Alumni & Friends

Our Alumni

The College of Arts and Sciences was created in 1945 with a diverse set of 14 departments when the UNT was still technically North Texas State Teachers College. Although some of the original departments are no longer in the college, others have been added, and the current set of 18 departments remains eclectic. And so are the college’s alumni, who number in the tens of thousands and live throughout the United States and in many countries around the world.

CAS alumni have distinguished themselves in areas ranging from scientific research to politics to business and finance. Some have used their liberal arts experience as a springboard for creative activities in literature, dance, theater, and film. Others have careers as reporters and announcers for television and radio stations. Many are serving society as doctors, psychologists, and speech therapists while others have become teachers, lawyers, and technical writers. Some have become quite well known and are among the individuals mentioned on UNT’s “Famous Alums” page at

Staying Connected

The College of Arts and Sciences stays connected with its alumni through its academic departments, as well as through broader activities and communications originating in the Dean’s Office.  

The college sponsors group activities both on campus and in several cities where large numbers of alumni live. In addition to the DFW area, recent gatherings of alumni have taken place in San Antonio, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, New York City, and Washington, DC.

Prior to several home football games (including Homecoming), CAS hosts “tailgate” events in its tent on Fouts Field; occasional gatherings are also organized around other types of public events.

In fall 2009, CAS launched Synergies, its new college newsmagazine created with alumni and other affiliates and supporters in mind.  The annual print issue is mailed out to more than 50,000 alumni and friends of the college. That issue and intervening web-only issues can be accessed at the Synergies website.

Supporting the College's Mission

There are many ways to support the exciting activities of the College of Arts and Sciences, both at the college level and at the department or program level. These include participation in events, service on advisory boards, and donations to support student scholarships and program development. For many projects and initiatives to reach their full potential, investment by our alumni and friends is essential.

Advisory Board MeetingThe college has a formally constituted Development and Advisory Board comprised of CAS alumni and other supporters with a strong commitment to helping shape the college’s future. You can find out more about the members and mission of this organization at

For information on how you can participate in the life of the college, please contact:

Additional information about giving to UNT can be found on the Office of Development website at

Acknowledging our Alumni and Friends

Portraits of Leadership UnveilingThe college has various ways of honoring alumni and other supporters for their accomplishments and support. Based on recommendations from CAS departments, the Dean’s Office submits nominations annually for the UNT Alumni Awards Dinner. And special supporters of the college are recognized periodically through the Profiles of Leadership display case and a display “unveiling” event outside the CAS Dean’s Office in the main lobby of the General Academic Building.