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Alan B. Albarran
Alan B. Albarran
Dr. Alan B. Albarran, professor of radio, television and film.

November 9, 2010

UNT faculty member appointed chair of research symposium by Broadcast Education Association

DENTON (UNT), Texas -- Dr. Alan B. Albarran, professor of radio, television and film at the University of North Texas, has been appointed chair of the 2012 Research Symposium by the Broadcast Education Association, the professional organization for faculty members, industry professionals and graduate students who are interested in teaching and research related to electronic media and multimedia enterprises.

Established in 1955 as the Association for Professional Broadcast Education, the BEA has more than 1,600 individual members and approximately 275 university departments and schools as institutional members. During the BEA Research Symposium, which is part of the organization's annual convention, scholars from around the world report the latest research on selected topics in media management and economics.

Albarran is a longtime member of the BEA and a former president of the organization. He was the recipient of the organization's 2009 Distinguished Scholar Award in recognition of his contributions to research and scholarship involving broadcast and electronic media.

 The director of UNT's Center for Spanish Language Media, Albarran is the author or editor of 12 books, including The Media Economy and The Transformation of the Media and Communication Markets, both published earlier this year. In 2006, he received the Robert G. Picard Book Award by the Media Management and Economics Division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communications for The Handbook of Media Management and Economics, another one of his books.

A former Fulbright senior scholar, he has given workshops and lectures in 18 different nations and served as the editor of both The International Journal on Media Management and The Journal of Media Economics

In addition to his service to BEA, Albarran was president of the Texas Association of Broadcast Educators. He received the Journal of Media Economics Award of Honor in 2008, a lifetime achievement award recognizing scholarly contributions to the field of media economics. He was also awarded the Barry Sherman Teaching Award from the Media Management and Economics Division of the Association of Education in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Albarran joined the UNT faculty in August 2000 after teaching at Southern Methodist University and Sam Houston State University. He served as chair of the UNT Department of Radio, Television and Film until August 2007.

He received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Marshall University and his doctoral degree from The Ohio State University.

UNT News Service Phone Number: (940) 565-2108
Contact: Nancy Kolsti (940) 565-3509
Email: nkolsti@unt.edu

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