly offered degree program and who wish to enroll for graduate courses offered by one of the other universities should first secure their major adviser's approval of registration for a specific course or courses. Students register at UNT for the desired TAMU­C or TWU courses under the appropriate UNT departmental prefix and course number 5900 or 5910 (for master's-level courses) or 6900 or 6910 (for doctoral-level courses). Section numbers for such enrollment are 790 through 799. The course title appearing on the UNT academic transcript will be identical to that of the course as offered by the other institution. Class schedules for both TAMU­C and TWU may be consulted in the office of the graduate dean, UNT.

The registration procedure described above is available only to graduate students admitted to one of the degree programs jointly offered by the federation, and applies to graduate courses only.

Enrollment at the Universities Center at Dallas

Students enrolling for graduate (or upper division undergraduate) courses offered by the partner universities of the Universities Center at Dallas (UCD) may enroll at their home institution for courses offered by the other UCD universities. Enrollment for graduate students will be handled in a manner similar to that for students enrolling in courses offered by the Federation of North Texas Area Universities. For details call UCD at (214) 915-1900 or visit UCD's web site at www.ucddowntown.org.

University of North Texas Dallas Campus

(UNT System Center at Dallas)

John Ellis Price, PhD, CPA, Executive Director

The University of North Texas Dallas Campus is an off-campus site of the University of North Texas in Denton. Located at 8915 S. Hampton Road, three blocks south of I-20 in Dallas, the UNT Dallas Campus offers junior-, senior- and graduate-level courses leading to bachelor's and master's degrees. Certificate and endorsement programs and courses for career advancement are also provided.

Students who enroll at the UNT Dallas Campus must meet the same admissions requirements as students who apply to the UNT campus in Denton. Diplomas granted will be the same as those earned by students attending the Denton campus.

In January 2000, UNT began offering a limited number of academic programs at the UNT Dallas Campus facility. The 78,200-square-foot building features state-of-the-art classrooms, computer labs with Internet access, a counseling clinic and the region's first virtual library. In addition, the facility is staffed with student service professionals to help students with admissions, advising, financial aid, registration, disability accommodation and other student services.

As enrollment increases, more academic programs will be added. In May 2001, the Texas Legislature passed a bill providing for the growth of the UNT Dallas Campus into UNT-Dallas. When Dallas Campus enrollment reaches 2,500 full-time equivalent (FTE) students for one semester, UNT-Dallas will be created and may begin offering courses and granting degrees.

For current information about the University of North Texas Dallas Campus, call (972) 780-3600, or visit the UNT Dallas Campus web site (www.unt.edu/unt-dallas).

Current Programs

Undergraduate programs: applied technology and performance improvement, computer science, criminal justice, entrepreneurship, general business, health information management, human services, interdisciplinary studies (elementary education- Grades EC-4, Grades 4-8), legal information management, nursing*, organizational development and rehabilitation studies (minor in substance abuse and addictions).

Graduate programs: counseling, higher education (student services administration), information science and library science, and public health**.

Certifications and endorsements: educational diagnostician certification, information processing technology teaching endorsement and music teacher certification.

Certificates: alternative dispute resolution, diversity, e-commerce and technology applications.

*Program offered through University of Texas at Arlington.

**Program offered through UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth.

Evening and Saturday Classes

A large number of classes at the graduate level are scheduled for one three-hour meeting per week during the spring and fall semesters, usually on Saturday morning or on a weekday evening. These classes carry residence credit, thus enabling many people in the Dallas­Fort Worth area to pursue graduate study while continuing their employment. Consult the Schedule of Classes, available prior to spring and fall registration, for schedule details.

A few of these classes also are available during summer sessions. Again, consult the Schedule of Classes.

Off-Campus Courses

Many graduate courses for residence credit are available at various locations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Registration procedures for off-campus residence courses are the same as for courses offered on the UNT campus. Initial application for admission to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies must be submitted to the graduate dean's office on the Denton campus. Information concerning specific off-campus courses is available prior to and during each registration period.

Students considering enrollment for courses at off-campus centers are reminded of the rule of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, that at least one-third of the semester hours required for any graduate degree from UNT must be completed in courses on the Denton campus.

Course Changes

Adding Courses

Graduate students must initiate all requests for adding courses in their academic department. Departmentally approved adds must then be delivered to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies, ESSC Room 354, for final approval. Consult the Academic Calendar for dates during which adds are allowed.

Dropping Courses

Students who wish to drop a course before the 12th class day (summer term, 4th class day; mini-mester, 2nd class day) may do so in the Registrar's Office or by teleregistration, (940) 387-9646, or by WebReg, www.unt.edu/webreg. After the 12th/4th/2nd class day, students must first receive the written consent of their instructor prior to dropping a course. The instructor may withhold consent for students to drop for any reason provided the instructor has informed students in writing at the beginning of the semester. Students applying for financial aid are required to notify Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before dropping any class to learn how it will affect current or future financial aid eligibility.

The grade of W is recorded for any course dropped with the instructor's consent prior to the end of the sixth week of classes (summer term, eight class sessions; mini-mester, four class sessions). After that time the student must have a passing grade for the instructor to assign a grade of W for a dropped course; otherwise, the grade WF is recorded.

