What is Community Engagement?

What is Community Engagement?

PACS has established many partnerships throughout the local and global community which allow students to engage in hands-on service while getting their degree. Students not only make lasting connections helping to advance their career, but also make a difference outside the classroom.

How can YOU get involved?

Visit any of the sites below for more information or contact our Communication Coordinator, Jamie Settemeyer, for more information today! We look forward to helping you make a difference in whatever may interest you.

What opportunities are there?

America Reads : Dedicated to educating at-risk youth, America Reads after-school program utilizes UNT student volunteers and those qualified for federal work-study to serve as tutors in local elementary schools. Contact Sydney Goodman for more information.

American Humanics Student Association : Consistently recognized as one of the most service-centered organization on the UNT campus, American Humanics, Inc. is a national alliance of 63 colleges and universities and 70 national nonprofit partners dedicated to preparing the next generation of nonprofit leaders. Through this unique organization, students are able to earn a certificate in Nonprofit Management & Leadership by completing competencies, internships, and leadership and service activities.

Center for Public Management : An outreach arm of the Public Administration department, the Center for Public Management provides continuing education and assistance to local governments throughout Texas and the Southwest.

Coalition for Leadership in Aging Services : The Coalition for Leadership in Aging Services (CLAS) provides continuing education for leaders in aging services. Individuals who work in retirement communities receive specialized training from industry professionals and benefit from a national network that allows them to better serve our aging populations.

Easter Seals : Traditionally underserved families receive autism intervention through a partnership between PACS departments of Behavior Analysis and Applied Anthropology, and Easter Seals North Texas.

Organization for Reinforcement Contingencies with Animals (ORCA) : ORCA is dedicated to the care, welfare, and training of captive animals. Students have the opportunity to enrich the quality of life across a range of species in settings such as zoos, animal shelters, and museums. Students participate in behavioral research projects investigating the causes of behavioral issues in animals and interventions to bring about needed change. Contact Jesus Rosales for more information.

Seniors & Volunteers for Childhood Immunizations : The Seniors & Volunteers for Childhood Immunization program encourages the timely receipt of immunizations for pre-school aged children in Texas and beyond. Trained volunteers educate new mothers and help them enroll in a community-based immunizations reminder program. Through this program, new mothers gain community support as well as awareness of a critical issue.

Service Learning : This method of teaching brings textbooks to life and deepens knowledge of course content by planning, implementing, and reflecting on a community-service experience. It is the opportunity for students to be involved in the world outside of UNT while providing a service to the community. Service Learning spans across all PACS majors, minors, and certificate programs. PACS faculty continue to seek innovative ways of impacting the community while engaging students through this teaching methodology.

Success for Life through Reading : Success for Life through Reading is a unique literacy program that benefits low income pre-schoolers in the local community. College student volunteers read stories and conduct activities with pre-school classes and leave each child with the gift of a book. The program inspires children to grow their love of reading and allows them to build their very own library.

UNT SERVES! : In the UNT SERVES! Living-Learning community at Kerr Residence Hall, students interested in community service live together. Students engage in leadership and service activities that enable them to build lasting friendships, career networks, and gain valuable experiences that empower them to become the next generation of leaders.

UNT WELL : An outreach and training component within the Department of Rehabilitation, Social Work, & Addictions, UNT WELL offers support for people with disabilities. Programs include continuing education for field professionals, supported employment, and Transitional Summer Camps that support people with disabilities in defining and nurturing career goals.