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Consumers spent more than $880 million on online merchandise last year on Nov. 30 -- Cyber Monday, the second highest spending day of 2009. Kiseol Yang, assistant professor of merchandising at UNT, is available to discuss Cyber Monday, and online retailer and consumer trends.
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After unexpected losses by the Texas Rangers and Dallas Cowboys, fans might be wondering what to expect next. UNT experts Trent A. Petrie and Scott Martin are available to discuss how a team can bounce back from disappointing losses and perform better, as well as how devoted fans can cope.
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 Audio Releases

Counseling technique helps grief-stricken
Dr. Jan Holden, professor and coordinator of UNT's nationally ranked counseling program, is experimenting with a new, "near-death communication" technique that can be helpful to survivors.

Low-cost, internet phone service lacks protection
Engineering prof Ram Dantu details the vulnerabilities of VoIP, the next wave in telecommunication.

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November 30, 2010

UNT Military History Center to begin discussion series on Pearl Harbor Day
Dr. Brian Linn, Society for Military History, will present the inaugural lecture, The American Way of War -- The inaugural lecture of UNT's Military History Center Discussion Series on Dec. 7

Anna Badken War correspondent Anna Badkhen to discuss book at UNT
Anna Badkhen will read excerpts from her book and discuss her reporting method and the craft of writing as a war correspondent during her free lecture Dec. 1.

Funds from College Connection 2+2+2 Program allow pilot programs to improve transfer student success across Texas
UNT has been putting a $270,000 grant from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's College Connection 2+2+2 Program to good use, expanding and strengthening its outreach to potential and current transfer students.

UNT Glee to present fall 2010 performance
UNT Glee, one of the first college and university glee clubs inspired by the televion show, Glee, will perform Dec. 1 and 2.

UNT dance students present "Synchronized Imbalances"
Dances inspired by the struggles of divorce, the comfort of a mom and the support of a community are among the originally choreographed works to be presented by students in the UNT Department of Dance and Theatre.

V. Lane Rawlins V. Lane Rawlins named sole finalist for UNT presidency
The UNT System Board of Regents approved the nomination of V. Lane Rawlins Nov. 12, beginning the 21-day period required by Texas law before they can officially appoint him to the presidency. Rawlins has been serving a one-year appointment as UNT president.

 Research Releases

UNT to build advanced materials analysis lab
In November, UNT will begin construction on its new Nanofabrication Analysis and Research Facility, one of the most advanced materials analysis laboratories at any university.

Chilean environmental expert to join UNT faculty
Dr. Jaime Jiménez, a leading expert on wildlife conservation and environmental studies in the sub-Antarctic region of Chile, will join the faculty of UNT in January.