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Krista Villareal
Krista Villareal
UNT alum and meteorologist of KXAS-TV in Dallas-Fort Worth

Troy Studcky
Troy Studcky
UNT alum and an environmental scientist and regional pesticides enforcement coordinator at the Environmental Protection Agency

May 20, 2004

Waiting to Inhale

According to lyricist George Gershwin, summertime living is easy.

For some residents of Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth and Texas' other large cities, however, that is sometimes far from true.

Summer weather, with its high temperatures, light winds, low cloud cover and low rainfall totals, can become a recipe for health problems, says Dr. Troy Stuckey, an environmental scientist and regional pesticides enforcement coordinator at the Environmental Protection Agency. He points out that the combination of morning pollution emissions from commuter traffic and certain afternoon weather conditions, "can bake up an unhealthy concoction — an ozone threat."

While ozone in the stratosphere protects life from dangerous ultraviolet rays, it can be harmful at ground level. Humans, particularly those with respiratory illnesses, become more susceptible to disease after exposure to ozone. Ozone also causes difficulty in breathing by irritating the lungs' lining, resulting in contracting lung muscles and constricting breathing tubes.

In the fall of 1999, Dallas-Fort Worth took the first step to warn residents about ozone threats, which cannot be predicted by human eyes. Representatives of public health and environmental agencies gathered to discuss the issue.

Stuckey, a University of North Texas graduate who received his doctoral degree in 1999, joined in the discussion with fellow graduate Krista Villarreal, a meteorologist for KXAS-TV, the Dallas-Fort Worth NBC affiliate. They were joined by Don Wall, environmental reporter for WFAA-TV, the Dallas-Fort Worth ABC affiliate and current UNT master's student in environmental ethics.

Working with government agencies, weather experts and health organizations, the UNT-connected participants helped to create the Air Pollution Watch and Warning Program.

The program advises North Texas residents about the quality of air to expect each day. Advisories classify air quality from good to bad, using colors to represent different levels of health threats Green represents a good air quality (low ozone levels); yellow, moderate; orange, unhealthy for sensitive groups; red, unhealthy for everyone; purple, very unhealthy.

Since Stuckey, Villarreal and Wall helped to launch the program in May 2000, other Texas metropolitan areas have adopted similar programs.

The Air Pollution Watch and Warning Program helps Dallas-Fort Worth residents make informed choices about outdoor exposure to ozone levels. Residents with immune deficiencies or respiratory diseases may opt to stay inside during times of high ozone exposure, and sports enthusiasts make take their workouts inside until the ozone threat abates for the day.

The Air Pollution Watch and Warning Program is a regular part of the weather forecast on both KXAS and WFAA. It is also reported on the Spanish language station Telemundo 52 and other Dallas-Fort Worth television outlets and media. Information about the day's ozone levels is also disseminated via electronic signs along area highways and through the program's local web site, www.dfwcleanair.com.

Villarreal says that before the program started, meteorologists were using different terms to describe ozone days.

"Now concerned viewers call me and ask what color the day will be," she says.

Wall says the program may prove beneficial to the environment as well as to residents.

"When people gain greater awareness of the ecological problems affecting them, they tend to advocate for change. That's when progress can be made," he says.

Stuckey, Villarreal and Wall continue to use their expertise in educating and informing the public about environmental issues.

When Stuckey leaves his office on Tuesday afternoons, he drives to UNT, where he teaches an environmental class. He arrives at the classroom, positions himself in front of a board and teaches about ozone.

On a typical day, Wall stands outside in front of a camera, adjusting to the bright sun as he begins to report on the air quality in Dallas.

That same day might find Villarreal standing in front of a blue screen, smiling into a camera. Soon, a graph will appear and she'll tell her audience that it's a green day. This day in the city, all is well with the ozone.

UNT News Service Phone Number: (940) 565-2108
Contact: Cathy Cashio (940) 565-4644
Email: news_service@unt.edu

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