Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
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The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board is dedicated to meeting the goals of the state’s higher education plan, Closing the Gaps by 2015. If Texas achieves these goals, the state’s economy will experience estimated increases of $489 billion in total spending, $194 billion in gross state product, and $122 billion in personal income as well as the creation of over 1,023,000 new jobs by the year 2030. The state’s return on its investment in higher education is estimated at $8.08 for every $1 invested.* Policymakers, education leaders, the business community, students and families – in fact, all Texans - have a vested interest in meeting the goals of Closing the Gaps to help ensure a prosperous future for our great state.

*Source: The Perryman Group, “A Tale of Two States - And One Million Jobs!!”

Issues of Current Interest

Legislative Appropriations Request for 2012-2013

Formula Funding Recommendations for the 2012-2013 Biennium (pdf)

Accelerated Action Plan for Closing the Gaps by 2015 (pdf)
Proposed Budget Reduction Plan for 2010-11
Uniform Admission Policy
Voluntary Mechanical Engineering Transfer Compact
Implementation of HB 51 provisions (Texas research universities)
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Upcoming Events
12/03/2010 Undergraduate Education Advisory Committee
12/13/2010 Committee on Closing the Gaps
12/14/2010 Committee on Strategic Planning and Policy
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College for all Texans

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