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Welcome to the University of North Texas Library & Information Sciences Student Association (LISSA)!!

All students enrolled at UNT in the Department of Library & Information Sciences (DLIS) are automatically members of LISSA. Our goal is to enhance the professional careers and academic experience of members while they are DLIS students.

LISSA enhances the student experience by representing the ideas and opinions of its members to faculty and administration and by planning social, professional and networking activities.

Please join us at our next meeting, online chat, or event! You can also speak with other students about LISSA through the LISSA topic in the discussion board of the LIS village or leave comments on the LISSA blog.

If you missed All School Day on Nov. 6, Click here to view Dr. Margaret Carroll's excellent presentation, "What to do when I graduate?" Slides from the Spring All School Day available here. 

Photo archives | 2009-2010 Album | 2010-2011 Album

College of Information


Upcoming Events

Join us in our two year end networking UNT CSUN LA LISSA events Nov. 28 & Dec 19. Read more.

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This is a BETA site.
If you can't find what you need, click here to visit to the old LISSA site.

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Copyright 2010, Library & Information Sciences Student Association