Graduate Academics

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Definitions of Terms

Academic Common Market

The Academic Common Market is an interstate agreement for sharing uncommon programs between 14 Southern states.

Residents of these states who are accepted for admission into selected out-of-state programs may enroll on an in-state tuition basis. To qualify, an applicant must (1) be accepted into a program to which his or her state has made arrangements to send its students and (2) submit proof to the university of legal residence in the home state. Residents of the Southern states should contact the Texas state coordinator for the Academic Common Market, in care of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, P.O. Box 12788, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711, or contact the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies at UNT for more information.

A list of certain graduate degree programs offered by UNT that are currently accepted by various states that are members of the Common Market may be obtained from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board or the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies at UNT.

Academic Status

This term is used as an indication of a student’s academic standing with the university. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.0 to remain in good academic standing.

Academic Probation

A graduate student is placed on academic probation at the end of any enrollment period in which the CGPA drops below 3.0.

Academic Suspension

A graduate student who is placed on academic probation who does not receive either a semester or a cumulative 3.0 graduate GPA during the term/semester of probation will be subject to academic suspension for a period of up to one calendar year before becoming eligible to reapply for graduate admission (see “Readmission of Graduate Students” in the Admission section) and enroll for further graduate courses. After the one-year period of suspension, students may re-enroll in graduate courses under probation. Students who are then suspended a second time without having returned to good academic standing by achieving a CGPA of 3.0 or better will be dismissed from the university.

Certification-Only Students

Certification-only students are admitted to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies to pursue professional or teacher certification only. Up to 12 graduate semester credit hours taken as a non-degree seeking or certification-only student may be used toward a degree with approval from the academic department. These students must meet graduate school admission requirements.

Classification of Graduate Students

Any student who holds a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution is classified as a graduate student, whether or not admission to a degree program has been granted, and is subject to the regulations contained in this catalog concerning graduate students. Records concerning admission, continuation and graduation of such students are maintained in the office of the graduate dean.

Concurrent Enrollment

Concurrent enrollment is enrollment for any course or courses at another institution while registered for courses at UNT. Enrollment through the Federation of North Texas Area Universities is not considered concurrent enrollment. Graduate students must secure written permission for concurrent enrollment from the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies prior to registration.

Continuing Students

Continuing students are those who have been officially enrolled at UNT at least once during the 12 consecutive months prior to the term/semester of planned enrollment and/or have not received a degree during the same period. Students who receive a degree and reapply to the university are considered new graduate students.

Continuous Enrollment

Continuous enrollment applies to the student admitted to a master’s or doctoral degree that requires completion of a thesis or dissertation. Once work on the thesis or dissertation has begun, the student must continuously enroll in a minimum of 3 semester hours of thesis (5950) or dissertation (6950) during each long term/semester until the thesis or dissertation has been completed and submitted to the graduate dean for acceptance. Thesis or dissertation registration in at least one summer session/term is required if the student is using university facilities and/or faculty time during that summer session/term. Doctoral students must maintain continuous enrollment subsequent to passing the qualifying examination for admission to candidacy.

Course Numbers

Freshman courses, 1000-1999.
Sophomore courses, 2000-2999.
Junior courses, 3000-3999.
Senior courses, 4000-4999.
Graduate courses, 5000 and above.

Courses 2900, 2910, 4900 and 4910, Special Problems, are used upon approval of the department chair or dean for individual instruction in any department to cover course content in special circumstances. Courses 5900, 5910, 5920 and 5930 are used in any department that offers graduate work; courses 6900 and 6910 are used in any department that offers doctoral work.

Experimental Courses, 1980, 2980 and 4980, are new courses offered on a trial basis for 1-4 hours credit each. Registration is permitted only upon approval of the department chair.

Advanced Courses, numbered 3000 to 4999, are open to students who have 12 semester hours of credit in a given subject or who have the indicated prerequisites, and to those without the prerequisites who have consent of the department chair. In some instances, college/school/departmental requirements may vary. Students should consult individual areas prior to enrolling in advanced courses.

