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Texas BEST Regional Robotics Competition
Texas BEST Regional Robotics Competition
Students prepare their robot for competition.

November 17, 2010

UNT to host regional robotics competition

What: More than 1,200 middle and high school students from Texas and New Mexico will compete at the Texas BEST Regional Robotics Competition.

When and where: Registration, set up and practice is 8 a.m.–4 p.m. Nov. 19 (Friday) at the University of North Texas Discovery Park campus, located four miles north of the main Denton campus at 3940 N. Elm St.
Competition is 9 a.m.–noon and 1:15–5:15 p.m. Nov. 20 (Saturday) at the UNT Coliseum, southeast corner of North Texas Boulevard and Highland Street. For a complete schedule of events, visit Texas BEST at UNT.

Media: Reporters and photographers are invited to interview students and take photos/video of the competition. Call Buddy Price at 940-565-2943 in the UNT News Service with questions or for help contacting participants before the competition.

DENTON (UNT), Texas -- More than 1,200 middle and high school students from across Texas and New Mexico will gather at the University of North Texas this week to compete in the Texas BEST Regional Robotics Competition, hosted by the UNT College of Engineering.

The purpose of Texas BEST – which stands for Boosting Engineering, Science and Technology – is to inspire students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM-related fields, through participation in a fun, sports-like competition.

Student will set up their robots, practice and present oral presentations on Nov. 19 (Friday) at Discovery Park. The competition will take place Nov. 20 (Saturday) from 9 a.m.–noon and 1:15–5:15 p.m. at the UNT Coliseum, located at the southeast corner of North Texas Boulevard and Highland Street. For a complete schedule of events, visit Texas BEST at UNT.

Students were given six weeks to design and build robots that compete against other robots and solve a set of tasks. In building the robots, the students develop technological literacy skills that are needed in the industry workforce. Of the 302 teams that began at local competitions in October and November, 48 advanced to the regional level.

Students will remotely control the robots to perform quality control tests and pick up golf balls and Easter eggs with marbles or magnets inside. The students will be judged on the design, appearance and ability of their robots. Four teams at a time will compete in a series of three-minute matches in which their robots work to identify and remove causes of defects.

"In addition to a better understanding of mathematical concepts and applied science, the participating students experience ‘design-to-market' product development and increase their confidence about teamwork, project management, problem-solving, and leadership," said Dr. Miguel Garcia-Rubio, associate dean for outreach and public relations for the UNT College of Engineering. "These are all aspects of their experience that are transferable to all career pursuits."

The winning team will earn the overall Texas BEST Award and advance to the National BEST Robotics Championship in April 2011. Trophies will be awarded for best project engineering notebook, oral presentation, exhibit and interview, and spirit and sportsmanship. Teams will also compete for the Game Division Award, Founders Award for Creative Design and Most Robust Award, among others.

Sponsors for 2010 fall competition include UNT, Texas Instruments, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, and the Denton Convention & Visitors Bureau. Texas BEST is one of three regional championships, including Frontier Trails BEST held at the University of Arkansas and South's BEST held at Auburn University.

BEST Robotics is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization, headquartered at Auburn University in Alabama. Started in 1993 as a competition for 14 area schools in Sherman, Texas, BEST has become the largest school-based robotics competition in the U.S. and the only one free to schools. Each year, more than 850 schools, 12,500 students and 4,000 volunteers in 15 states participate each year. More than 40 community colleges, technical schools and universities are actively involved each year.

UNT News Service Phone Number: (940) 565-2108
Contact: Elizabeth Smith (940) 369-7017
Email: elizabeth.smith@unt.edu

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