About Our Labs

Business Computer Lab, BA 152-153, PH: 565-2350

The CoB Business Computer Lab is only available to students enrolled in business courses. This lab is used for several special purposes related to course assignments and is one of our busiest labs! This lab has scanners, video capture stations, and also has an offline security lab for certain courses.

General Access Lab, BA 333-335, PH: 565-3139

Our General Access Lab is part of the UNT General Access Labs and is open to all UNT students. This lab is our largest lab with over 90 computers available. It also has a special needs station for persons with disabilities.

Curry Hall Team Lab, CYH 3rd Floor, PH: 565-2081

The Curry Hall Team Lab is something CoB is proud to offer it's students and is an environment few other business schools offer. This lab is available to all students enrolled in business courses and has 20 stations (or cubicles) where you can work as a team with 2 or more people. Each station has 2 computers.

NEW! Virtual Lab

Connect to one of our virtual lab machines from any computer with an internet connection. Work on projects that require CoB applications from the comfort of your own home. Click here to find out how!

Disclaimer: These virtual machines are still being tested. Do not use them for time sensitive or last minute projects. Also, the machines are not persistant. This means anything you store on them will be gone the next time you use a machine. Please use other sources of storage for your files.