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Consumers spent more than $880 million on online merchandise last year on Nov. 30 -- Cyber Monday, the second highest spending day of 2009. Kiseol Yang, assistant professor of merchandising at UNT, is available to discuss Cyber Monday, and online retailer and consumer trends.
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After unexpected losses by the Texas Rangers and Dallas Cowboys, fans might be wondering what to expect next. UNT experts Trent A. Petrie and Scott Martin are available to discuss how a team can bounce back from disappointing losses and perform better, as well as how devoted fans can cope.
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Trent A. Petrie

Title: Professor, Director, Center for Sport Psychology
Department: Psychology
College: College of Arts and Sciences
Email: petriet@unt.edu, www.sportpsych.unt.edu
Phone: 940-565-4718

Expertise: Sport Psychology and athletic performance; sports injuries; performance excellence; eating disorders; learning straegies for success

Education: PhD, counseling psychology, The Ohio State University MA, counseling psychology, The Ohio State University BS, psychology, The Ohio State University

Activities: Has received grants from National Collegiate Athletic Association and the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology for research on college athletes. Member of 2000-2004 United States Olympic committee Sport Psychology Registry. Has published papers in Addictive Behaviors, Journal of Counseling & Development, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology and Journal of Applied Sport Psychology. Co-author of Strategic Learning in College and A Student Athletic Guide to College Success (2nd edition);

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College of Arts and Sciences