The UNT Brand Identity

From its beginnings on the second floor of a hardware store on Denton's square in 1890, the University of North Texas story unfolded for more than a century in rich and varied ways. In 2005, the UNT family took a Texas-sized step forward in telling their story.

After thousands of hours of research and refinement, a new UNT brand was unveiled. The identity package, developed from the ground up by several teams of talented people, offers key elements that can unify us all in telling the UNT story in graphics and words.

These graphics, along with words and messaging, help tell our story professionally, clearly and consistently to others. You will find that the graphics were drawn for both academic and spirit use. In addition, UNT's traditional colors of green and white were restored and the official UNT tagline, "Discover the power of ideas." was introduced. The tagline should be used on all communications but is not required on promotional or specialty items.

Read UNT's Institutional Brand Identity Policy >>