Frequent Asked Questions

Can I save files to the hard drive?

You can save to some locations (C:/temp, My Documents) on the hard drive. You cannot save to the desktop. However, once the computer reboots, everything is cleared from the hard drive! If the computer freezes while you are working, for instance, you could lose your work. We recommend using your student storage space and saving frequently on multiple storage devices to avoid losing your work.

Why can't I use Task Manager?

Task Manager has been disabled for security purposes. If you experience difficulty with a program, you may have to restart the PC, however any work saved on the hard drive will be erased.

Can I check my email from the CoB labs?

Yes! You are welcome to use the GA labs (with your student ID) or the Business Labs (with proof of business course enrollment) to check your Eaglemail or Yahoo. We do not support the use of Outlook or Outlook Express - your provider must have a web client.

When are the labs open?

Please see the Hours of Operation page.

Can I use IM to chat with my buddies in the lab?

No, you are not permitted to install any software of your own in the lab. If your IM provider has a web client, you may use that.

Can I sit next to someone I know in the lab?

You must only sit at the seat assigned to you by the lab attendant. If you would like to sit together and you are business student, you can use the team labs in Curry Hall. You may not change seats in regular labs, or you will be asked to leave.

How do I access my Student Storage space?

Access your student storage by logging into the Novell network on campus to create a mapped drive or login from the Internet. For information on logging into the Novell network, click here. To login from the Internet and for more help, go to

Can I burn CD's in the labs?

CoB's lab computers now have CD-R/W drives. Students are now able to burn CD's using Windows XP's built-in software. Writable or Rewriteable CD's can be bought at the UNT bookstore, electronic stores and online web sites.

I can't find Mainframe Express from the Start Menu. Where is it?

Shortcuts are located in the "CoB Menu". Look for the course you are enrolled.

I forgot my UNT ID. Can I still use the lab?

Yes! The University General Access Computer Labs policy allows you to use another photo ID (it must be a photo ID. ex: drivers license, credit card with photo, etc.) if you have forgotten your UNT ID, however this only a one-time exception per semester. If you forget your UNT ID more than once, you will need the lab manager's permission to access the labs.

I need to leave the lab for more than 10 minutes. Can I still stay checked in?

Please save your work and check out if you will be leaving for more than 10 minutes since there may be someone that needs to use a computer during that time. Lab attendants may check you out automatically if you are gone for more than 10 minutes.

Can a lab attendant help me with my work?

Lab attendants will be happy to assist you with general software related questions to the best of their ability. Lab attendants cannot help you with homework assignments. Students are expected to have basic knowledge of the software they are using from class instructions and are encouraged to use tutors when they are available and web help.

What time will the tutor be here?

Tutor schedules are posted near their stations or outside the check in area. Tutors are not part of the CoB Labs team, and we do not arrange for tutors - their departments do, so we may not always know what their schedule is. Your professor should also know what times the tutors will be in the labs. You can also check the current posted tutor schedule here.

I have to make a quick phone call. Can I use the phone in the lab?

The phones in the lab are for operation and emergency purposes. If you need to make a call, just use the nearest pay phone (on campus calls are free!).

If you have other questions, comments or suggestions, then kindly use the feedback page.