University of North Texas

College of Visual Arts and Design

UNT CVAD - Images
  • CVAD Alum Carl Finch heads the two-time Grammy winning band, Brave Combo.

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  • The CVAD Art Education Doctoral Program is a nationally ranked program, #13 in North America

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  • One of every fifteen students at the University of North Texas is a CVAD major! 

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  • UNT is an institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design

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  • Three Art Education faculty members (Chris Bain, Rina Kundu, and Nadine Kalin) have served on the Editorial Review Board of the Journal of Art Education, one of the most prestigious journals in the field.

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  • UNT‘s MFA program ranks in the upper 25% nationally according to US News and World Report

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  • CVAD‘s Communication Design students won nine of fifteen Best of Show prizes in this year‘s Dallas Society of Visual Communication 4th Annual National Student Show.

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  • As of Fall 2008, all new CVAD MFA students will receive $1000 scholarships.

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  • In Spring 2008, CVAD donors sponsored over $50,000 in scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students!

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  • The CVAD NAEA student chapter won the 2008 Student Organization Distinguished Service award from the University

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  • The Department of Art Education and Art History prepares more art teachers each year than any other university in Texas.

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  • CVAD‘s Ph.D. program in Art Education is among the top-rated programs in the U.S.

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  • Recent graduates of the art history program have pursued advanced degrees at University of Texas, Tufts University, University of Rochester, City College of New York, University of Arizona, Southern Methodist University, and Texas Christian University.

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  • CVAD art historians were the first UNT faculty chosen to participate in UNT‘s Next Generation course redesign. This program is considered to be a national model.

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  • The Department of Art Education and Art History faculty includes presidents of three national and international professional societies and the 2006 Art Educator of the Year.

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  • CVAD offers regular opportunities to study and travel in countries such as China, England, Ireland, Russia, and Scotland.

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  • CVAD‘s Texas Fashion Collection includes over 15,000 fabulous dresses by designers such as Balenciaga, Dior, de la Renta, and many others.

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  • CVAD Art Education alum Susan Gabbard is the former president of the National Art Education Association.

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  • CVAD alum, sculptor, Jesús Moroles, is on the Board of the Smithsonian Institute

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  • “I learned a lot about the creative process for producing a complete original work.”

    - Jezzalie Gill (Drawing 1)

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  • CVAD‘s Texas Fashion Collection includes over 15,000 fabulous dresses by designers such as Balenciaga, Dior, de la Renta, and many others.

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  • CVAD Art Education alum Susan Gabbard is the former president of the National Art Education Association.

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  • CVAD alum, sculptor, Jesús Moroles, is on the Board of the Smithsonian Institute

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  • Interior Design MFA student Greta Buehrle was named one of two IDEC Foundation Graduate Scholars for 2009.

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UNT CVAD - Images

Frequently Asked Questions


I have been told I was admitted as a Pre-Major, what does that mean?

Entering students interested in majoring in the College of Visual Arts and Design (CVAD) will be classified as pre-majors and will be advised by Student Services in Art. Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to the major. To be admitted to the major (and be eligible to enroll in advanced art program courses), a pre-major must meet all the requirements listed for their chosen major. For details of the requirements of all the CVAD majors, please go to the Pre-Major tab under Student Services.

What art courses can I receive credit for through Advanced Placement (AP)?

CVAD gives direct equivalencies for Drawing I (ART 1500), Design II (ART 1450, which is 3-D Design), Art History Survey I (ART 2350), and Art History Survey II (ART 2360) with a score of 4 or higher. All other Art AP credit will be counted as art electives.

Since student work from Drawing I is regularly used in portfolios for admission to competitive BFA degrees, it is always better to take the course at CVAD or have your portfolio or work from Drawing I reviewed by faculty.

Are there other ART courses that may be transferred from the community college?

Any visual arts courses other than those in the "ART Core" must be approved by faculty for transfer equivalency. Students must see an advisor regarding equivalency.

What other courses, besides ART, may be transferred from the community college?

