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American Society for Information Science & Technology
North Texas Chapter
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!!!!Friday, Jan. 30, 2004  
"Information Science and Its Role in Disaster Situations", Paul R. Blackwell - 6pm, ISB 201NT-ASIST logo

An introduction to ASIS&T and NT-ASIST

ASIS&T is the American Society for Information Science & Technology, a cross-disciplinary professional society for information scientists and professionals.  ASIS&T bridges the gap between information professionals in such diverse disciplines as computer science, linguistics, management, librarianship, and education.

NT-ASIST is the North Texas chapter of ASIS&T. We are committed to being the information leaders
at the University of North Texas.  As such, we will be the most informed and informative organization,
with the best lines of communication.

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Last Update: January 19, 2004
NT-ASIST Web Editor
