About IPA

The Institute of Petroleum Accounting was created in 1980 to accomplish three principal objectives:

  1. To carry out research and encourage others to carry out research in accounting, finance, taxation and economic problems of the extractive industries.
  2. To disseminate information about research activities of the Institute and about current developments in the extractive industries through the Petroleum Accounting and Financial Management Journal
  3. To encourage universities and colleges to become actively involved in educational programs related to the extractive industries.

Through its position within the university community, the Institute has access to research that directly impinges upon the accounting, finance, tax, and economics issues facing the petroleum industry today. The Institute's ties to professional accountants, financial mangers, and executives within the extractive industries enable it to stay abreast of the concerns that industry professionals contend with on a day-to-day basis. From the beginning the Institute has enjoyed a strong relationship with the oil and gas industry to the mutual benefit of both. The Institute is the conduit through which academic research in the oil and gas industry reaches the working professional.


2010 National Oil & Gas Royalty Conference

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This conference is recognized by the oil and gas industry, the legal profession, governmental agencies and the accounting profession as the best place to obtain information about rules, regulations, court decisions, activities of various organizations and current practices and developments that assure participants an up-to-date understanding of royalty determination and payment.

The 2010 conference will be held November 1-2 in the Dallas area at the Crowne Plaza in Addison.

The 2010 conference includes sessions covering the following topics:

  • Analysis of Energy Consumption and Supply
  • Regulatory Developments at FERC and MMS
  • Legal Decisions Involving Oil and Gas Royalties
  • Legislative, Regulatory and Litigation Issues Facing the Industry
  • Current Goals and Projects of NARO and TIPRO
  • Duties of Operator to Royalty Owners