Degree Plan

The degree plan is an official document prepared and approved in the student’s major department that lists courses completed, courses to be completed, proficiency examinations and all other requirements for a particular degree program. The master’s or doctoral degree plan should be prepared and approved in the department and submitted for graduate dean approval during the student’s first term/semester of enrollment.

Changes in either major or non-major requirements made necessary by altered or discontinued courses or by requirements imposed by external accrediting or certification agencies become effective for degree plan purposes at the beginning of the academic year immediately following the academic year in which the changes are published in the university catalog. The changes may include additions, deletions and other changes in prerequisite requirements for existing courses. Whenever possible, new requirements are implemented with a beginning class or upon the expiration of the appropriate time limit.

Dissertation/Thesis Defense

Upon completion of the dissertation or thesis, a student meets with his or her advisory committee to defend the content of the dissertation or thesis. After a student has successfully defended the paper and made any revisions suggested by the advisory committee, the student is ready to submit the paper to the graduate dean for final approval. Students must apply for graduation prior to the defense of the dissertation or thesis. Graduation information and deadlines are available from the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies.

Dual/Joint Degree Programs

Dual degree programs are separate degree programs that have been approved to work together to allow students to pursue two degrees simultaneously. This may be done by using courses for the major from each degree toward the minor on the other degree or by other approved means.

Joint degree programs are separate degree programs at different institutions that have been approved to work together to offer one degree. This is made possible by sharing faculty and academic resources.

Federation of North Texas Area Universities

The Federation of North Texas Area Universities is a collaborative effort between the University of North Texas, Texas Woman’s University (TWU) and Texas A&M University – Commerce (TAMU – C). Master’s and doctoral degree programs have been developed that permit students at any one of the three participating institutions to complete a portion of their graduate work at either or both of the other two.

The university’s cooperative degree programs are administered through the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. As a member of the federation, UNT offers interinstitutional graduate programs in a number of disciplines. Each cooperative degree program is coordinated by a federation committee for that discipline.

Enrollment of UNT students at TWU and TAMU – C under the cross-registration arrangement is contingent upon their meeting any prerequisites for admission to the class or classes in which they wish to be enrolled, and upon the availability of space in the class.

Former Students (graduate students only)

Former students are those graduate students who have not been enrolled at least once during the 12 consecutive months prior to planned enrollment and/or those who have received a degree.

Grade Point Average

The overall grade point average is used to determine student class loads, eligibility for admission to the university and certain programs, and eligibility for graduation. All GPA calculations are subject to post-audit and correction by the Registrar’s Office.

The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The number of semester hours attempted includes all courses with grades of A, B, C, D, F and WF unless replaced by a later grade. Courses with grades of I, NP, P, PR, W or Z are not counted as courses attempted.

Non-Degree Students

Non-degree students are admitted to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies to enroll in graduate or undergraduate courses and are not admitted to a degree program or do not intend to complete a degree at UNT. Up to 12 graduate semester credit hours taken as a non-degree student may be used toward a degree with approval from the academic department. Non-degree students must meet graduate school admission requirements.

Off-Campus Courses

Off-campus courses are courses available at various locations in the Dallas – Fort Worth area for residence credit. Registration procedures for off-campus courses are the same as courses offered on the UNT campus. Information concerning specific off-campus courses is available prior to and during each registration period in the Schedule of Classes.

Pass-Through Master’s Degree

Students who are admitted to a 90-hour doctoral degree program, after completing a bachelor’s degree, may apply to the master’s program in the same major and receive a degree after completing all requirements for the master’s degree while continuing the doctoral program.


A prerequisite is a course or other preparation that must be completed before enrollment in another course. Prerequisites are included in catalog course descriptions.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination is a test administered by the department once a doctoral student has completed all courses required for the degree and has satisfied all admission, language and other tool-subject requirements. Dissertation enrollment is not permitted until this test is passed. Students are admitted to candidacy for the doctoral degree upon successful completion of the qualifying examination.

