The College of Public Affairs & Community Service is home to students who are dedicated to addressing the needs of our communities. Whether supporting research, scholarships, professorships, or internships, each person who invests in PACS is making an impact on the community. We invite you to be part of our Circle, where together, we can make a difference!

Individuals can support students and departments in the College of Public Affairs & Community Service in a variety of ways.

Create a Legacy: Major donors can create or support endowments for student scholarships, professorships or through named programs and centers. These scholarships help PACS attract highly talented and diverse students that may not have the opportunity to attend college without a scholarship.

Circle of Impact: The "Circle of Impact" is the College of Public Affairs & Community Service giving club for donors who invest $1,000 or more to PACS programs and scholarships annually. The larger the Circle, the greater the impact! Circle members are added to the dean’s mailing list and invited to special "Circle" events.

Annual Campaign: Contributions of any size go directly to support students through increases to the Student Emergency and Service-Learning fund. Additionally, you may direct your gift to one or more of the scholarships or departments listed below or provide an undesignated gift. Gifts to the Annual Fund qualify as tax-deductible contributions.

Matching Gifts: Many employers offer matching gifts for donations to institutions of higher education and allow you to leverage your gift. Check with the human resources department at your place of work to find out if such a program exists.

Planned Gifts/Bequests: More than just wills, planned gifts are gifts that give you a tax benefit now but will be paid in the future. There are many mutually beneficial and innovative options that work for individuals of any age.

If interested in making a gift of this kind or learning more, please contact Tena Burley, PACS Director of Development, at 940-369-8208 or e-mail

Become a part of the PACS solution by giving to PACS.