Instructors may drop students with grades of WF from courses for non-attendance at any time after the completion of the sixth week of classes (summer term, eight class sessions; mini-mester, four class sessions). See "Class Attendance" above.

No student may drop any course after Tuesday of a given semester's 10th week (summer term, 15 class sessions; mini-mester, four class sessions).

Drop procedures must be completed by 5 p.m. on the deadline dates specified in the Academic Calendar. After these dates a student may not drop a course.

See the Schedule of Classes for drop procedure and instructions.

Class Attendance

Regular and punctual class attendance is expected. Although in general students are graded on intellectual effort and performance rather than attendance, absences may lower the student's grade where class attendance and class participation are deemed essential by the faculty member. In those classes where attendance is considered as part of the grade, the instructor should so inform students at the semester's beginning by written notice. Any instructor who informs students in writing about the necessity of class attendance may request of the Registrar that a student be dropped from the course with a grade of WF upon the accumulation of the stated number of absences. Instructor drops for non-attendance may be processed up to two weeks prior to the first day of final examinations (summer terms, six class days prior to finals; mini-mester, three class sessions prior to finals). Departments and similar academic units have authority to establish a department or course attendance policy, so long as the policy is in accord with the above stipulations.

If the instructor-initiated drop action falls within the time that the student is eligible to drop with instructor consent and without penalty, the Registrar's Office notifies the student that a WF will be recorded unless the student initiates the drop procedure, in which case a W will be assigned.

Authorized Absences

Absences due to participation in sponsored activities must be approved in advance by the department chair and academic dean. Within three days after the absence, students must obtain authorized absence cards from the dean of students for presentation to their instructors. Students with authorized absence cards may make up the work missed when practical or be give special allowance so they are not penalized for the absence.

Absence for Religious Holidays

In accordance with state law (possible changes to state law were pending at the time this publication went to press), students absent due to the observance of a religious holiday may take examinations or complete assignments scheduled for the day missed within a reasonable time after the absence if the student has notified the instructor of each class of the date of the absence within the first 15 days of the fall semester, by the 2nd day of the May mini-mester, or by the 5th day of the summer semester.

Notification must be in writing, either personally delivered with receipt of the notification acknowledged and dated by the instructor, or by certified mail, return receipt requested.

Only holidays or holy days observed by a religion for which the place of worship is exempt from property taxation under Section 11.20 of the Tax Code may be included. A student who is excused under this provision may not be penalized for the absence, but the instructor may respond appropriately if the student fails to satisfactorily complete the assignment or examination.

Withdrawal from UNT

A student may withdraw from UNT at any time prior to two weeks (summer term, six class sessions prior to finals; mini-mester, three class sessions prior to finals) before the first day of final examination by making a request in the Registrar's Office. For withdrawals processed prior to the end of the sixth week of classes (summer term, eight class sessions; mini-mester, four class sessions) the grade of W is recorded for each course in which a withdrawn student was enrolled. After the sixth week of classes (summer term, eight class sessions; mini-mester, four class sessions) a withdrawn student receives grades of W only for those courses in which there were passing grades at the time of withdrawal; otherwise, the grade WF is recorded.

Official dates and deadlines for withdrawing are specified in the Academic Calendar.

Notice: Students receiving financial aid also must contact Student Financial Aid and Scholarships before dropping a class or withdrawing. Students receiving financial aid may be required to go through an exit interview with a financial aid counselor before they are permitted to withdraw.

To receive a refund for a parking permit, a student must return the permit to the Parking Office located in the Sullivant Public Safety Center.

Pre-Final Examinations Week

So that students can adequately prepare for their final examinations, special rules apply to the seven calendar days preceding the final week of each fall and spring semester.

Student organizations do not meet; activities requiring student participation, such as field trips, athletic events or performances by dance, drama or music ensembles, are not scheduled unless approved in advance by the appropriate dean. Themes, reports, notebooks, research problems or exercises of similar scope are not to be assigned during this period, but students may submit previously assigned work.

Only examinations covering daily assignments, makeup tests or laboratory examinations may be given. Faculty members may not give any portion of the final examination during this seven-day period without advance approval from their academic dean.

On the Thursday and Friday of the week immediately preceding final exams, review classes shall be held. Furthermore, attendance at these reviews cannot be made mandatory and there will be no papers, projects, exams, quizzes, or like assignments due on those days. Makeup exams will be permitted to take place. The above policy will not be applicable to classes that meet only once a week and meet on Thursday or Friday.

Final Examinations

Faculty members are expected to administer final examinations at the designated times during the final week of each long semester and during the specified day of each summer term or mini-mester. Any deviation from the published schedule of final examinations must be approved in advance by the appropriate academic dean.

If a final examination is not given in a particular course, the faculty member is expected to utilize the final examination period for summary, evaluation or other productive purposes.

Students who have three final examinations scheduled on one day may appeal to their academic dean to reschedule one of those examinations on another day during the final examination period.

Commencement Exercises

Commencement exercises are held in December, May and August. Diplomas are mailed to candidates approximately eight weeks after graduation has been verified.

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