Schedule Change (Add/Drop, Withdrawal)

Students may make adjustments to their schedule by adding and/or dropping classes or by withdrawing from the university. Specific procedures must be followed in making these changes. Dropping all courses during a term/semester constitutes withdrawing from the university for that term/semester. Students must notify the Registrar’s Office of their intent to withdraw from the university. Procedures and deadlines for dropping or withdrawing are available in the Registrar’s Office and listed in the Schedule of Classes.

Semester Hour

A semester hour is the unit of credit at UNT; the credit allows for 1 lecture hour a week for 15 weeks or the equivalent. In course listings, figures in parentheses following the course credit hours indicate the number of clock hours per week devoted to lecture and laboratory. When it appears, the third and final number in parentheses indicates the number of recitation hours per week.

Teaching Assistants or Teaching Fellows

A teaching fellow (TF) is a graduate student who assumes total responsibility for the instruction in one or more classes. The TF is the instructor of record and is responsible for the assigning of grades. A teaching assistant (TA) is a graduate student who assists a faculty member in a class or laboratory and does not have total instructional responsibility for a class.

The minimal load of academic work required for teaching fellows and teaching assistants is established by each department. The total load of course enrollment and teaching assignment may not exceed 16 semester hours in any long term/semester. Approval of the graduate dean is required for loads in excess of this amount, but approval will not be granted for a combined load in excess of 18 semester hours.


The academic year includes three terms/semesters: fall, spring and summer. During the summer term, a number of sessions are scheduled. Presently the options include 3W1 (three week one, formerly May mini-mester), 5W1 and 5W2 (five week one and two, formerly summer sessions I and II), 8W1 (eight week), 10W (ten week) and SUM (full summer).

Time Limitation

A time limitation is the length of time a student has to complete all requirements for the degree program. Master’s students have six to eight years to complete their degree requirements depending on the number of semester hours required for the degree. Doctoral students have ten years to complete their degree requirements. Students anticipating that they will exceed the time limit must apply for an extension through the academic department before the time limit has expired. Information on filing a time extension can be found at limitations also apply to transfer credit used toward a degree.


A track is a group of courses designed for students seeking specialized training toward specific career objectives or a group of courses designed to meet a specific need within a degree program.

At UNTHSC-FW only, concentrations under the major are referred to as tracks.

Degree Programs

The University of North Texas is composed of the following colleges and schools.

See “Academic Program Options” in this section of the catalog for specific degrees offered.

On March 14, 2005, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board approved the creation of the Honors College at the University of North Texas. See the “Honors College” section of this catalog for information regarding Honors programs.

Interdisciplinary Studies

Note: Consult the dean of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies for program opportunities and requirements and see the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies section of this catalog for additional information.

UNT Health Science Center at Fort Worth

For information on these programs, contact:

Dr. Thomas A. Yorio, Dean

Graduate School for Biomedical Sciences


Fernando Treviño, Dean

School of Public Health

University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth

3500 Camp Bowie Blvd.

Fort Worth, TX 76107-2690

(817) 735-2560 or (817) 735-2252

Federation of North Texas Area Universities Degree Programs

The Federation of North Texas Area Universities is a collaborative effort between the University of North Texas, Texas Woman’s University and Texas A&M University – Commerce. As noted in an earlier section, master’s and doctoral degree programs have been developed that permit students at any one of the three participating institutions to complete a portion of their graduate work at either or both of the other two.

The university’s cooperative degree programs are administered through the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies. As a member of the federation, UNT offers interinstitutional graduate programs in a number of disciplines. Each cooperative degree program is coordinated by a federation committee for that discipline.

Enrollment of UNT students at TWU and TAMU – C under the cross-registration arrangement is contingent upon their meeting any prerequisites for admission to the class or classes in which they wish to be enrolled, and upon the availability of space in the class.

UNT is approved to award the following degrees through programs offered by the federation.

