Contact Us

We welcome your questions and comments.

Contact information for faculty can be found on their individual pages.

For general inquiries, contact:
Darla Mayes, Jazz Studies Administrative Assistant
1155 Union Circle #305040
Denton TX 76203-5017
phone: (940) 565-3743
fax: (940) 369-7227

For inquiries about the Jazz Lab Bands and the scheduling and logistics of their performances, contact:
Craig Marshall, Jazz Studies Program/Project Coordinator and Lab Bands Manager
(940) 565-3742

For questions or comments about the the Jazz Studies program or the website, contact John Murphy, Jazz Studies division chair and web editor.
Phone: (940) 565-4344

About the site
It doesn't use Flash and (obviously) wasn't designed by a professional web designer (though the UNT theme installed in March 2010 was created by the skilled technicians at UNT's Central Web Services). It uses Drupal. It costs the division $0.00 per year to operate. By maintaining the website in-house, using volunteer faculty time and free software, we save money that can be used to support guest artists and other student-centered activities.