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Undergraduate ________________________________________________________________

Please contact the Admission office of UNT for information related to undergraduate admissions application:

E-mail: undergrad[at]
Phone: (940) 565-2681
Fax: (940) 565-2408
TTY: (940) 369-8652

University of North Texas
Undergraduate Admissions
1155 Union Circle #311277
Denton, Texas 76203

See Also: Undergraduate Majors and Interests

Graduate ________________________________________________________________

Our graduate program started in the Fall of 2007. We will have a few TA positions available for the Fall of 2009. We are accepting applications right now.

Admission Process and Requirements
The admission process has three parts:

1. Students must apply through the appropriate University admissions office and meet the minimum requirements for graduate admission to the University of North Texas.

U.S. students submit the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies application online and send by mail official transcripts from all Universities attended and the application fee. For details see

International students must apply through the International Admissions Office online and send by mail official academic documentation from all schools attended and the application fee. For details see

2. Students also submit the following materials directly to the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies:
A detailed resume that includes educational experience; relevant work history; and research experience

3. Students must submit the following materials directly to the Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering: Three letters of recommendation

The MEE departments accepts graduate students based on the holistic review set by the department. This review takes in consideration all aspects of the applications including but not limited to TOFEL scores, GRE scores, GPA and transcript records, the reputation of the University from where you graduated, scholar publications, letters of reference, and professional experience that are listed on the application.

TOFEL and GRE requirements can be found on the Toulouse School of Graduate Studies website

Related Forms
MS Degree Form


This page was last updated on November 8, 2010
University of North Texas | College of Engineering | Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
Site Designed by Amanda Burgess
Prospective Students University of North Texas Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering College of Engineering