Computer Science

Counseling Psychology

Early Childhood Education

Interdisciplinary Studies

Molecular Biology

Reading Education


Special Education

Universities Center at Dallas Degree Programs

The Federation of North Texas Area Universities manages the Universities Center of Dallas (UCD). Six universities cooperate in the offering of upper-division undergraduate courses and graduate courses at the UCD. These courses may be applied to programs and degrees offered by the three principal Federation universities, Texas A&M University – Commerce, Texas Woman’s University and the University of North Texas, by affiliate member Midwestern State University, and by the University of Texas at Arlington and the University of Texas at Dallas.

At the graduate level, a Master of Business Administration degree can be completed entirely at the Universities Center at Dallas. Other graduate degree offerings are under development and may be available entirely through the UCD. Contact the UCD or the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies for up-to-date information.

Enrollment of UNT students in UCD courses offered by Texas A&M University – Commerce, Texas Woman’s University, the University of Texas at Arlington and the University of Texas at Dallas is conducted under the rules applied to enrollment in Federation degree programs.

University of North Texas Dallas Campus

(UNT System Center at Dallas)

The University of North Texas Dallas Campus is an off-campus site of the University of North Texas in Denton. Located at 8915 S. Hampton Road, three blocks south of I-20 in Dallas, the UNT Dallas Campus offers junior-, senior- and graduate-level courses leading to bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Certificate programs and courses for career advancement are also provided.

Students who enroll at the UNT Dallas Campus must meet the same admissions requirements as students who apply to the UNT campus in Denton. Diplomas granted will be the same as those earned by students attending the Denton campus.

In January 2000, UNT began offering a limited number of academic programs at the UNT Dallas Campus facility. The 78,200-square-foot building features state-of-the-art classrooms, computer labs with Internet access, a counseling center and the region’s first virtual library. In addition, the facility is staffed with student service professionals to help students with admissions, advising, financial aid, registration, disability accommodation and other student services.

As enrollment increases, more academic programs will be added. In May 2001, the Texas State Legislature passed a bill providing for the growth of the UNT Dallas Campus into UNT-Dallas. When Dallas Campus enrollment reaches 1,000 full-time equivalent (FTE) students for one term/semester, UNT-Dallas will be created and may begin offering courses and granting degrees.

For current information about the University of North Texas Dallas Campus, call (972) 780-3600 or metro exchange (972) 228-8100, or visit the UNT Dallas Campus web site (

Current Programs

Undergraduate programs: applied arts and sciences (health information management, human services, legal information management or organization development), computer science, criminal justice, entrepreneurship, general business, general studies, interdisciplinary studies (elementary education, six tracks), nursing (RN to BSN)**, organizational behavior and human resources management, rehabilitation studies, social science and sociology.

Graduate programs: master’s level: administrative management, counseling, criminal justice, educational administration (principal certification), higher education (student services administration), information science, library science, public health*; doctoral level: educational administration.

Certifications, certificates and endorsements: adolescent counseling certificate, adult counseling certificate, alternative dispute resolution certificate, applied gerontology certificate, community counseling certificate, diversity certificate, educational diagnostician certification, English – technical writing certificate.

See the Academic Program Options charts in this catalog for specific degree option listings.

The Academic Common Market

Fourteen Southern states participate in the Academic Common Market, an interstate agreement for sharing uncommon programs.

Residents of these states who are accepted for admission into selected out-of-state programs may enroll on an in-state tuition basis. To qualify, an applicant must (1) be accepted into a program to which his or her state has made arrangements to send its students, and (2) submit proof to the university of legal residence in the home state. Residents of the Southern states should contact the Texas state coordinator for the Academic Common Market, in care of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, P.O. Box 12788, Capitol Station, Austin, TX 78711, or contact the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies at UNT for more information.

A list of certain graduate degree programs offered by UNT that are currently accepted by various states that are members of the Common Market may be obtained from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board or the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies at UNT.

Application for Graduation

It is the responsibility of the student to stay abreast of progress toward the degree and to file the appropriate degree application in the office of the graduate dean. Consult the Academic Calendar section in this catalog for the proper dates. The applicant’s grade point average on all graduate work attempted must be at least 3.0 for the application to be accepted.

