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UNT Fall 2010 Domain Harvest

From the UNT Libraries: UNT Libraries will begin the Fall 2010 UNT domain crawl November 29. Twice a year, we crawl the domain and discoverable * subdomains in order to archive UNT's Web presence and online documents. If you are aware of sites with UNT content that do not have a * address that you would like included in this harvest, please email Lauren Ko at

If you are the webmaster for a CWS-hosted website that does not have a * address, we would encourage you to contact UNT libraries and get your site included in this project.

Drupal User's Group Meeting 11/18

When: Thursday November 18; 2pm-3pm

Where: McConnell Hall Lab (Enter the front entrance of McConnell hall
and the lab is immediately to the right)


There will be no formal presentation this month. Instead, staff from Central Web Support and the Web Development Center will be available to provide in-person advice and help with any questions you may have, or problems you may be experiencing. There will be 20 computers available, so it will be possible to work completely "hands-on". We hope that this will be of service to many campus webmasters, especially as you may be preparing for the upcoming spring semester.

Here are some of the topics for which we'll be available to help:

  • General Drupal questions
  • Custom module development
  • Theming/css
  • Javascript
  • Writing for the web
  • Information Architecture

Drupal User's Group Meeting 10/21

When: Thursday October 21; 2pm-3pm
Where: Marquis Hall 118

This meeting's agenda:

  1. Marissa Alanis from the URCM Web Development Center will be presenting on "Writing for the Web", written by Stephen McGinn.
  2. CWS and WDC staff will be available after the presentation to field any site building, web content, or web strategy questions.

Demonstration Description:

Writing for the Web isn't the same as writing for print. On the Web,
people read differently as they try to find information. Therefore,
it's important that the content is readable and scannable. The
writing needs to be brief, direct and simple. This presentation will
cover how people read information on the Web, and provide tips on how
to write for the Web.

Updated Service Level Agreement

We recently updated our SLA to add guidelines on how quickly you may expect certain types of support requests to be completed. Here's an excerpt:

CWS staff will respond to support requests (submitted via the online ticketing system at within 2 hours on business days. All requests will receive a prompt response; however, certain requests will take longer than 2 hours to complete. This may be due to the existing request volume at the time of the request, or the nature of the request:

  • New site creation. CWS will set up new site installations within one business day of approval.
  • Site migrations. Migrations will be completed within one business day. If you need a migration to occur at a specific time, please schedule it at least one day in advance.
  • Advanced development questions requiring research are answered on a strictly time-available basis, and generally will take at least 1-2 business days.

If you haven't read our SLA recently, you may wish to take a look and familiarize yourself with some of the services we offer. We constantly strive to improve our technical and support offerings, and welcome any feedback from the campus community.

Drupal User's Group Meeting 8/19

When: Thursday August 19th; 2pm-3pm
Where: Marquis Hall 118

This meeting’s topics:

  • We would like to get your feedback on possible improvements that we could make to
  • Basic site building demonstration by Marcus and Adam
  • Open Issues – What is on your mind?

Demonstration Description:

Drupal's core blocks system provides a lot of possibilities for building rich, user-friendly layouts for your site. It can, however, be a bit limiting. For example, have you ever wanted to display different blocks on different pages, depending on things like…

* …the content type of the node being viewed
* …the tags assigned to the node being viewed
* …the role of the logged-in user
* …the path where the content lives

There are ways to do some of this with the core blocks system, but there's an even better solution: the Context module. In this presentation, Marcus Webb (WDC) and Adam Jensen (CWS) will demonstrate how to build a basic departmental website, showing along the way how Context can make these kinds of layout tasks a whole lot simpler.

New ticketing options

Over the past few years, we here at CWS have received a lot of support requests, and we're always trying to figure out ways we can address them more effectively. We've noticed that there are certain common issues that we can't resolve without specific details from the requesting user; e.g., if you're requesting a new site, we need to know what department owns it, what the purpose is, who should have administrative rights, and so forth.

If the user doesn't provide these details in his or her initial request, it often takes a lot of back-and-forth communication to figure things out. Rather than go through this process, we thought it would be helpful to build some specialized forms addressing these kinds of issues. As a result, the "Submit a ticket" link now points at a simple menu screen listing off a few new options.

Overall, this won't change much about how you interact with us; you'll still have access to all your support requests through the My Tickets system, and you can even still use the original entry form. However, if you do use the new forms when applicable, they'll probably save you a lot of time, and ensure that we have all the information we need to give you the support you need.

the CWS team

Announcing Drupal User's Group Kick Off Meeting!

The mission of the Drupal user's group is to provide a venue for UNT's Drupal site managers and developers to share common experiences and issues, while growing our institutional knowledge base in the process. At the same time, we will be shaping the future of Drupal adoption at UNT.

The DUG will meet once a month, starting with our kickoff meeting in mid-July:

Location: McConnell Hall Lab (Enter the front entrance of McConnell hall and the lab is immediately to the right )
Date: : Thursday July 15, 2010
Time: : 2:00PM
Agenda: :

  • Introductions
  • Profile of support offerings
  • Overview of Drupal project
  • Viewing of Drupal video
  • Questions/Answer session

Please RSVP by registering at

Central Web Support and URCM's Web Development Center

Announcing the Drupal Edu Initiative

Today, the CWS staff is pleased to announce the launch of the Drupal Edu Initiative, a centralized access point for resources about using Drupal in an educational context. Universities face a unique set of challenges when it comes to web publishing, and we here at CWS believe Drupal can be a key component in addressing those problems effectively. However, specifics about this aren't always easy to find; that's where Drupal Edu comes in.

At the moment, the site is very simple—authenticated users can post links to relevant outside sites, participate in forums, and vote on the usefulness of other user-contributed content. We hope the community will really get involved in this; the more people contribute content, the more useful the initiative becomes.

If you're interested in this, please check out —and if you've got some Drupal-in-education-related content to share, please feel free to do so!

Port 8080 is closing!

If you've been a CWS web hosting customer for some time, you might still be using an older publishing URL format, including the port number "8080". At this time, we'd like to inform you that port 8080 publishing will be shut down as of April 1.

If you are still using one of these older publishing URLs, please be advised that you will need to update your publishing configurations to use a new URL format by that time.

You can find your new publishing URL by logging in here and accessing the My Sites tool. To make this even easier, we've also provided standard, downloadable configuration files for several popular publishing applications (again, through the My Sites tool).

If you're already using the new publishing URL format (or if your site is new within the last couple of years), you do not need to do anything. However, if you're still using port 8080 (or aren't sure if you are), please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have about this change; we'll be happy to help however we can.

the CWS team

Service Level Agreement

The UNT Central Web Support office (CWS) provides web hosting and support to appropriate campus entities free of charge. Appropriate entities include:

  • Colleges
  • Departments
  • Administrative units
  • Professors
  • Student organizations (see below for additional terms and conditions)
  • Professional organizations

We do not provide service for the following entities:

  • Course delivery sites should be hosted with the university's official course delivery system, Blackboard. The Center for Learning Enhancement, Assessment, and Redesign (CLEAR) can assist with creation, design, implementation, and assessment of distributed learning courses. Contact the CLEAR office for more information:
  • Document management sites should be hosted with the university's official intranet system, SharePoint. Support for SharePoint may be found at

Our hours of operation are 8-5, Monday through Friday.

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