University of North Texas College of Information, Department of Library and Information Sciences at the University of North Texas

University of North Texas

College of Information


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Web Institute

The University of North Texas Department of Library and Information Sciences created the Web Institute as a foundation for distance learning students beginning their Master's degree study. Students meet at the Web Institute host site for four-day or nine-day Institutes and complete the remainder of the course online. The Institutes consist of classroom instruction, technology training, and social events. Department of Library and Information Sciences believes that these three elements provide the best opportunity for individual success in a distance education program. The Web Institute courses are open to all students pursuing the Master's degree through Department of Library and Information Sciences.

The Department of Library and Information Sciences offers its three Master's Core Courses (5000, 5200, and 5600) in a Web Institute format. These courses are required for all Master’s programs of study. All students (except those in the School Librarianship Program of Study) must begin the Master’s program with SLIS 5000.

Nine-day Web Institutes, held in Denton, Texas

Four-day Web Institutes, held in Denton and other designated locations

The Web Institute uses the cohort approach to enable the students to take the first, second, in some cases, the third semester of studies as a group. This cohort-based approach provides an opportunity for students and faculty to build a vibrant learning community.

The day portion of the web institutes involves classroom instruction that covers both course content and technology training for the Web portion of the courses. Social events are held during some of the evenings so that students can get to know each other and the faculty.

Students are expected to attend the full Web Institute unless otherwise arranged with the course instructor.  Students who realize that they cannot meet this requirement should notify the Associate Dean of the College of Information if it is before the institute or the faculty member during the institute. If they have registered for the institute, they should immediately withdraw from the course (please note deadline dates in the schedule of classes for obtaining refunds under Tuition and Fee Information/Tuition and Fee Refunds).

For More Information

If you have any questions, or would like information about upcoming Web Institutes, please contact the Web Institute Coordinator at

This page was last modified at 5:08PM on Tuesday, December 1, 2009