Because of the time required for receipt of transcripts, students otherwise eligible for graduation who complete their last course or courses elsewhere will not graduate at the end of the term/semester or summer session/term in which the work is completed, but will receive their degrees at the close of a subsequent UNT term/semester or summer session/term.

Tuition and fees information is available online at Students anticipating graduation should consult the Academic Calendar in this catalog or online at for final dates for payment of fees and meeting other graduation requirements.

Classification of Graduate Faculty

Under the current system for the selection of graduate faculty (approved October 1992 by the Graduate Council), all full-time faculty members of the rank of assistant professor, associate professor, and professor are members of the graduate faculty, but individual faculty members may be classified as Category I, II or III. The qualifications for appointment to a category depend upon the faculty member’s record of scholarly, creative and research activities. Category III reflects the highest level of scholarly attainment. Faculty members in any of the three categories may serve on thesis or dissertation committees as a member. Category II faculty members may serve as directors of theses committees and co-directors of dissertation committees. Graduate faculty members in Category III are the only faculty eligible to serve as chairs of dissertation or doctoral lecture recital committees.

Each faculty member must be a member of the appropriate graduate faculty category to direct new theses or dissertations. A complete listing of graduate faculty members in Category I, II and III is available in the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies or at Students are advised to consult this list regarding the selection of faculty advisers for theses and dissertations.

Courses of Instruction

Courses normally meet one hour per week in lecture for each semester hour of credit. For the exceptions, the course descriptions in each department will show in parentheses following the semester hours of credit the number of clock hours per week devoted to lecture and laboratory. When it appears, the third and final number in these parentheses indicates the number of recitation hours per week.

Individual courses of instruction are subject to change or withdrawal at any time and may not be offered each term/semester of every year. Any course may be withdrawn from current offerings if the number of registrants is too small to justify conducting the course.

All Courses of Instruction are located in one section at the back of this catalog.

Course and Subject Guide

The “Course and Subject Guide,” found in the Courses of Instruction section of this book, serves as a table of contents and provides quick access to subject areas and prefixes.

Grading System

Courses numbered 5000 or higher ordinarily are taken by students working toward master’s and doctoral degrees; those numbered 6000 or higher are open principally to doctoral students.

UNT’s grading system uses the letters A, B, C, D, F, P, NP, I, PR, W, WF and Z. The letter Z is used to indicate a grade was not properly received and/or recorded for a course.

A – excellent work; four grade points for each semester hour.

B – good work; three grade points for each semester hour.

C – fair work; two grade points for each semester hour.

D – passing work; one grade point for each semester hour. Courses in which the grade is D may not be counted toward a graduate degree.

F – failure; given when a student (1) has failed the course while still officially enrolled at the end of the term/semester; (2) is failing in a course and misses the final examination without satisfactory explanation; or (3) stops attending class without completing an official drop or withdrawal.

P – passed; a credit grade (1) on pass/no pass option; (2) on student teaching; and (3) in selected undergraduate and graduate individual problems and research courses.

NP – not passed; a failing grade on the pass/no pass option; nonpunitive.

I – incomplete; a nonpunitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if a student is (1) passing the course; (2) has justifiable reason why the work cannot be completed on schedule; and (3) arranges with the instructor to finish the course at a later date by completing specific requirements that the instructor must list on the grade sheet. For information on removal of I, see “Removal of I” below.

PR – assigned at the close of each semester or summer term in which the graduate student is enrolled in thesis (5950) or dissertation (6950). No credit hours are shown when the grade of PR is assigned. When the thesis or dissertation has been completed and submitted to the graduate dean, appropriate grades and credit hours will be shown on the student’s record for the required number of enrollments.

W – drop or withdrawal without penalty. Given when a student drops or withdraws from the university prior to the end of the sixth week of classes (summer term/semester, eight class sessions; three week session, four class sessions). See regulations for dropping and withdrawing. After that time the student must have a passing grade for the instructor to assign a grade of W for a dropped course; otherwise, the grade of WF is recorded.

