Department of Materials Science and Engineering
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Important Links for Current Students

PhD Qualifying Exams
Safety Guidelines
Spring 2007 Advising Report
REU - Research Experience for Undergraduates
Department Order Forms
Library Resources

Computing Information:

Always keep your contact information current on Using the computers in college of engineering and changing your password: Powerpoint by Uwe Rossbach

Note: you need...
  1. novell id (main campus computing services)
  2. Windows access to college of engineering (form)  - sent by your advisor to Uwe Rossbach, CENG
  3. If you are doing research it is advisable to ask your advisor to add access to R:/ drive in the request for windows access. The R/: drive is the safest place to store your files as it is backed up on a routine basis
This page was last updated on October 21, 2009
University of North Texas | College of Engineering | Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Site Designed by Amanda Burgess