For questions regarding non-CVAD academic core transfer credit, please see an advisor in the Advising Office, room 111.

Courses at the 3000 or 4000 level are considered advanced and are not available at the community college.

How many hours of transfer credit will UNT accept?

There is no limit to how many overall credit hours a student can transfer in; however, for art degrees, a student must complete 12 art classes (36 hours) at UNT to get a UNT degree. As the BFA degree require portfolio reviews for entry, not all courses may be accepted for credit toward the major or degree requirements.

What does "advising required" or "transfer without match" mean on my transcript?

This indicates that the course did not come in as a direct equivalent; however, it can still be used for degree credit in many cases and students will need to see an academic advisor to see how those classes may count.

Do I need to bring my portfolio when I see an academic advisor?

No. Information regarding the portfolio process for each program can be found on the back of the curriculum sheets and on the CVAD website,

Does CVAD accept Advanced Placement credit for Design I?

No, CVAD will not accept AP credit for Design I. The student will receive elective credit and will be required to take the class (ART 1440).

What academic core requirements can be met through Advanced Placement credit?

UNT accepts most academic core classes with appropriate AP scores. Contact the Registrar's Office at (940) 565-2111 for information regarding minimum scores needed for AP credit for the UNT Academic Core.

What grade is considered passing?

A grade of "C" or better is required for the two English composition courses. If a student makes a "D" the course must be repeated.

A grade of "C" or better is required for SoVA classes that will apply to the major for graduation or Portfolio Review credit.

A grade of "C" or better is required if a student minors in a Foreign Language; otherwise, a "D" is passing.

A "D" is considered passing in everything for the UNT academic core (BIOL, HIST, MATH, etc) except the two English composition courses where a "C" or better is required.

What do I have to do if I am going to graduate?

Students applying for graduation must go to the Registrar's Office at the beginning of the semester in which they want to graduate and obtain their graduation packet, order transcripts (the Registrar has them), fill out their cards and return the packet to the Advising Office in ART 111.

What do I need to do if I want to study abroad?

Students interested in Study Abroad should check with the Study Abroad Office in Kendall Hall, room 115. Phone number: (940) 565-2207.

Which UNT academic core requirements can be taken at a community college?

All academic core requirements may be taken at a community college. The Understanding the Human Community requirement may be satisfied by taking a 3-credit hour Nutrition class. Any 2000-level literature class will satisfy the Humanities requirement. For more information regarding transfer of academic core from a community college, please see an advisor in ART 111.

Will Art Appreciation transfer from the community college?

Yes, UNT accepts Art Appreciation (ARTS 1301) from the community college as equivalent to UNT's Art Appreciation. If a student takes this course at UNT, he or she must take ART 1200 (the section for art majors). However, ARTS 1301 from the community college transfers in as well.

Can I take the ART core at a community college?

Students may take Art Appreciation, Design I, Design II, Drawing I, Drawing II, Art History Survey I, and Art History Survey II at the community college.

However, coursework from Design and Drawing courses are reviewed in the competitive BFA portfolio reviews for admission to Studio Art and Design programs and may not be sufficient by themselves. It would be wise to review the portfolio requirements and speak with faculty in the appropriate program regarding equivalency. 

Students majoring in Art History, Visual Arts Studies and Interdisciplinary Art and Design Studies are strongly advised to take Art History Survey I and II at UNT to ensure adequate preparation for advanced courses in their majors.

If I am having trouble in a class who should I talk to?

It is always best to talk to the instructor during office hours or after class and try to work though class related issues. However, if this is inappropriate or not possible in your situation, you should talk to the Department Chair. Each of the three departments have a chair contact link on the website so you can email for an appointment. If the chair feels it is warranted you can file a formal complaint through that office, if the chair feels that other resources would be better for your situation he/she will advise you of the next steps to take.  You always have the option of making an appointment with the advising office 565-2216 to talk with an advisor about the situation and they will assist you in getting in touch with the campus resources or advise you on the process you should follow to resolve the situation.

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