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May 23, 2007

Super Bowl XLV will bring economic revenue, prestige to Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2011, economist says

The National Football League has awarded Super Bowl XLV to the new Dallas Cowboys' stadium, which is currently under construction in Arlington. The game will be played in 2011 - two years after the new stadium opens.

Dr. Bernard Weinstein, the director of the Center for Economic Development and Research and professor of applied economics at the University of North Texas, says this announcement has three important components.

"First, there is the prestige of landing such a big event that will be seen by tens of millions of people around the world," Weinstein says. "Second, there will be a tremendous economic impact from the estimated 100,000 people who will come to town for the event - it could have an economic impact of around $150-200 million. Yes, there will be local costs involved in preparing for the Super Bowl, but it's a good investment."

Weinstein adds the positive public relations for the Dallas-Fort Worth area that will be generated from the area hosting the Super Bowl

"Even though the game will be played in Arlington, the coverage will reflect the entire Dallas/Fort Worth area, and the coverage will be international in scope," he says.

Weinstein points out not a lot of new infrastructure will need to be built for the Super Bowl. He says that's different than hosting an Olympics, where various venues have to be built or remodeled. Some observers point to concerns about transporting Super Bowl attendees across the area, but Weinstein thinks it won't be a problem.

"There are already plans in the works to improve Interstate 30 through Arlington, and we have good experience dealing with crowds at Texas Motor Speedway, where we get 100,000 people in there twice a year. I don't think transportation will be a problem for the Super Bowl," he says.

UNT News Service Phone Number: (940) 565-2108
Contact: Rafael McDonnell 940-565-4835
Email: RMcDonnell@unt.edu

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