Improvisation Continuation Exam (ICE)

All undergraduate jazz majors must pass the Improvisation Continuation Exam (ICE) before they will be admitted to MUJS 3360 (Advanced Jazz Improvisation), MUJS 4610 (Advanced Jazz Arranging), or MUJS 4120 (Vocal Jazz Styles). The exam will take place each semester during finals week and be adjudicated by no fewer than five members of the jazz faculty. Each student must demonstrate competency in the art of jazz improvisation on repertoire drawn from the UNT course of study in jazz improvisation. (MUJS 2360 and 2370).

It is recommended but not required that students take the ICE at the end of the semester in which they are enrolled in MUJS 2370. A student may attempt the ICE one time without being enrolled in MUJS 2370, after which he/she must enroll in 2370 before attempting the ICE again.