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2000-01 UNT Catalogs

2000-01 Undergraduate Catalog School of Community Service

Photo of professor with smiling students in classroom School of Community Service Introduction | Notes for Four-year Plans | Center for Public Service | Institute of Anthropology | Institute of Applied Economics | Department of Applied Gerontology | Department of Behavior Analysis | Department of Criminal Justice | Department of Public Administration | Department of Rehabilitation, Social Work and Addictions | Department of Sociology | Courses of Instruction | Undergraduate Catalog Shortcuts | Additional Undergraduate Literature | Catalogs home | Graduate Catalogs Shortcuts | Graduate Catalog School of Community Service | Undergraduate Catalog Shortcuts
UNT's student-faculty ratio is 16:1, with friendly, personable professors and staff who enjoy helping students.

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This page was last updated April 9, 2001.

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UNT catalogs on the web are maintained by Academic Publications. Send technical comments or inquiries, other than catalog order requests, to: catalog@unt.edu

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