WF – drop or withdrawal with failing grade. Instructor may drop a student with a grade of WF for courses for nonattendance. May be assigned after the sixth week of classes (five week summer session eight class sessions; three week one session, four class sessions). See regulations for dropping and withdrawing.

Note: At the graduate level, no semester credit hours and no grade points are allowed for grades D, F, I, NP, P, PR, W, WF or Z. (Use of E grade was discontinued in 1966; use of X and WX grades was discontinued in 1976.)

A complete record of all previously used grades and grading systems is detailed on the official transcript.

Students Called to Active Duty

Texas Education Code 54.006(f) indicates, “Beginning with the summer semester of 1990, if a student withdraws from an institution of higher education because the student is called to active military service, the institution, at the student’s option, shall (1) refund the tuition and fees paid by the student for the semester in which the student withdraws; (2) grant a student, who is eligible under the institution’s guidelines, an incomplete grade in all courses by designating `withdrawn-military’ on the student’s transcript; or (3) as determined by the instructor, assign an appropriate final grade or credit to a student who has satisfactorily completed a substantial amount of coursework and who has demonstrated sufficient mastery of the course material.”

In order to be eligible for options under the law, a UNT student must produce a copy of his or her orders. Withdrawal may or may not require that the student talk with each instructor depending on the timing in the semester; however, the later two options do require that the student talk with his or her instructors and come to a decision as to which solution is best for each class given the timing and circumstances. A student called to active duty may consider the following options:

1. withdrawal for a full refund of appropriate tuition and fees;

2. incomplete grades with the one-year I (Incomplete) removal time limit starting with the end of duty; and/or

3. a final grade if the course is essentially over and the course material has been sufficiently mastered (determined by the instructor).

Grade Point Average

The overall grade point average is used to determine student class loads, eligibility for admission to the university and certain programs and eligibility for graduation. It is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. All GPA calculations are subject to post audit and correction by the Registrar’s Office.

The number of semester hours attempted includes all courses with grades of A, B, C, D, F and WF unless replaced by a later grade. Courses with grades of I, NP, P, PR, W or Z are not counted as courses attempted.

Graduate Credit for Work Experience

Graduate credit will not be granted for knowledge acquired through prior work or performance experience regardless of whether these experiences were of a paid or voluntary nature.

Quality of Work Required

The graduate student must maintain a B average on all courses that receive graduate credit, whether or not the courses are to be applied toward a graduate degree. Grades received in all courses numbered 5000 or higher are included in the computation of the graduate student’s grade point average.

The student whose graduate GPA earned at another institution is below B will be required to make up the deficiency either at the other institution or at UNT. This regulation applies not only to graduate work attempted elsewhere before the student was first admitted to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies at UNT, but also to graduate work attempted elsewhere after the student’s admission at UNT.

Students must make satisfactory progress toward completion of degree requirements to remain in good standing within a specific degree program. Students whose progress is unsatisfactory may be removed from the program by the dean on recommendation of the major department or division. Courses in which the grade is D cannot be used toward completion of graduate degree requirements.

A grade of C or better must be earned in each undergraduate or graduate course assigned as a deficiency by the student’s major department. Departments that wish to do so may establish more stringent requirements.

Probation and Suspension

1. College of Business Administration. Special probation and suspension rules apply for all degree-seeking students in the College of Business Administration. Consult the College of Business Administration section of the catalog for further information.

2. All Other Students. A student who fails to achieve the required cumulative average of 3.0 GPA (B average) on all courses carrying graduate credit in a term/semester will be placed on academic probation for the subsequent term/semester. If the student achieves a 3.0 semester GPA in the subsequent term/semester, but the cumulative GPA is still below 3.0, the student will remain on academic probation. The student will be removed from probation when the 3.0 cumulative GPA is achieved. A student who is on probation cannot graduate.

