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Diana Schulz
Diana Schulz
Diana Schulz, a University of North Texas Health Science Center student has been appointed to serve as the UNT System's second student regent.

February 7, 2007

Governor names UNT Health Science Center student Diana Schulz as the UNT System's student regent

Denton (UNTS), Texas -- Diana Schulz, a University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth student pursuing a master of science degree in biomedical science, has been appointed by Gov. Rick Perry to serve as the UNT System's second student regent.

Schulz, the daughter of Jim Schulz and Pamela Taylor of Fort Worth, said she is "honored and excited" to accept the appointment.

"My goals are to effectively represent the UNT System student bodies, to convey students' thoughts and wishes to the regents and to give students a voice in Board deliberations this year," she said.

Authorized by the Texas Legislature in 2005, the student regent holds a one-year term beginning in February and is charged with representing the interests of students as well as the interests of the State of Texas and the university system. 

Schulz replaces Brittany Adams, a UNT political science major from Mesquite, who became the UNT System's first student regent in February 2006.

According to UNT System Chancellor Lee F. Jackson, "Diana Schulz will have the opportunity to represent all UNT System students in Board of Regent discussions of key issues in higher education. "The student regent is the highest position a student in Texas public higher education can hold and is a significant responsibility," Jackson said. "Although the student regent does not vote, she will have the opportunity to provide valuable insight on decisions affecting the future of all UNT System campuses." While technically not a member of the nine-member UNT System Board of Regents, Schulz may serve on task forces, committees and special commissions, and will attend meetings of the board of regents and other activities required by the Office of the Governor and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. "She will have the same duties as a regent with the exception of voting, making or seconding motions and being counted to determine a quorum," Jackson said. Schulz will join the Board of Regents at its Feb. 8-9 quarterly meeting at the UNT Dallas Campus (7300 Houston School Road in Dallas).

The new UNT System student regent has served as a volunteer emergency medical technician and has done mission work through her church. She earned a bachelor's degree in biomedical science from Texas A&M University in 2004.

The selection of the student regent rotates among the institutions in the UNT System each year as required by state law.

UNT News Service Phone Number: (940) 565-2108
Contact: Roddy Wolper (940) 565-2943
Email: rwolper@unt.edu

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