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New Journal for the English Department

The journal was founded recently by Professor (emeritus) Harbans Lal, a renowned scholar on Sikh studies and a former chair of the Department of Pharmacology and Neurosciences, Medical College of the University of North Texas Health Science Center. Dr. Masood Ashraf Raja, who is on the Editorial Board of the Journal, is also the journal’s first Managing Editor and will be assisting Dr. Lal in launching the journal. 

Published quarterly, Sikh Studies is a refereed, multidisciplinary, open access academic journal offering a forum for scholarly and creative engagement with current perspectives on Sikh Religion, history, culture, literature, and politics.  You can find the journal's website at

The journal is currently seeking volunteer copyeditors, proofreaders, and a qualified layout editor. For additional information and to join the journal staff, please contact Dr. Masood Ashraf Raja at