A student who is placed on academic probation who does not receive either a semester or a cumulative 3.0 GPA during the term/semester of probation will be subject to academic suspension for a period of up to one calendar year before becoming eligible to re-enroll for further graduate courses. Graduate work completed elsewhere during a period of graduate suspension at UNT may not be counted for graduate credit at UNT. After the one-year period of suspension, students must reapply for admission to graduate school (see “Readmission of Graduate Students” in the Admission section of this catalog); students may then enroll in graduate courses under probation with the same probation conditions as previously described. Students who are then suspended a second time without having returned to good academic standing by achieving a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better will be dismissed from the university.

The student whose UNT GPA in graduate work falls below 3.0 must make up the deficit, either by repeating courses in which the grades are low, or by completing other UNT courses with grades high enough to bring the UNT GPA up to 3.0. Low grades made in graduate courses at UNT may not be duplicated at other institutions.

Course Duplications

A student may enroll for a course a second or subsequent time and have it counted as part of the semester’s load. If a course is repeated, the last grade recorded will be considered by the dean in certifying the student’s eligibility for graduation. Departments may count the highest grade for departmental GPA requirements.

The responsibility for initiating the official recording of a grade duplication lies entirely with the student. However, the Registrar’s Office may post duplications at the request of the student’s adviser or to update academic status. In the absence of such a request, all grades received for a course will be included in the student’s cumulative hours attempted and grade points earned. Once a duplication request is submitted, only the last grade received is included in the student’s cumulative hours attempted and grade points earned.

Grade Changes

No grade except I may be removed from a student’s record once properly recorded. Changes are not permitted after grades have been filed except to correct clerical errors.

Requests for error correction must be initiated immediately after the close of the term/semester for which the grade was recorded.

A faculty member who believes an error has been made in calculating or recording a grade may submit in person a request for a grade change to the department chair and the graduate dean. The Registrar accepts requests for grade changes only from the academic deans.

Grade Reports

A grade report for each student is available online at the close of each term/semester. It includes a statement of current academic status. If the grade report of the academic status is believed to be in error, the student should contact the Registrar’s Office within 30 days following the first class day of the succeeding term/semester.

At mid-term/semester in the long sessions, instructors may provide individual written warnings to students who are doing unsatisfactory class work. These warnings are mailed from the Registrar’s Office upon request of the instructor.


Transcript request information can also be found on the Registrar web page (

Before an official transcript can be released,

all financial or administrative obligations to the university must be resolved. To check for blocks, please refer to the Registrar’s Office web site, UNT transcripts may be ordered in person at the Registrar’s Office or by written request. When sending a written request, include:

Mail your written request to:

University of North Texas
Registrar’s Office
Attn: Transcripts
P.O. Box 311400
Denton, TX, 76203-1400

Or fax the written request to:
(940) 565-3878
Attn: Transcripts

If you have any questions concerning transcripts, please contact the Registrar’s Office in person or call the Registrar’s Office at (940) 565-2111.

Grade Books

University policy requires that grade books be retained by the departmental chair for five years.


University policy requires that departments retain tests for one year after the term/semester has been completed or return test to students. If the tests are returned, students are responsible for producing the tests should a grade appeal be necessary.

Pass/No Pass Grading

Graduate students are eligible to enroll for undergraduate courses under the pass/no pass option so long as such courses are not taken to make up undergraduate deficiencies or to meet any graduate degree requirements. Completion of an undergraduate course on the pass/no pass grading system may not be made the basis of a later request to be absolved of any degree requirement.

Any department or college of the university may elect to assign pass/no pass grades in graduate-level courses in which the student is engaged in individual research and is not attending an organized class, and in thesis, dissertation and problems courses. The student should inquire at the office of the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies at the time of registration for such courses whether a letter grade or a pass/no pass grade will be granted. Pass/no pass grades are not taken into account in computing the student’s graduate grade point average.

Removal of I

A student may remove a grade of I within one year of receiving the initial grade by completing the stipulated work, obtaining signatures of the instructor and the instructor’s academic dean (on a permit form from the dean’s office), paying a $5 fee at Student Accounting and University Cashiering Services and returning the permit form to the instructor. The instructor then files the permit form in the Registrar’s Office, along with the grade, and the grade point average is adjusted accordingly. If a student does not complete the stipulated work within the time specified (not to exceed one year after taking the course), the instructor may change the grade of I to a grade of F, if appropriate. The GPA is adjusted accordingly.

