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Course Descriptions

American Literature:

ENGL 2352. Representative Readings in Literature for International Students. 3 hours. Readings in the short story and novel, especially modern American literature and culture. May be substituted for ENGL 2210 by international students only. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1312 or equivalent.

ENGL 2362. Representative Readings in Literature for International Students. 3 hours.Readings in poetry and drama, especially modern American works. May be substituted for ENGL 2220 by international students only. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 1312 or equivalent.

ENGL 2327. American Literature to 1870.
3 hours. Masterpieces of American literature from the Colonial Period through the Romantic Period. Prerequisite(s): 3 semester hours of freshman-level English or equivalent credit. Satisfies the Humanities requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 2328. American Literature from 1870 to Present.
3 hours. Masterpieces of American literature from the Realistic Period through the present. Prerequisite(s): 3 semester hours of freshman-level English or equivalent. Satisfies the Humanities requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 3830. Studies in American Literature to 1870.
3 hours. In-depth study of traditional early American literature in any of the major periods, such as Colonial literature, Revolutionary and early National literature, and
Romantic literature.

ENGL 3840. Studies in American Literature 1870 to the Present.
3 hours. In-depth study of traditional later American literature in any of the major periods, such as realism, naturalism, Modern literature and Contemporary literature.

ENGL 3850. The Literature of Texas.
3 hours. Study of Texas poetry, prose and drama that reflect the cultural and social inheritance of the state.

ENGL 3910. Special Studies in Literature.
1-3 hours. Selected major authors, significant literary periods, thematically related literary works or topics of interest. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

ENGL 3912. Topics in American Literature.
3 hours. Consideration of genres, themes, movements, authors and their relationships to the cultural contexts of the age.

ENGL 3920. Survey of Ethnic Literatures.
3 hours. Study of the literatures of several ethnic communities, including, but not limited to, African-American, Chicano (Mexican American), Latino, Native American and Jewish American. Comparison of divergent worldviews and ideologies articulated in ethnic literatures. Satisfies the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 3921. African-American Literature.
3 hours. Study of the cultural and historical specificity of African-American literature. Comparison of that literature to canonical texts and trends, or examination of that literature as a counter discourse to dominative theories.

ENGL 3922. Chicano Literature.
3 hours. Study of the cultural and historical specificity of Mexican-American literature. Comparison of that literature to canonical texts and trends, or examination of that literature as a counter discourse to dominative theories.

ENGL 3923. American Jewish Writers.
3 hours. Study of the cultural and historical specificity of American Jewish literature. Comparison of that literature to canonical texts and trends, or examination of that literature as a counter discourse to dominative theories. May be used to fulfill a requirement for the Jewish studies minor.

ENGL 4400. American Fiction.
3 hours. Reading and analysis of American novels and short stories by Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, James, Faulkner, Hemingway, Welty, and others.

ENGL 4480. American Drama.
3 hours. Offered as a historical survey of American drama or as a study of major authors and schools. Authors may include O'Neill, Miller, Williams, Hansberry, Albee. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

British Literature:

ENGL 2322: British Literature to 1780
3 hours. Masterpieces of British literature from Beowulf through the Enlightenment. Prerequisite(s): 3 semester hours of freshman-level English or equivalent credit. Satisfies the Humanities requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 2323: British Literature 1780 to Present
3 hours. Masterpieces of British literature from the Romantic Period to present. Prerequisite(s): 3 semester hours of freshman-level English or equivalent credit. Satisfies the Humanities requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 3430: Studies in British Literature to 1780
3 hours. In-depth study of traditional early British literature in any of the major periods, such as Anglo-Saxon poetry, Renaissance literature, Restoration and Augustan literature.

ENGL 3440: Studies in British Literature 1780 to the Present
3 hours. In-depth study of traditional later British literature in any of the major periods, such as Romantic literature, Victorian literature, modern and contemporary literature.

ENGL 3911: Topics in British Literature
3 hours. Consideration of genres, themes, movements, authors and their relationship to the cultural contexts of the age.

ENGL 4410: Chaucer
3 hours. The Canterbury Tales and other works as a picture of medieval life and illustration of various literary types; the language of Chaucer and its development into modern English.

ENGL 4430: Shakespeare
3 hours. Representative comedies, histories and tragedies; survey of Shakespeare’s life; his relation to his predecessors and contemporaries.

ENGL 4440: Milton
3 hours. Prose and poetry of Milton; political and religious thought of his day; his relation to his predecessors and his contemporaries and his legacy to later writers.

ENGL 4470: British Drama
3 hours. May be offered as a survey from the origins into the 20th century or as a study of any of the major periods in the survey: medieval, Renaissance, Restoration and modern. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

ENGL 4500: British Fiction
3 hours. Reading and analysis of British novels and short stories by Defoe, Austen, Fielding, Dickens, Lawrence, Burgess, Hardy and others.

Creative Writing:

ENGL 3100: Introduction to Creative Writing
3 hours. Processes and techniques of imaginative writing, both poetry and prose fiction.

ENGL 3140: Intermediate Creative Writing: Fiction
3 hours. Principles and practices in the writing of fiction.

ENGL 3150: Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry
3 hours. Principles and practices in the writing of poetry.

ENGL 3160: Intermediate Creative Writing: Nonfiction
3 hours. Principles and practices in the writing of non-fiction.

ENGL 4100: Advanced Fiction Writing
3 hours. Advanced study and practice of fiction writing in a workshop setting. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 3140, or consent
of department.

