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Undergraduate Curriculum

View the suggested degree plan in .pdf format here.

Freshman Year
Fall Spring
MEEN1110 1 MEE Practice I MEEN1210 1 MEE Practice II
CSCE1020 4 Intro To Computer Programming MATH1720 3 Calculus II
MATH 1710 4 Calculus I PHYS1710/1730 4 Mechanics + Lab
CHEM1415/1435 4 Chemisty for Engineers + Lab ENGL 2700 3 Technical Writing
UNT Core 3 English Composition (ENGL1313 Suggested) UNT Core 3 Visual Arts (ART1300 Suggested)
UNT Core 3 History (HIST2610 or HIST2675)
Total 16 Total 17
Sophomore Year
Fall Spring
MATH2700 3 Linear Algebra MATH2730 3 Multivariable Calculus
MATH3310 3 Differential Equations for Engineers MEEN2250 3 Computer Aided Enigneering
PHYS2220/2240 4 Electricity & Magnetism + Lab ENGR2332 4 Mechanics of Materials
MEEN 2130 4 Statics and Dynamics MEEN2210 3 Thermodynamics I
ENGR 2060 3 Professional Presentations UNT Core 3 History (HIST2620 or HIST2685)
Total 17 Total 16
Junior Year
Fall Spring
MEEN3240 2 MEE Lab I MEEN3242 2 MEE Lab II
EENG2610 3 Circuits MEEN3130 3 Machines Elements
ENGR3450 3 Materials MEEN3230 3 Dynamics, Vibrations, and Control
ENGR3451 1 Materials Lab MEEN3125 2 Thermal Fluid Projects
MEEN3120 3 Fluids MEEN3210 3 Heat Transfer
MEEN3110 3 Thermodynamics II UNT Core 3 Humanities (PHIL2500 suggested)
Total 15 Total 16
Senior Year
Fall Spring
MEEN4150 3 Design I MEEN4250 3 Design II (Capstone Design Project)
MEEN4110 3 MEE Energy Technical Elective(Alternative Energy) MEEN4XXX 3 Advanced Technical Elective
MEEN4XXX 3 Advanced Technical Elective MEEN411X 3 MEE Energy Technical Elective
UNT Core 3 Understanding the Human Community (SMHM4750 Suggested) UNT Core 3 Social Science (GEOG 1170 suggested)
UNT Core 3 Political Science
(PSCI1040 or PSCI1041)
UNT Core 3 Political Science
(PSCI1050 or PSCI1051)
Total 15 Total 15
Total Credit Hours: 127

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Advanced Energy Technical Electives _______________________________________________

The following courses are currently approved by the MEE faculty as energy technical electives. 

Course Name   Credit Hours
Alternative Energy (MEEN 4110)   3
Nuclear Energy (MEEN 4112)   3
Advanced Energy Conversion(MEEN 48xx)   3
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (MEEN 48xx)   3
Air Pollution and the Environment (MEEN48XX)   3
Combustion (MEEN48 xx)   3
Upper Division UG Research(MEEN4900)
(When topic is germane to Energy)

These courses may also be used as general technical electives, but they should not be double-counted to satisfy both the energy and general technical elective requirements.

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General Technical Electives _______________________________________________________

A student may satisfy the MEE technical elective course requirements with any 3000-, 4000-, or graduate-level course that is not already part of the MEE curriculum from any of the following UNT departments: Mechanical and Energy Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, and Environmental Studies.

Beyond advanced courses in the programs listed above, the MEE faculty has approved the following classes as general technical electives.

Course Name   Credit Hours
Interior Design: Building Systems (ART 3560)   3
Operations Research (DSCI2870)   3
Operations Management (MGMT 3830)   3
Hotel Operations (SMHM 3700)   3
Undergraduate Research (MEEN 4900 & 4910)
(only a maximum of 3 credit hours of undergraduate research can be applied for general technical elective credit)
Cooperative Education in MEE (MEEN 4920)
(Only a maximum of 3 credit hours of undergraduate Coop can be applied for general technical elective credit)
Managing a Diverse Workforce (SMHM 4750)
( SMHM 4750 will only be counted as an MEE General Technical Elective for students who complete a minor in Hospitality Management concurrently with a B.S. in Mechanical and Energy Engineering.

Students may also petition the MEE faculty to consider additional advanced UNT courses for inclusion on the list of accepted general technical electives. The petition form can be downloaded from our Forms page.

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This page was last updated on November 17, 2010
University of North Texas | College of Engineering | Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering
Site Designed by Amanda Burgess
Prospective Students University of North Texas Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering College of Engineering