A student who could not complete final examinations because of illness may remove a grade of I without payment of the fee. The academic dean is authorized to waive the fee upon certification of illness signed by the attending physician.

Texas Privacy and Public Information Policies – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

State law, with few exceptions, gives you the right to be informed about the information UNT collects about you. It also gives you the right to receive and review this information and the opportunity to have UNT change any incorrect information. UNT’s Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and privacy policies are available at policy.

Pursuant to Chapter 552, Texas Government Code, known as the Public Information Act, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 as amended, also known as the Buckley Amendment, the university has established policies relating to the accessibility of student information in the custody of the University of North Texas. The UNT FERPA policy statement appears in its entirety in the UNT Policy Manual, policy number 18.1.9. Information not covered by the FERPA will be released only in accordance with the policy on public information found in policy number 10.6 of the UNT Policy Manual. Requests for such information must be made in writing.

The FERPA affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the university receives a written request for access.

Students should submit written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department or other appropriate official. The university official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the university official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.

2. The right to request the amendment of personal education records the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.

A student may ask the university to amend a record that he or she believes is inaccurate or misleading. The student should write the Office of the Vice Chancellor and General Counsel, clearly identify the part of the record he or she wants changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. Students may request a hearing to review a denial of a request to amend educational records. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the decision.

3. Generally, the FERPA requires written consent before personally identifiable information contained in a student’s education records may be disclosed. However, the FERPA authorizes disclosure of this information without the student’s consent under certain circumstances. One such exception is directory information.

Directory information consists of a student’s full name, address, university provided e-mail address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, classification, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, degrees, awards received, the last educational agency or institution attended previous to UNT, and photograph.

Directory information regarding the student will be provided to the public upon request unless he or she files a request in the Registrar’s Office asking to be excluded from the directory or from any other requests for open directory information from outside entities. The request should be submitted prior to the 12th class day in the fall and spring terms, the 2nd class day of the 3W1 session (formerly May mini-mester), or the 4th class day in the 5W1 or 5W2 summer sessions. A request to withhold information may be submitted after the stated deadline for a term, but information may be released between the deadline and receipt of the request. The file of a student who has asked to be excluded from the directory information will remain flagged until the student requests that the flag be removed.

Individuals may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe the University of North Texas has failed to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The complaint should be sent to:

Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202-4605

The University of North Texas will disclose information from a student’s education records without the written consent of the student to the following individuals or under the following conditions:

1. School officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the records. A school official is a person employed by the university in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the university has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Regents; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.

2. Officials of another school, upon request, in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. The university will automatically forward a student’s records to these institutions of higher education upon the institution’s request.

3. Certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Attorney General, the Comptroller General, and state and local educational authorities, in connection with an audit, or certain state or federally supported education programs.

4. In connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid, as necessary to determine the eligibility, amount or conditions of the financial aid, or to enforce the terms and conditions of the aid.

5. If required by state law requiring disclosure that was adopted before November 19, 1974 or disclosure concerns the juvenile justice system’s ability to effectively serve the student.

6. Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the university.

7. Accrediting organizations to carry out their functions.

8. Parents of an eligible student who claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes.

9. Comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena.

10. Appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency.

11. Information designated as directory information by the university unless the student has requested such directory information be withheld.

12. The parent of a student who is not an eligible student or to that student.

13. An alleged victim of any crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense; the disclosure may only include the final results of any institutional disciplinary proceeding with respect to that alleged crime or offense, regardless whether the university concluded a violation was committed.

14. The general public if the institution determines as a result of a disciplinary hearing that the student committed a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense in violation of university rules or policy or state or federal law, as authorized by state law.

15. A parent of a student under the age of 21 regarding a university determination that the student violated federal, state or local law or university policy governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

For information regarding the university’s policy on access to records and to request accessibility to university records, contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor and General Counsel.