ENGL 4110: Advanced Poetry Writing
3 hours. Advanced study and practice of poetry writing in a workshop setting. Prerequisite(s): ENGL 3150, or consent
of department.

Literary Criticism and Literary Topics:

ENGL 2900-2910. Special Problems.
1-3 hours each.
(Special Problems Form)

ENGL 3000. Introduction to Literary Analysis and Interpretation Skills.
3 hours. Prepares students to understand literature and to articulate their understanding in essays supported by carefully analyzed evidence from assigned works. Major genres of poetry, drama, prose fiction and nonfiction, and the literary terms and conventions associated with each genre. Students learn to evaluate multiple interpretations of a text. Prerequisite for admission to the English degree program. Prerequisite(s): 6 hours of freshman composition and 6 hours of sophomore literature. Must be taken in the first 18 hours of English
course work.

ENGL 3450. Short Story.
3 hours. Comparative survey of the short story from its inception in the 19th century to the present day, comprising representative works by African, Asian, British, Russian, North and South American, and European writers, in English or in translation. Satisfies the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 3910. Special Studies in Literature.
1-3 hours. Selected major authors, significant literary periods, thematically related literary works or topics of interest. May be repeated for credit as topics vary.

ENGL 3924. Women's Literature.
3 hours. Studies in literature written by or about women. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. (Same as WMST 3720.)

ENGL 4150. Literary Criticism.
3 hours. Principles based on representative readings from major critics; essays and class exercises in forming independent critical judgment.

ENGL 4300. Modern Drama.
3 hours. Comparative survey of drama from the late 19th century to the present, emphasizing the globalization and increasing multiculturalism of the genre. Playwrights studied may include Henrik Ibsen, Bernard Shaw, Bertolt Brecht, Jean Genet, Wole Soyinka, Amiri Baraka, Caryl Churchill, Athol Fugard, August Wilson, and David Henry Hwang. Satisfies the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University
Core Curriculum.

ENGL 4420. Poetry.
3 hours. Methods of reading and analyzing poetry; techniques of explication. Includes poetry from a variety of cultures.

ENGL 4800. Special Seminar in Literature or Language.
1-3 hours. Study of a major author, topic or genre in literature or language that extends the scope of traditional offerings. May be repeated for credit as topics vary. May be used to fulfill a requirement for the Jewish studies minor when taught as "The Bible as Literature."

ENGL 4900-4910. Special Problems.
1-3 hours each.
(Special Problems Form)

World Literature:

ENGL 2210 (2332). Masterpieces of World Literature from the Ancients Through the Early Renaissance.
3 hours. Prerequisite(s): three semester hours of freshman-level English or equivalent credit. Satisfies the Humanities requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 2220 (2333). Masterpieces of World Literature since
the Renaissance.
3 hours. Prerequisite(s): three semester hours of freshman-level English or equivalent credit. Satisfies the Humanities requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 2211. Masterpieces of World Literature from the Ancients Through the Early Renaissance.
(Honors) 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to University Honors Program. Satisfies the Humanities requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 2221. Survey of World Literature since
the Renaissance. (Honors)
3 hours. Prerequisite(s): acceptance to University Honors Program. Satisfies the Humanities requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 3360. Classical Literature.
3 hours. A survey of Greek and Roman literature with emphasis on the mythology of the Classical Age.

ENGL 3450. Short Story.
3 hours. Comparative survey of the short story from its inception in the 19th century to the present day, comprising representative works by African, Asian, British, Russian, North and South American, and European writers, in English or in translation. Satisfies the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University Core Curriculum.

ENGL 3913. Topics in World Literature.
3 hours. Study of a particular period or topic in World Literature. Consideration of major authors and their relationship to the larger aesthetic, historical and cultural contexts of the age. Topics vary, but may include Comparative Literature, Post Colonial Literatures, Magic Realism. May be repeated as
topics vary.

ENGL 4130. Great Books of the Western World.
3 hours.A series of readings selected from the classics of Western civilization before the Renaissance, from the Sumerian epics to Shakespeare. Weekly lectures by a literary scholar, a historian and a philosopher. One day each week is set aside for class discussion of the readings. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in HIST 4130 and PHIL 4130. Offered every
fall semester.

ENGL 4140. Great Books of the Western World.
A series of readings selected from the classics of Western civilization since the Renaissance, from Cervantes to the present. Weekly lectures by a literary scholar, a historian and a philosopher. One day each week is set aside for class discussion of the readings. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in HIST 4140 and PHIL 4140. Offered every
spring semester.

ENGL 4290. World Drama.
3 hours. Comparative study of Greek, Latin, Spanish, French, Russian, Japanese, Indian and English masterpieces; drama as a reflection of changing ideologies, customs, and
dramatic conventions.

ENGL 4300. Modern Drama.
3 hours. Comparative survey of drama from the late 19th century to the present, emphasizing the globalization and increasing multiculturalism of the genre. Playwrights studied may include Henrik Ibsen, Bernard Shaw, Bertolt Brecht, Jean Genet, Wole Soyinka, Amiri Baraka, Caryl Churchill, Athol Fugard, August Wilson, and David Henry Hwang. Satisfies the Cross-cultural, Diversity and Global Studies requirement of the University
Core Curriculum.

ENGL 4420. Poetry.
3 hours. Methods of reading and analyzing poetry; techniques of explication. Includes poetry from a variety of cultures.

ENGL 4600. Continental European Fiction.
3 hours. Study and analysis of continental European novels and short stories in translation. Works by Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Balzac, Flaubert, Chekhov, Zola and others.