Workshop: Shots Fired on Campus

Dec 8, 2010 7:00 PM

How would you react?

@ Golden Eagle Suite

The Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities, Department of Criminal Justice, Office of Emergency Management and the UNT Police Department are sponsoring "Shots Fired on Campus" program on December 8, 2010 at 7pm in the Golden Eagle Suite.

Program Overview
The information presented involves expectations of student, faculty, and staff responses and responsibilities during an active shooter incident. In addition, it explains the response of law enforcement to an active shooter incident in terms of what students, faculty, and staff can expect from law enforcement as it applies to priorities, expectations, and safety. The presentation also includes information regarding situational awareness and personal safety.

Attendance Benefits

  • Understanding of citizen response and responsibilities during an active shooter incident

  • Awareness of the law enforcement response to an active shooter incident

  • Appreciation of lessons learned from past active shooter incidents

  • Knowledge of your own situational awareness and personal safety


telephone: 940-369-7349


Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities, Department of Criminal Justice, Office of Emergency Management, UNT Police Department
Open to the Public
Expected Attendance: between 100 and 500

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