University of North Texas College of Information, Department of Library and Information Sciences at the University of North Texas

University of North Texas

College of Information


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SLIS 5090.701 is for the practicum requirement for students in the General POS (except those getting School Library Certification), Youth Librarianship, Public Libraries, Academic Libraries, and many Special Libraries. If you are unsure of your practical experience requirement for your POS, please contact your advisor. 

NOTE:  the following students register for a different practicum:

The student is responsible for contacting a potential practicum site and arranging an interview with the potential practicum supervisor. You may choose from, but are not limited to sites posted with the Department of Library and Information Sciences.

Prior to registering for the course, students must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours of SLIS courses, completed an advising memo with their degree advisor, and submitted an online practicum application form. Students are encouraged to register for SLIS 5090.701 in their last semester of course work.

At the beginning of the semester the student will:

At the end of the semester the student will:

All Students must complete an Advising Form prior to registering for Practicum.  Additionally, students must complete the online application to be placed in a site and it must be approved by the site supervisor, advisor, and practicum director prior to registration.  Students are advised to begin the process early in the semester prior to the semester in which you do practicum.  Waiting until the last minute may result in delaying your final placement and registration for a semester.

*Practicum Waiver

Requirements for seeking a Practicum Waiver:

All students must complete a practicum unless waived*.

Practicum DirectorPracticumSection Number
Ana ClevelandHealth Informatics, Placements in Houston702
Yvonne ChandlerLegal704
StaffSchool Libraries999
Janet HilbunPublic Libraries, Academic Libraries, Special Libraries, Information Centers701
Or any Practicum not listed above

School Library Certification requires that you complete SLIS 5090.999 regardless of prior or current work experience. 


Important Information

The degree requirement for practical experience is not the same for all Programs of Study.

SLIS 5090.701 is for the Practicum requirement for students in the General Studies, Youth Librarianship, Public Libraries, Academic Libraries, and many Special Libraries Programs of Study. If you are unsure of your practical experience requirement for your program of study, please contact your advisor.

School Library Certification requires SLIS 5090.998/9. It includes a Proficiency Checklist and Mentor as assigned in the beginning of the certification course work.

School Library Certification students should ONLY go here:


This page was last modified at 2:52PM on Tuesday, August 3, 2010