University of North Texas at Dallas

Library services

Contact UNTD

The University of North Texas at Dallas

7300 Houston School Rd.
Dallas, Texas 75241

(972) 780-3600
(888) 937-9291 (TTY)
(972) 780-3636 (Fax)
(877) UNT-DALS (Toll Free)

Business Hours:
9 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

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  • UNT Dallas Library services include (but are not limited to):
    • A quiet area for study
    • Individual and group research assistance
    • Program-specific library instruction
    • Special topics instruction (such as APA or individual journal database instruction)
    • Collaboration with faculty and other departments for special programming and events
    • Reserve items for specific classes
    • "Roaming Librarians" program to provide research assistance outside the library
    • Free TexShare Card
    • 30 laptops for in-building use
    • 1 group study room with state-of-the-art technology
    • 4 DVD/VCR players
    • print magnifier
  • Denton Campus library services  (for all UNT students)
    Overview of library services including borrowing materials, interlibrary loan, TexShare card, reference, library instruction.
  • TexShare card
    The TexShare libraries extend free reciprocal borrowing privileges to each other's faculty, students, and staff, so they may have direct, personal access to materials that are not available at the home institution. Apply in person at UNT Dallas Library or Willis Library in Denton. To apply online, send an email to

About the libraries