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November 18, 2005

Education rolls out $500,000 in full ride scholarships

DENTON (UNT), Texas -- The Robert Noyce Scholarship Program at the University of North Texas is seeking talented science and mathematics majors and professionals interested in teaching at the secondary level.

Scholarships and stipends in the amount of $7,750 per academic year are available for current and potential UNT students with junior, senior or graduate standing for the spring 2006 semester. This includes professionals currently working in the math and science field who are interested in a career change to teach secondary education. The application deadline for scholarships for the spring 2006 semester is Thursday, Dec. 1.

The National Science Foundation awarded UNT a $500,000 grant to offer these scholarships, which are dedicated to the memory of the late Dr. Robert M. Noyce, the scientist credited with the invention of the integrated chip. The NSF Robert Noyce Scholarship Program's goal is to increase the quantity and quality of secondary mathematics and science teachers.

Application forms and specific information regarding eligibility requirements are available on the Robert Noyce Scholarships website at www.unt.edu/noyce.

The next application deadline for scholarships to be used for the 2006-07 academic year is Jan. 23. For additional information, send an e-mail message to noyce@unt.edu or call the UNT Noyce Office at (940) 565-3627.

UNT News Service Phone Number: (940) 565-2108
Contact: Cathy Cashio (940) 565-4644
Email: news_service@unt.edu

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