Volume 19 - 2010
UNT - University of North Texas - Discover the Power of Ideas

Science, Scholarship &
the Arts at the University of North Texas

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On the Cover

Studying Aircraft Fatigue

UNT's Institute for Science and Engineering Simulation will help the U.S. Air Force keep aging aircraft flight-worthy and may someday assist cost-strapped commercial airlines in maintaining their vast fleets.

(Pictured: The nanometer and sub-micrometer scale regions of a nickel alloy used in a jet engine turbine disk are key to maintaining the alloy’s strength at high temperatures. Image courtesy of ISES)

By James Naples


Net-Centric Computing

UNT leads NSF center creating cutting-edge software for complex networks.

By Sarah Bahari

Lenora McCroskey and Lyle Nordstrom

Handel Oratorios

Students in the early music program collaborate on musical masterpieces.

By Ellen Rossetti

Megan Trotter and Kevin Curran

Fellowship Opportunities

Undergraduates experience the work of professional scholars with fellowship initiative.

By Nancy Kolsti

Computational Epidemiology

Researchers use high-performance computers to forecast disease outbreaks.

By Sarah Bahari

Digital Depository

Librarians harvest defunct government web sites for UNT’s CyberCemetery.

By Alyssa Yancey

Microwave Spectroscopy

Instruments measure molecular fingerprints 1,000 times faster than before.

By Mellina Stucky


President's Note

"Leading the pack" for innovative changes


National research status, new senior faculty


Top engineers, chemists, Fulbright specialists

News Briefs

New clusters, plant defense, Nature research

Faculty Researchers

Experts in children’s issues, bioinformatics, interactive performing, mesoscale technology

Student Researchers

Exploring tribal archives, corporate fraud, nanoscale circuits, international politics

Faculty Books

Spanish language media, math, Arab art

End Note

Investing in research

Web page last updated or revised: January 27, 2010
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