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Media Library FAQ.

  1. How do I renew media materials?
  2. Where is the Media Library located?
  3. What are the Media Library hours?
  4. How long can I keep DVDs or videos from the Media Library?
  5. How do I access media materials if I am a distance education student?
  6. What material formats are available at the Media Library?
  7. How do I access the Media Library catalog?
  8. What do the Media Libary call numbers mean?
  9. What reference services does the Media Library offer?
  10. How do I cite media for my research papers?
  11. How do Faculty use the Media Library courier service?
  12. How do instructors book or scheduled media materials for class?
  13. Can TWU Faculty checkout items from the Media Library?
  14. How do I make a purchase suggestion for media materials?
  15. Can I return Media Library materials after hours?

2. Where is the Media Library located?

The Media Library is located in Chilton Hall, Room 111. Chilton Hall is on the corner of Avenue C and Chestnut.

Detailed location and direction information.

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6. What material formats are available at the Media Library?

All formats collected by the Media Library are described on the Media Library formats page. 

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7. How do I access the Media Library catalog?

The Media Library's collection may be searched in the UNT Library Catalog. You may also book materials online.

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8. What do the Media Libary call numbers mean?

The Media Library formats page explains which materials receive which call number. 

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9. What reference services does the Media Library offer?

The Media Library provides reference services during all hours that the Media Library is open at the front desk or by phone. For more extensive research needs, schedule a reference appointment with a Media Librarian.


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11. How do Faculty use the Media Library courier service?

The Media Library's Faculty Services page provides information on booking an item for delivery and about general courier requests.

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12. How do instructors book or scheduled media materials for class?

Faculty, instructors, adjunct and teaching fellows can all scheduled Media Library materials in advance. See Booking Materials for more information.

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13. Can TWU Faculty checkout items from the Media Library?

TWU Faculty may check out most Media Library materials after setting up an account at the Willis Library Circulation Desk.  See the Checking Out Media guide for specific material types and loan periods. 

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15. Can I return Media Library materials after hours?

Yes, please refer to the Media Library Return Materials page for drop box locations and guidelines.

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This page is maintained by Site Administrator last modified Thursday, June 11, 2009. 11:38 AM


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Nov 30, 7pm @ Media Library
Dec 1, 12pm @ Media Library

Dec 2, 2pm @ Discovery Park Library
Dec 3, 2pm @ Discovery Park Library

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 National Game Day @ UNT Libraries

December 2, 6 - 10pm @ Media Library



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